Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 281 - Water and sewage.
281.83 - Remedial action in the Great Lakes and their tributaries.

281.83 Remedial action in the Great Lakes and their tributaries.
(1) The department may perform activities to clean up or to restore the environment in an area that is in or adjacent to Lake Michigan or Lake Superior or a tributary of Lake Michigan or Lake Superior if the activities are included in a remedial action plan that is approved by the department.
(2) In selecting projects to perform under this section, the department shall consider the amount of state funds available, the availability of matching funds from federal, private or other sources, the willingness and ability of a responsible person to fund a project, the willingness and ability of a local governmental unit, as defined in s. 281.51 (1) (c), to undertake or assist in a project, the severity of the environmental contamination that a project will address and the size of the population affected by the contamination.
(a) If a person provides funding for an activity that is part of a remedial action plan, that provision of funding is not evidence of liability or an admission of liability for any environmental contamination.
(b) The acceptance by the department of funding from a person for an activity that is part of a remedial action plan does not limit the ability of the department to take action against that person if the department determines that the person is responsible, in whole or in part, for environmental contamination.
History: 1995 a. 227 ss. 411, 413.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 281 - Water and sewage.

281.01 - Definitions.

281.11 - Statement of policy and purpose.

281.12 - General department powers and duties.

281.13 - Surveys and research.

281.14 - Wisconsin River monitoring and study.

281.145 - River and stream monitoring and study.

281.15 - Water quality standards.

281.16 - Water quality protection; nonpoint sources.

281.165 - Compliance with water quality standards for wetlands.

281.17 - Water quality and quantity; specific regulations.

281.19 - Orders.

281.20 - Orders; nonpoint source pollution.

281.31 - Navigable waters protection law.

281.33 - Construction site erosion control and storm water management.

281.34 - Groundwater withdrawals.

281.343 - Great Lakes — St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact.

281.344 - Water conservation, reporting, and supply regulation; when compact is not in effect.

281.346 - Water conservation, reporting, and supply regulation; after the compact takes effect.

281.348 - Water supply service area plans for public water supply systems.

281.35 - Water resources conservation and management.

281.36 - Permits for discharges into wetlands; mitigation.

281.37 - Wetland mitigation grant program.

281.41 - Approval of plans.

281.43 - Joint sewerage systems.

281.45 - House connections.

281.47 - Sewage drains; sewage discharge into certain lakes.

281.48 - Servicing septic tanks, soil absorption fields, holding tanks, grease interceptors and privies.

281.49 - Disposal of septage in municipal sewage systems.

281.51 - Financial assistance program; local water quality planning.

281.53 - Municipal clean drinking water grants.

281.55 - Financial assistance program.

281.56 - Financial assistance program; sewerage systems.

281.57 - Financial assistance program; point source pollution abatement.

281.58 - Clean water fund program; financial assistance.

281.59 - Environmental improvement fund; financial management.

281.60 - Land recycling loan program.

281.61 - Safe drinking water loan program.

281.62 - Other drinking water quality activities.

281.625 - Drinking water loan guarantee program.

281.63 - Financial assistance program; combined sewer overflow abatement.

281.65 - Financial assistance; nonpoint source water pollution abatement.

281.66 - Urban nonpoint source water pollution abatement and storm water management program.

281.665 - Municipal flood control and riparian restoration program.

281.67 - Watershed projects.

281.68 - Lake management planning grants and lake monitoring and protection contracts.

281.69 - Lake management and classification grants and contracts.

281.695 - Aids to municipalities for prevention and abatement of water pollution.

281.70 - River protection grants.

281.71 - Lake management project grants; river protection grants; purchases.

281.72 - River protection; contracts with nonprofit organizations.

281.75 - Compensation for well contamination and abandonment.

281.77 - Damage to water supplies.

281.81 - Definitions.

281.83 - Remedial action in the Great Lakes and their tributaries.

281.85 - Great Lakes protection fund share.

281.87 - Great Lakes contaminated sediment removal.

281.91 - State agency personnel to report water pollution.

281.92 - Limitation.

281.93 - Hearings on certain water use actions.

281.94 - Investigation of alleged water withdrawal violations.

281.95 - Remedies; water withdrawal violations.

281.96 - Visitorial powers of department.

281.97 - Records; inspection.

281.98 - Penalties.

281.99 - Administrative forfeitures for safe drinking water violations.