Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 54 - Guardianships and conservatorships.
54.38 - Notice.

54.38 Notice.
(1) Form and delivery of notice. A notice shall be in writing. A copy of the petition, motion, or other required document shall be attached to the notice. Unless otherwise provided, notice may be delivered in person, by certified mail with return receipt requested, or by facsimile transmission. Notice is considered to be given by proof of personal delivery or by proof that the notice was mailed to the last-known address of the recipient or was sent by facsimile transmission to the last-known facsimile transmission number of the recipient. Failure of the petitioner to provide notice to all interested persons shall deprive the court of jurisdiction unless receipt of notice is waived by the interested person or under sub. (2) (b) 4.
(2) Notice of hearing, service, and delivery. Upon the filing of a petition for guardianship of the person or of the estate, including appointment or change of a guardian, if the court is satisfied as to compliance with s. 54.34, the court shall, except as provided in sub. (3), order the petitioner to serve notice on the proposed ward and guardian, if any, and to deliver notice to interested persons of the time and place of the hearing, as follows:
(a) On the proposed ward or ward by personal service and an existing guardian, if any, by personal service or by registered or certified mail at least 10 days before the time set for hearing. If the proposed ward or ward is in custody or confinement, the petitioner shall have notice served by registered or certified mail on the proposed ward's or ward's custodian, who shall immediately serve it on the proposed ward or ward. The process server or custodian shall inform the proposed ward or ward of the complete contents of the notice and petition, motion, or other required document; certify on the notice that the process server or custodian served and informed the proposed ward or ward; and return the certificate and notice to the court.
(b) Personally or by mail at least 10 days before the time set for hearing, to all of the following:
1. The proposed ward's counsel, if any.
2. The proposed ward's guardian ad litem.
3. Any presumptive adult heirs, as specified in s. 851.09, of the proposed ward.
4. Any other interested persons, unless specifically waived by the court.
5. The agent under any durable power of attorney or power of attorney for health care of the ward.
6. Any person who has legal or physical custody of the proposed ward.
7. Any public or private agency, charity, or foundation from which the proposed ward is receiving aid or assistance.
8. The proposed guardian for the proposed ward.
9. Any other person that the court requires.
(3) Notice of hearing for appointment of guardian for a minor. If the proposed ward is a minor, the court shall order delivery of notice by the petitioner of the time and place of the hearing to all of the following:
(a) The proposed ward's spouse, if any.
(b) The proposed ward's parent, unless the parent's parental rights have been judicially terminated.
(c) The proposed ward, if the proposed ward is over 14 years of age.
(d) Any other person that has the legal or physical custody of the minor.
(4) Rehearings. Notice of a rehearing to determine if a ward is a proper subject to continue under guardianship shall be given as required under subs. (1), (2), and (3).
(5) Notice of appointment of guardian of a minor ward. If for any reason the court fails to appoint as guardian the nominee of the minor, the guardian who qualifies shall give notice of the guardian's appointment to the minor by certified mail addressed to the minor's last-known post-office address and shall file an affidavit of the mailing with the court within 10 days after the notice is given.
(6) Notice of petition and hearing for temporary guardianship. The petitioner for appointment of a temporary guardian shall give notice of the petition to the proposed ward. The notice shall be served before or at the time the petition is filed or as soon thereafter as possible and shall include notice of the right to counsel and of the right to petition for reconsideration or modification of the temporary guardianship at any time under s. 54.50 (3) (d) The petitioner shall serve notice of the order for hearing on the proposed ward before the hearing or not later than 3 calendar days after the hearing. If the petitioner serves notice after the hearing is conducted and the court has entered an order, the petitioner shall include the court's order with the notice of the order for hearing.
History: 2005 a. 264 s. 199; 2005 a. 387 ss. 100, 334, 336, 339 to 343, 345, 357, 370; 2007 a. 45; 2017 a. 187.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 54 - Guardianships and conservatorships.

54.01 - Definitions.

