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Article 1. Safety Requirements.
Sec. 05.25.010. Safety requirements. - (a) Except as otherwise provided by law, a boat placed...
Sec. 05.25.012. Diver's flag. - A person who is in the water using an underwater...
Sec. 05.25.020. Use of boat with water skis and surfboards. - (a) A person may not operate a boat on water...
Article 2. Accidents and Liability.
Sec. 05.25.030. Boat collisions, accidents, and casualties. - (a) The operator of a boat involved in a collision,...
Sec. 05.25.040. Owner's civil liability. - Except as provided under AS 09.65.112 and AS 09.65.290, the...
Article 3. General Provisions.
Sec. 05.25.050. Declaration of policy. - It is the policy of the state to promote safety...
Sec. 05.25.052. Uniform state waterway marking system. - The department shall develop and adopt regulations establishing a uniform...
Sec. 05.25.053. Boating safety program. - (a) Except as provided in this section, the department shall...
Sec. 05.25.055. Registration and numbering of boats. - (a) A boat placed on water of the state must...
Sec. 05.25.056. Certificate of title; inadequate evidence of ownership. - (a) Except as provided under (f) of this section, the...
Sec. 05.25.057. Alaska Boating Safety Advisory Council established. - (a) The Alaska Boating Safety Advisory Council is established in...
Sec. 05.25.060. Prohibited operation. - A person may not operate a boat on water of...
Sec. 05.25.070. Exemptions. - Boats and persons operating boats are exempt from this chapter...
Sec. 05.25.080. Enforcement. - (a) The Department of Public Safety has authority for enforcement...
Sec. 05.25.090. Penalties. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, a...
Sec. 05.25.095. Regulations. - (a) Except as provided in (c) - (e) of this...
Sec. 05.25.096. Fees. - (a) The Department of Administration shall assess the following fees:...
Sec. 05.25.100. Definitions. - In this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise, (1) “aids...