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Sec. 04.11.560. Appeals. - (a) An action of an officer, employee, or agent of...
Sec. 04.11.570. Refund and forfeiture of fees. [See delayed amendment note] - (a) If an application for a license is denied, the...
Sec. 04.11.575. Civil fine. - (a) Except as provided in (c) of this section, the...
Sec. 04.11.580. Surrender or destruction of license. - (a) A license issued under this title shall, if the...
Sec. 04.11.590. Disposition of money. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] Money collected from licenses and...
Sec. 04.11.610. Refund to municipalities. [See delayed amendment note] - (a) Biennial license fees, excluding annual wholesale fees and biennial...
Sec. 04.11.630. Accessibility of license and licensed premises to inspection. - (a) A licensee shall, upon request, make the licensed premises...
Sec. 04.11.660. License a privilege. - (a) A license issued under this title is a personal...
Sec. 04.11.670. Foreclosure. - A license issued under this title is not subject to...
Sec. 04.11.680. Duration of licenses and permits. [See delayed amendment note] - (a) Upon application and payment of one-half of the biennial...
Sec. 04.11.690. Discouragement of monopolies. - (a) In a general sense, it is against the public...