(1)(a) The domicile of a natural person is in the state in which the person resides with the intent to make it the person’s home for an indefinite period of time.
(b) A domicile once established continues until it is superseded by the acquisition of a new domicile. If a person’s intent to change domicile is legally ineffective, the previously established domicile continues to be the person’s domicile.
(c) If a person’s intent to have a domicile in a given state would be legally effective but cannot be ascertained, the state in which the person resides is the person’s domicile, and if the person resides in more than one state, the residence state that has the most pertinent connection to the disputed issue is deemed to be the domicile with regard to that issue.
(2) The domicile of a person other than a natural person is located in the state in which the person maintains its principal place of business. If the dispute arises from activities directed from another state in which the person maintains a place of business other than the principal place of business, either state may be considered as the domicile at the choice of the other party.
(3) The domicile of a person is determined as of the date of the injury for which the noncontractual claim is made. [Formerly 31.865]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 01 - Courts, Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure
Section 15.300 - Definitions for ORS 15.300 to 15.380.
Section 15.320 - Specific types of contracts governed by Oregon law.
Section 15.330 - Capacity to contract.
Section 15.350 - Choice of law made by parties.
Section 15.355 - Limitations on choice of law by parties.
Section 15.360 - General rule.
Section 15.380 - Presumptive rules for specific types of contracts.
Section 15.400 - Definitions for ORS 15.400 to 15.460.
Section 15.410 - Characterization.
Section 15.415 - Localization and other factual determinations.
Section 15.420 - Determining domicile.
Section 15.430 - Claims governed by Oregon law.
Section 15.435 - Product liability civil actions.