54.10 - Appointment of guardian.

54.12 - Exceptions to appointment of guardian.

54.15 - Selection of guardian; nominations; preferences; other criteria.

54.18 - General duties and powers of guardian; limitations; immunity.

54.19 - Duties of guardian of the estate.

54.20 - Powers of guardian of the estate.

54.21 - Petition to transfer ward's assets to another.

54.22 - Petition for authority to sell, mortgage, pledge, lease, or exchange ward's property.

54.25 - Duties and powers of guardian of the person.

54.26 - Guardian training requirements.

54.30 - Jurisdiction and venue.

54.34 - Petition for guardianship or for receipt and acceptance of a foreign guardianship.

54.36 - Examination of proposed ward.

54.38 - Notice.

54.40 - Guardian ad litem; appointment; duties; termination.

54.42 - Rights of proposed ward or ward.

54.44 - Hearing.

54.46 - Disposition of petition.

54.47 - Lis pendens, void contracts.

54.48 - Protective placement and protective services.

54.50 - Temporary guardianships.

54.52 - Standby guardianship.

54.54 - Successor guardian.

54.60 - Inventory.

54.62 - Accounts.

54.625 - Transfer of guardianship funds of a Menominee.

54.63 - Expansion of order of guardianship; procedure.

54.64 - Review of incompetency and termination of guardianship.

54.66 - Final accounts.

54.68 - Review of conduct of guardian.

54.72 - Guardian compensation and reimbursement.

54.74 - Compensation of guardian ad litem.

54.75 - Access to court records.

54.76 - Conservator; appointment; duties and powers; termination.

54.850 - Definitions.

54.852 - United States uniform veterans guardianship act.

54.854 - Uniform transfers to minors act; definitions.

54.856 - Scope and jurisdiction.

54.858 - Nomination of custodian.

54.860 - Transfer by gift or exercise of power of appointment.

54.862 - Transfer authorized by will or trust.

54.864 - Other transfer by fiduciary.

54.866 - Transfer by obligor.

54.868 - Receipt for custodial property.

54.870 - Manner of creating custodial property and effecting transfer; designation of initial custodian; control.

54.872 - Single custodianship.

54.874 - Validity and effect of transfer.

54.876 - Care of custodial property.

54.878 - Powers of custodian.

54.880 - Use of custodial property.

54.882 - Custodian's expenses, compensation and bond.

54.884 - Exemption of 3rd person from liability.

54.886 - Liability to 3rd persons.

54.888 - Renunciation, resignation, death or removal of custodian; designation of successor custodian.

54.890 - Accounting by and determination of liability of custodian.

54.892 - Termination of custodianship.

54.894 - Applicability.

54.896 - Effect on existing custodianships.

54.898 - Uniformity of application and construction.

54.92 - Uniform securities ownership by minors act.

54.93 - Securities ownership by incompetents and spendthrifts.

54.950 - Definitions.

54.952 - Custodial trust; general.

54.954 - Custodial trustee for future payment or transfer.

54.956 - Form and effect of receipt and acceptance by custodial trustee, jurisdiction.

54.958 - Transfer to custodial trustee by fiduciary or obligor; facility of payment.

54.960 - Multiple beneficiaries; separate custodial trusts; survivorship.

54.962 - General duties of custodial trustee.

54.964 - General powers of custodial trustee.

54.966 - Use of custodial trust property.

54.968 - Determination of incapacity; effect.

54.970 - Exemption of 3rd person from liability.

54.972 - Liability to 3rd person.

54.974 - Declination, resignation, incapacity, death or removal of custodial trustee, designation of successor custodial trustee.

54.976 - Expenses, compensation and bond of custodial trustee.

54.978 - Reporting and accounting by custodial trustee; determination of liability of custodial trustee.

54.980 - Limitations of action against custodial trustee.

54.982 - Distribution on termination.

54.984 - Methods and forms for creating custodial trusts.

54.986 - Applicable law.

54.988 - Uniformity of application and construction.