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Chapter 05. Athletic Commission and Commissioner of Athletics
Sec. 05.05.010. Creation and duties of athletic commission. - (a) There is created an athletic commission within the Department...
Sec. 05.05.020. Commissioner of athletics. - (a) The governor shall appoint the commissioner of athletics to...
Sec. 05.05.030. Jurisdiction, duties, and powers. - (a) [Repealed, § 35 ch 126 SLA 1994.] (b) Nothing...
Sec. 05.05.040. Meetings and compensation of athletic commission. - The commission may meet at least once a year at...
Chapter 10. Boxing and Wrestling
Sec. 05.10.010. Licenses for boxing and wrestling matches. - The athletic commission may issue, and for cause revoke, a...
Sec. 05.10.020. Power of commission. - The commission shall direct, supervise, and control all boxing contests,...
Sec. 05.10.030. License for contest, match, or exhibition where admission fee is charged; exemption. - The commission may issue, and for cause revoke, a license...
Sec. 05.10.040. Examination of participants in unlicensed contests. - Every contestant in a boxing contest, sparring or wrestling match...
Sec. 05.10.050. Regulations applicable to educational institutions. - The scholastic organizations exempted from the provisions of this chapter...
Sec. 05.10.060. License required. - Except as provided in this chapter, a boxing contest, sparring...
Sec. 05.10.070. Application for license. - A club, corporation, organization, association, or fraternal society affected by...
Sec. 05.10.080. Duration of license. - The licenses provided for in AS 05.10.070 and 05.10.120 shall...
Sec. 05.10.090. Licensee bond. - A licensee shall file a good and sufficient bond in...
Sec. 05.10.100. Statement and report of contest. - A licensee shall, within three days before the holding of...
Sec. 05.10.110. Inspectors. - The commission may appoint official inspectors. In the absence of...
Sec. 05.10.120. Annual licenses to participants; fees; exemptions; designation of referee. - (a) The commission may grant annual licenses upon application in...
Sec. 05.10.130. Participation in purse or conducting sham contest. - A person or a member of any group of persons...
Sec. 05.10.140. Suspensions for violations. - A contestant who participates in a sham or fake boxing...
Sec. 05.10.150. Failure to make reports. - Whenever a licensee fails to make a report of a...
Sec. 05.10.160. Penalty for conducting contests or exhibitions without license. - A person, club, corporation, organization, association, or fraternal society conducting...
Sec. 05.10.170. General penalty. - A person violating a provision of this chapter for which...
Chapter 12. Arctic Winter Games
Sec. 05.12.010. Arctic Winter Games. - (a) A person may not use, display, or publish the...
Chapter 15. Games of Chance and Contests of Skill
Article 1. Administration.
Sec. 05.15.010. Department of Revenue to administer chapter. - The Department of Revenue shall administer this chapter.
Sec. 05.15.020. Annual permit and fees. - (a) A municipality or qualified organization may conduct an activity...
Sec. 05.15.030. Required notices by applicant, permittee, or licensee. - (a) At the time of filing an application for a...
Sec. 05.15.040. Issuance, effect, and term of permit. - After the fee is paid, a permit issued, and during...
Sec. 05.15.050. Surrender of permit upon suspension or revocation. - When a permit is suspended or revoked, the permittee shall...
Sec. 05.15.060. Regulations. - (a) The department shall adopt regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative...
Sec. 05.15.070. Examination of books and records. - The department may examine or have examined the books and...
Sec. 05.15.080. Reports and fees required of municipalities and qualified organizations. - (a) A municipality or a qualified organization issued a permit...
Sec. 05.15.083. Reports to department by operators. - (a) An operator shall file a report with the department...
Sec. 05.15.087. Operator's reports to permittee and payment of net proceeds. - (a) An operator shall file a monthly report with each...
Sec. 05.15.090. Agency reports. - Before April 15 of each year, the department shall prepare...
Sec. 05.15.095. General provisions relating to the filing of applications and reports and payment of fees. - (a) The applications and reports to the department required by...
Sec. 05.15.097. Notice to the alcoholic beverage control board. - If, after notice and hearing, the department determines that a...
Article 2. Licenses, Permits, and Registrations.
Sec. 05.15.100. Issuance of permits and licenses. - (a) The department may issue a permit to a municipality...
Sec. 05.15.105. Persons prohibited from involvement. - (a) If a person has been convicted of a violation...
Sec. 05.15.110. Authorized activities a privilege. - The activities specified in AS 05.15.100 may be permitted as...
