(1) "Conduct" means an act or omission that has occurred or that may occur in the future.
(2) "Domicile" means the place identified under ORS 15.420.
(3) "Injury" means physical or nonphysical harm to a person or property caused by the conduct of another person.
(4) "Law," when used in reference to the law of another state, does not include that state’s choice-of-law rules.
(5) "Noncontractual claim" means a claim, other than a claim for failure to perform a contractual or other consensual obligation, that arises from a tort as defined in ORS 30.260, or any conduct that caused or may cause injury compensable by damages, without regard to whether damages are sought.
(6) "Person" means a person as defined in ORS 174.100 and a public body.
(7) "Public body" means a public body as defined in ORS 174.109, the Oregon Health and Science University, and the Oregon State Bar.
(8) "State" means, unless the context requires otherwise, the United States, any state, territory, possession or other jurisdiction of the United States, any Indian tribe or other Native American, Hawaiian or Alaskan group recognized by federal law or formally acknowledged by a state of the United States, and any foreign country or territorial subdivision of such country that has its own system of laws. [Formerly 31.850]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 01 - Courts, Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure
Section 15.300 - Definitions for ORS 15.300 to 15.380.
Section 15.320 - Specific types of contracts governed by Oregon law.
Section 15.330 - Capacity to contract.
Section 15.350 - Choice of law made by parties.
Section 15.355 - Limitations on choice of law by parties.
Section 15.360 - General rule.
Section 15.380 - Presumptive rules for specific types of contracts.
Section 15.400 - Definitions for ORS 15.400 to 15.460.
Section 15.410 - Characterization.
Section 15.415 - Localization and other factual determinations.
Section 15.420 - Determining domicile.
Section 15.430 - Claims governed by Oregon law.
Section 15.435 - Product liability civil actions.