2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 015 - Choice of Laws
Section 15.300 - Definitions for ORS 15.300 to 15.380.

(1) "Law" means any rule of general legal applicability adopted by a state, whether that rule is domestic or foreign and whether derived from international law, a constitution, statute, other publicly adopted measure or published judicial precedent. Except for references to the law of Oregon, "law" does not include rules governing choice of law.
(2) "State" means the United States, any state of the United States, any territory, possession or other jurisdiction of the United States, any Indian tribe, other Native American group or Native Hawaiian group that is recognized by federal law or formally acknowledged by a state of the United States, and any foreign country, including any territorial subdivision or other entity with its own system of laws. [Formerly 81.100]