Alaska Statutes
Chapter 06. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board
Sec. 04.06.100. Regulations.

(a) The board shall adopt regulations governing the manufacture, barter, sale, consumption, and possession of alcoholic beverages in the state that are consistent with this title and necessary to carry out the purpose of this title in a manner that will protect the public health, safety, and welfare. The regulations shall be adopted in accordance with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act).
(b) [See delayed amendment note] The subjects covered by regulations adopted under (a) of this section may include the following matters:
(1) employment, conduct, and duties of the director and of regular and contractual employees of the board;
(2) procedures for the issuance, denial, renewal, transfer, revocation, and suspension of licenses and permits;
(3) terms and conditions of licenses and permits issued;
(4) fees for licenses and permits issued for which fees are not prescribed by statute;
(5) conduct of regular and special meetings of the board;
(6) delegation to the director of routine administrative functions and powers;
(7) the temporary granting or denial of issuance, transfer, and renewal of licenses;
(8) manner of giving any notice required by law or regulation when not provided for by statute;
(9) requirements relating to the qualifications of licensees, the conditions upon which a license may be issued, the accommodations of licensed premises, and board inspection of those premises;
(10) making of reports by wholesalers;
(11) purchase of fidelity bonds by the state for the director and the employees of the board;
(12) prohibition of possession of alcoholic beverages by drunken persons and by minors;
(13) required reports from corporations licensed under this title, including reports of stock ownership and transfers and changes of officers and directors;
(14) creation of classifications of licenses or permits not provided for in this title;
(15) establishment and collection of fees to be paid on application for a license or permit;
(16) required reports from partnerships and limited partnerships licensed under this title, including reports of transferred interests of 10 percent or more;
(17) required reports from limited liability organizations licensed under this title, including reports of the transfer of a member's interest if the transfer equals 10 percent or more of the ownership of the limited liability organization and any change of managers.