Sec. 05.15.112. Member in charge. - (a) Each municipality or qualified organization that applies for a...
Sec. 05.15.115. Contracts between permittees and operators. - (a) A municipality or qualified organization holding a permit to...
Sec. 05.15.120. Eligibility for permit. - An applicant shall be a municipality or qualified organization to...
Sec. 05.15.122. Operator's license. - (a) A person, municipality, or qualified organization may not conduct...
Sec. 05.15.124. Municipal regulation of operators or vendors. - A municipality may by ordinance prohibit an operator or a...
Sec. 05.15.128. Revocation of operator's license. - (a) The department shall revoke the license of an operator...
Sec. 05.15.130. Department may impose additional requirements. - The department may supplement the definitions of qualified organizations and...
Sec. 05.15.140. Proof necessary to qualify for permit. - (a) The department may not issue or renew a permit...
Sec. 05.15.145. Multiple-beneficiary permits. - (a) Two to six municipalities or qualified organizations, or a...
Sec. 05.15.150. Limitation on use of proceeds. - (a) Except as provided in (c) of this section, the...
Sec. 05.15.160. Authorized expenses. - (a) The only expenses that may be incurred or paid...
Sec. 05.15.165. Operators. - (a) An operator shall pay net proceeds to the authorizing...
Sec. 05.15.167. Operator's bond. - (a) The bond or security filed under AS 05.15.122(b) must...
Sec. 05.15.170. Suspension or revocation of permit, license, or vendor registration. - (a) The department may suspend, for a period of up...
Sec. 05.15.180. Limitations on authorized activity. - (a) This chapter does not authorize the use of playing...
Sec. 05.15.181. Pull-tab manufacturers. - (a) A person may not manufacture pull-tabs in the state,...
Sec. 05.15.183. Pull-tab distributors. - (a) A person may not distribute pull-tab games unless the...
Sec. 05.15.184. Pull-tab tax. - A pull-tab distributor shall collect a tax of three percent...
Sec. 05.15.185. Distribution of pull-tab games. - Each series of pull-tabs distributed in the state must be...
Sec. 05.15.187. Operation of pull-tab games. - (a) A municipality or qualified organization may operate pull-tab games....
Sec. 05.15.188. Pull-tab sales by vendors on behalf of permittees; vendor registration. - (a) A permittee may contract with a vendor to sell...
Article 3. Miscellaneous Provisions.
Sec. 05.15.600. Cancellation of permits based on unlawful provision. - If any provision of this chapter, or regulation adopted under...
Sec. 05.15.610. Order prohibiting action in violation of chapter. - (a) If the commissioner determines that a person has engaged...
Sec. 05.15.620. Local prohibition of charitable gaming. - (a) The following question, appearing alone, may be placed before...
Sec. 05.15.625. Procedure for local option elections. - (a) The local governing body of a municipality, whenever a...
Sec. 05.15.640. Restrictions on use of broadcasting; online gaming. - (a) A person may not use broadcasting to promote or...
Article 4. General Provisions.
Sec. 05.15.680. Penalties. - (a) A person who knowingly violates or aids or solicits...
Sec. 05.15.690. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “adjusted gross income” means gross income...
Sec. 05.15.695. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as the Alaska Gaming Reform...
Chapter 20. Recreational Devices
Sec. 05.20.010. Owners or operators to provide safe equipment. - An owner or operator of a device as defined in...
Sec. 05.20.020. Department of Labor and Workforce Development to inspect devices. - The Department of Labor and Workforce Development is responsible for...
Sec. 05.20.030. Powers and duties of department. - The department has the following powers and duties: (1) whenever...
Sec. 05.20.040. Personnel to inspect devices. - The department shall designate a person qualified in experience and...
Sec. 05.20.050. Duties of inspector; condemnation. - The inspector of devices and the inspector's assistants shall inspect...
Sec. 05.20.060. Annual inspections; fees. - (a) The inspector of devices and the inspector's assistants shall...
Sec. 05.20.070. Regulations. - The department may adopt reasonable regulations and codes relating to...
Sec. 05.20.080. Application of Administrative Procedure Act. - The procedure for review of the orders or actions of...
Sec. 05.20.090. State not liable for injury or damage. - Inspections, regulations, and orders of the department do not impose...
Sec. 05.20.100. Authority of political subdivisions to regulate devices. - This chapter does not impair the authority or responsibility of...
Sec. 05.20.110. Exclusion of transportation devices under jurisdiction of other agencies from chapter. - This chapter does not extend to the department or to...
