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Section 15.300 - Definitions for ORS 15.300 to 15.380. - (1) "Law" means any rule of general legal applicability adopted...
Section 15.320 - Specific types of contracts governed by Oregon law. - (1) A contract for services to be rendered in Oregon,...
Section 15.330 - Capacity to contract. - (2) A party that lacks capacity to enter into a...
Section 15.335 - Consent. - (2) In a consumer contract or employment contract, the consumer...
Section 15.350 - Choice of law made by parties. - (2) The choice of law must be express or clearly...
Section 15.355 - Limitations on choice of law by parties. - (a) Require a party to perform an act prohibited by...
Section 15.360 - General rule. - (1) Identifying the states that have a relevant connection with...
Section 15.380 - Presumptive rules for specific types of contracts. - (2)(a) Contracts involving the occupancy of real property, the land...
Section 15.400 - Definitions for ORS 15.400 to 15.460. - (1) "Conduct" means an act or omission that has occurred...
Section 15.410 - Characterization. - (2) The law of the state determined to be applicable...
Section 15.415 - Localization and other factual determinations. - (1) What conduct caused the injury, and where the conduct...
Section 15.420 - Determining domicile. - (1)(a) The domicile of a natural person is in the...
Section 15.430 - Claims governed by Oregon law. - (1) Actions in which, after the events giving rise to...
Section 15.435 - Product liability civil actions. - (a) The injured person was domiciled in Oregon and the...
Section 15.440 - General rules. - (2)(a) If the injured person and the person whose conduct...
Section 15.445 - General and residual approach. - (1) Identifying the states that have a relevant contact with...