(1) A contract for services to be rendered in Oregon, or for goods to be delivered in Oregon, if Oregon or any of its agencies or subdivisions is a party to the contract. The application of Oregon’s law pursuant to this subsection may be waived by a person authorized by Oregon’s law to make the waiver.
(2) A contract for construction work to be performed primarily in Oregon.
(3) A contract of employment for services to be rendered primarily in Oregon by a resident of Oregon.
(4)(a) A consumer contract, if:
(A) The consumer is a resident of Oregon at the time of contracting; and
(B) The consumer’s assent to the contract is obtained in Oregon, or the consumer is induced to enter into the contract in substantial measure by an invitation or advertisement in Oregon.
(b) For the purposes of this subsection, a consumer contract is a contract for the supply of goods or services that are designed primarily for personal, familial or household use. [Formerly 81.105]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 01 - Courts, Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure
Section 15.300 - Definitions for ORS 15.300 to 15.380.
Section 15.320 - Specific types of contracts governed by Oregon law.
Section 15.330 - Capacity to contract.
Section 15.350 - Choice of law made by parties.
Section 15.355 - Limitations on choice of law by parties.
Section 15.360 - General rule.
Section 15.380 - Presumptive rules for specific types of contracts.
Section 15.400 - Definitions for ORS 15.400 to 15.460.
Section 15.410 - Characterization.
Section 15.415 - Localization and other factual determinations.
Section 15.420 - Determining domicile.
Section 15.430 - Claims governed by Oregon law.
Section 15.435 - Product liability civil actions.