Sec. 05.20.120. Definitions. - In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, (1) “department”...
Chapter 25. Watercraft
Article 1. Safety Requirements.
Sec. 05.25.010. Safety requirements. - (a) Except as otherwise provided by law, a boat placed...
Sec. 05.25.012. Diver's flag. - A person who is in the water using an underwater...
Sec. 05.25.020. Use of boat with water skis and surfboards. - (a) A person may not operate a boat on water...
Article 2. Accidents and Liability.
Sec. 05.25.030. Boat collisions, accidents, and casualties. - (a) The operator of a boat involved in a collision,...
Sec. 05.25.040. Owner's civil liability. - Except as provided under AS 09.65.112 and AS 09.65.290, the...
Article 3. General Provisions.
Sec. 05.25.050. Declaration of policy. - It is the policy of the state to promote safety...
Sec. 05.25.052. Uniform state waterway marking system. - The department shall develop and adopt regulations establishing a uniform...
Sec. 05.25.053. Boating safety program. - (a) Except as provided in this section, the department shall...
Sec. 05.25.055. Registration and numbering of boats. - (a) A boat placed on water of the state must...
Sec. 05.25.056. Certificate of title; inadequate evidence of ownership. - (a) Except as provided under (f) of this section, the...
Sec. 05.25.057. Alaska Boating Safety Advisory Council established. - (a) The Alaska Boating Safety Advisory Council is established in...
Sec. 05.25.060. Prohibited operation. - A person may not operate a boat on water of...
Sec. 05.25.070. Exemptions. - Boats and persons operating boats are exempt from this chapter...
Sec. 05.25.080. Enforcement. - (a) The Department of Public Safety has authority for enforcement...
Sec. 05.25.090. Penalties. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, a...
Sec. 05.25.095. Regulations. - (a) Except as provided in (c) - (e) of this...
Sec. 05.25.096. Fees. - (a) The Department of Administration shall assess the following fees:...
Sec. 05.25.100. Definitions. - In this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise, (1) “aids...
Chapter 35. Sports Facilities Grants
Sec. 05.35.010. Grant of funds for sports facilities. - Subject to direct appropriation or through the proceeds of a...
Sec. 05.35.020. Application and disbursement. - Application for a grant under AS 05.35.010 - 05.35.070 shall...
Sec. 05.35.030. Maintenance and employment of facility. - A municipality shall maintain a facility and employ it, or...
Sec. 05.35.040. Power of municipality. - A municipality may own, maintain, and employ a facility constructed...
Sec. 05.35.050. Limitation. - No more than one grant under AS 05.35.010 - 05.35.070...
Sec. 05.35.060. Administration. - The commissioner shall administer the grant program and in so...
Sec. 05.35.070. Definitions. - In AS 05.35.010 - 05.35.070, (1) “commissioner” means the commissioner...
Chapter 45. Ski Liability, Safety, and Responsibility
Sec. 05.45.010. Limitation on actions arising from skiing. - Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person may not...
Sec. 05.45.020. Effect of violations. - (a) A ski area operator or other person who violates...
Sec. 05.45.030. Duties of passengers. - (a) A passenger may not board a tramway if the...
Sec. 05.45.040. Required plan and patrol by ski area operators. - (a) A ski area operator shall prepare a plan of...
Sec. 05.45.050. Required signs for tramways; duties of operators. - (a) A ski area operator who operates a tramway shall...
Sec. 05.45.060. Required signs for trails and slopes; duties of operators. - (a) A ski area operator shall maintain a sign and...
Sec. 05.45.070. Other duties of ski area operators. - (a) A ski area operator shall equip a motorized snow-grooming...
Sec. 05.45.080. Skiers outside marked boundaries. - A ski area operator does not have a duty arising...
Sec. 05.45.090. Reckless skiers; revocation of skiing privileges. - (a) A ski area operator shall develop and maintain a...
Sec. 05.45.100. Duties and responsibilities of skiers. - (a) A skier is responsible for knowing the range of...
Sec. 05.45.110. Competition; immunity for ski area operator. - (a) The ski area operator shall, before the beginning of...
Sec. 05.45.120. Use of liability releases. - (a) A ski area operator may not require a skier...
Sec. 05.45.200. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “base area lift” means a tramway...
Sec. 05.45.210. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as the Alaska Ski Safety...
Chapter 90. Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 05.90.001. Racing events. - (a) To the extent that it is consistent with federal...