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Sec. 04.16.180. Penalties for violation. - (a) [See delayed repeal note] Except as provided in AS...
Sec. 04.16.200. Penalties for violations of AS 04.11.010 and 04.11.499. - (a) Except as provided under (b) of this section, a...
Sec. 04.16.205. Penalties for violations of AS 04.11.501 and related ordinances. - (a) A person who possesses alcoholic beverages in a municipality...
Sec. 04.16.210. Penalty for making false statement. [See delayed repeal note] - If a false statement is made in an application under...
Sec. 04.16.220. Forfeitures and seizures. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] The following are subject to...