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Sec. 04.06.010. Establishment of board. - There is established in the Department of Commerce, Community, and...
Sec. 04.06.020. Appointment and qualifications. - (a) The board consists of five members appointed by the...
Sec. 04.06.030. Terms of office; chair. - (a) Members of the board shall be appointed for overlapping...
Sec. 04.06.040. Per diem and expenses. - Members of the board do not receive a salary, but...
Sec. 04.06.050. Meetings. - The board shall meet at the call of the chair....
Sec. 04.06.060. Quorum and majority. - Three members of the board constitute a quorum for the...
Sec. 04.06.070. Appointment and removal of director. - The governor shall appoint a director to serve as the...
Sec. 04.06.075. Authority of director; annual budget. - (a) The director shall enforce this title and regulations adopted...
Sec. 04.06.080. Delegation of authority. [See delayed amendment note] - The director shall issue, renew, transfer, suspend, or revoke all...
Sec. 04.06.090. Powers and duties. - (a) The board shall control the manufacture, barter, possession, and...
Sec. 04.06.095. Statewide database. [See delayed amendment note] - The board, after consulting with package store licensees, shall create...
Sec. 04.06.100. Regulations. - (a) The board shall adopt regulations governing the manufacture, barter,...
Sec. 04.06.110. Peace officer powers. - The director and the persons employed for the administration and...