Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 281 - Water and sewage.
281.63 - Financial assistance program; combined sewer overflow abatement.

281.63 Financial assistance program; combined sewer overflow abatement.
(1) Legislative findings. The legislature finds that state financial assistance for the elimination of combined sewer overflow to the waters of the state is a public purpose and a proper function of state government.
(2) Definitions. As used in this section:
(a) “Combined sewer" means a sewer intended to serve as a sanitary sewer and a storm sewer or as an industrial sewer and a storm sewer.
(b) “Combined sewer overflow" means a discharge of a combination of storm and sanitary wastewater or storm and industrial wastewater directly or indirectly to the waters of the state when the volume of wastewater flow exceeds the transport, storage or treatment capacity of a combined sewer system.
(c) “Facilities plan" means that plan or study which demonstrates the need for the proposed sewerage system or sewerage system component and which demonstrates through a systematic evaluation of alternatives that the selected alternative is the most cost-effective means of correcting combined sewer overflows.
(d) “Federal act" means the federal water pollution control act, as amended, 33 USC 1251 to 1376.
(3) Administration. The department shall administer the combined sewer overflow abatement financial assistance program. The department shall promulgate rules necessary for the proper execution of this program.
(4) Eligibility.
(a) Eligible municipalities. Only a municipality with a sewerage system which is violating ch. 283 or title III of the federal act because of combined sewer overflow is eligible to receive financial assistance under the combined sewer overflow abatement financial assistance program.
(b) Eligible projects. Only a project for construction necessary to abate combined sewer overflows identified in department-approved facilities plans as cost-effective and reasonably necessary for water quality improvements is eligible for financial assistance under the combined sewer overflow abatement financial assistance program, except that the department need not determine the cost-effectiveness of projects performed under a contract awarded under s. 200.49.
(c) Facility planning; engineering design. Only a municipality which has completed facility planning and engineering design requirements for a combined sewer overflow abatement project is eligible to receive financial assistance under the combined sewer overflow abatement financial assistance program.
(5) Application. A municipality which seeks financial assistance under the combined sewer overflow abatement financial assistance program shall submit an application to the department. The application shall be in the form and include the information the department prescribes by rule. The department shall review all applications for financial assistance under this program. The department shall determine those applications which meet the eligibility requirements of this section.
(6) Priority. Each municipality shall notify the department of its intent to apply for financial assistance under the combined sewer overflow abatement financial assistance program. For those municipalities that notify the department of their intention to apply for financial assistance under this program by December 31, the department shall establish annually a priority list which ranks these projects in the same order as they appear on the list prepared under s. 281.57 (6) (a).
(7) Payment. Upon the completion by the municipality of all application requirements, the department may enter into an agreement with the municipality for a grant of up to 50 percent of the eligible construction costs of a combined sewer overflow abatement project if the municipality can begin construction within 3 months after the department is ready to allocate funds.
(8) Advance commitments for reimbursement of engineering design costs. The department may make an advance commitment to a municipality for the reimbursement of engineering design costs from funds appropriated under s. 20.866 (2) (to) subject to all of the following requirements:
(a) The advance commitment shall include a provision making the reimbursement of engineering design costs conditional on the award of a construction grant.
(b) The advance commitment may be made only for engineering design activities commenced after the department makes the advance commitment.
(c) The advance commitment may be made only if the municipality has completed all facility planning requirements.
(d) The advance commitment may be made only for engineering design costs related to a project that is eligible for assistance under sub. (4).
(e) The advance commitment shall be subject to a priority determination system consistent with sub. (6).
History: 1981 c. 20, 317; 1983 a. 27; 1985 a. 29; 1995 a. 227 s. 427; Stats. 1995 s. 281.63; 1999 a. 150 s. 672.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 281 - Water and sewage.

281.01 - Definitions.

281.11 - Statement of policy and purpose.

281.12 - General department powers and duties.

281.13 - Surveys and research.

281.14 - Wisconsin River monitoring and study.

281.145 - River and stream monitoring and study.

281.15 - Water quality standards.

281.16 - