Wyoming Statutes
Article 2 - Juvenile Justice Act
Section 14-6-247 - Sanctions Common to All Levels.

14-6-247. Sanctions common to all levels.
(a) For a child at any sanction level, the juvenile court may:
(i) Transfer temporary legal custody to a relative, other suitable adult, state agency or local public agency the court finds qualified to receive and care for the child, subject to terms and conditions prescribed by the court;
(ii) Commit the child to a suitable certified hospital willing to accept the child for not more than ninety (90) days for treatment for substance abuse or for specialized treatment and rehabilitation programs conducted especially for juveniles;
(iii) Commit the child to a juvenile detention facility for not more than six (6) months, if the adjudicated delinquent has attained the age of twelve (12) years;
(iv) Require the delinquent to participate in a teen court program pursuant to W.S. 7-13-1205;
(v) Require the child and his parents or guardian to make restitution for any damage or loss caused by the child's wrongful act, except that the liability of the parent or guardian shall not exceed the limit established by W.S. 14-2-203;
(vi) Impose a fine within the limits of law for an offense or misconduct by the child where a fine might be imposed by another court in this state having jurisdiction thereof. Fines shall be paid to the clerk of court for deposit to the public school fund of the county in which the fine was assessed as provided by law;
(vii) Require a child, within the limits of applicable laws and regulations governing child labor, to perform a designated number of hours of community service, to participate in a work program or to perform labor or services under the supervision of a responsible adult designated by the court. Any order shall enable the child to meet the obligations imposed pursuant to this act or for the purpose of discipline and rehabilitation when deemed necessary or desirable by the court;
(viii) Order the child to be examined or treated by a physician, surgeon, psychiatrist or psychologist or to obtain other specialized treatment, care, counseling or training, and place the child in a hospital or medical facility, youth camp, school or other suitable facility for treatment;
(ix) Restrict or restrain the child's driving privileges for a period of time the court deems appropriate. If necessary to enforce the restrictions, the court may take possession of the child's driver's license;
(x) Impose any demands, requirements, limitations, restrictions or restraints on the child, and do all things with regard to the child that his parents might reasonably and lawfully do under similar circumstances;
(xi) Order the child, his parents, or the guardian, to undergo evaluation and indicated treatment or another program designed to address problems which contributed to the adjudication. A parent or guardian who willfully violates or neglects or refuses to comply with any order of the court may be found in contempt and punished as provided by W.S. 14-6-242;
(xii) After notice to appear, order the child's custodial and noncustodial parent or guardian to participate in the child's treatment or plan of supervision or probation, or otherwise order the performance of any acts which are reasonably necessary to aid the juvenile in completion of court ordered obligations;
(xiii) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, impose any one (1) or more of the following requirements upon the child's parents or guardian if the court, after hearing, finds that the child's act was proximately caused by the failure or neglect of the parent or guardian to subject the child to reasonable parental control and authority:
(A) Order the child's parents or guardian to pay all or part of any fine imposed under paragraph (vi) of this subsection;
(B) Require the child's parents or guardian to perform community service with the child;
(C) Require the child's parents or guardian to attend parenting classes or other appropriate education or treatment program at their own expense.
(xiv) Require the child or the child's parents or guardian and the child to participate in a court supervised treatment program qualified under W.S. 7-13-1601 through 7-13-1615, provided the court supervised treatment program accepts the child's parents or guardian and the child for participation in its program.
(b) In any proceeding to impose requirements under paragraph (a)(xiii) of this section, the child's parents or guardian may raise as an affirmative defense that they have made a good faith effort to prevent the child from engaging in delinquent conduct or engaging in conduct indicating a need for supervision and that, despite their efforts, the child continues to engage in such conduct.
(c) For a child at any sanction level, the juvenile court shall inform the child of the progressive sanctions that may be imposed on the child if the child continues to engage in delinquent conduct.
(d) If the juvenile court places the child on probation at any sanction level, the juvenile court shall discharge the child from the custody of the probation department on the date the provisions of this section are met or on the child's twenty-first birthday, whichever is earlier.

Structure Wyoming Statutes

Wyoming Statutes

Title 14 - Children

Chapter 6 - Juveniles

Article 2 - Juvenile Justice Act

Section 14-6-201 - Definitions; Short Title; Statement of Purpose and Interpretation.

Section 14-6-203 - Jurisdiction; Confidentiality of Records.

Section 14-6-204 - Venue; Change of Venue or Judge.

Section 14-6-205 - Taking of Child Into Custody; When Permitted.

Section 14-6-206 - Child in Custody; No Detention Without Court Order; Exceptions; Notice to Parent or Guardian; Release.

Section 14-6-207 - Detention or Shelter Care; Delivery of Child Pending Hearing; Placing Children; Separate Detention; Notice if No Court Order.

Section 14-6-208 - Notice of Detention to Be Given District Attorney; Written Statement Required; Duty of District Attorney.

Section 14-6-209 - Taking of Child Into Custody; Informal Hearing Where No Court Order; Conditional Release; Evidence; Rehearing.

Section 14-6-210 - Hearing Conducted by Commissioner; Authority and Duty; Review by Court.

Section 14-6-211 - Complaints Alleging Delinquency; Investigation and Determination by District Attorney.

Section 14-6-212 - Commencement of Proceedings; Contents of Petition.

Section 14-6-213 - Order to Appear; Contents Thereof; When Child Taken Into Immediate Custody; Waiver of Service.

Section 14-6-214 - Service of Process; Order of Custody or Detention.

Section 14-6-215 - Presence of Parent, Custodian or Guardian at Hearing; Failure to Appear; Avoidance of Service; Issuance of Bench Warrant.

Section 14-6-216 - Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem.

Section 14-6-217 - Subpoenas for Witnesses and Evidence.

Section 14-6-218 - Search Warrant; When Authorized; Affidavit Required; Contents of Affidavit and Warrant; Service and Return.

Section 14-6-219 - Physical and Mental Examinations; Involuntary Commitment of Incompetents; Subsequent Proceedings.

Section 14-6-220 - Emergency Medical, Surgical or Dental Examination or Treatment.

Section 14-6-221 - Reports of Medical or Mental Examinations; Use of Results; Copies.

Section 14-6-222 - Advising of Right to Counsel Required; Appointment of Counsel; Verification of Financial Condition.

Section 14-6-223 - Privilege Against Self-Incrimination; Rights of Parties Generally; Demand for and Conduct of Jury Trial.

Section 14-6-224 - Conduct of Hearings Generally; Exclusion of General Public and Child; Exceptions; Consolidations Permitted.

Section 14-6-225 - Burden of Proof Required; Verdict of Jury; Effect Thereof.

Section 14-6-226 - Initial Appearance; Adjudicatory or Transfer Hearing; Entry of Decree and Disposition; Evidentiary Matters; Continuance of Disposition Hearing.

Section 14-6-227 - Predisposition Studies and Reports.

Section 14-6-228 - Abeyance of Proceedings by Consent Decree; Term of Decree; Reinstatement of Proceedings; Effect of Discharge or Completing Term.

Section 14-6-229 - Decree Where Child Adjudged Delinquent; Dispositions; Terms and Conditions; Legal Custody.

Section 14-6-230 - Orders of Protection; Requirements.

Section 14-6-231 - Release of Child From Institution; Duration of Orders of Disposition; Termination of Orders.

Section 14-6-232 - Probation Revocation Hearing; How Commenced and Conducted; Contents of Petition; Disposition.

Section 14-6-233 - Appeal; Right Generally; Transcript Provided; Cost Thereof.

Section 14-6-234 - Stay of Orders Pending Appeal; Securing of Payment; Staying Transfer of Legal Custody.

Section 14-6-235 - Fees, Costs and Expenses.

Section 14-6-236 - Ordering Payment for Support and Treatment of Child; How Paid; Enforcement.

Section 14-6-237 - Transfer Hearing; Transfer of Proceedings Commenced in District Court or in Municipal or Circuit Court.

Section 14-6-238 - Proceedings Deemed in Equity; Effect of Orders and Decrees.

Section 14-6-239 - Records and Reports Confidential; Inspection.

Section 14-6-240 - Fingerprinting or Photographing of Child; Disclosure of Child's Records.

Section 14-6-241 - Expungement of Records in Juvenile, Circuit and Municipal Courts.

Section 14-6-242 - Liability for Contempt; Penalties.

Section 14-6-243 - Separate Docket for Juvenile Cases; Availability of Records for Statistics.

Section 14-6-244 - Parental Liability for Failure to Exercise Reasonable Control and Authority.

Section 14-6-245 - Progressive Sanction Guidelines.

Section 14-6-246 - Sanction Levels.

Section 14-6-247 - Sanctions Common to All Levels.

Section 14-6-248 - Sanction Level One.

Section 14-6-249 - Sanction Level Two.

Section 14-6-250 - Sanction Level Three.

Section 14-6-251 - Sanction Level Four.

Section 14-6-252 - Sanction Level Five.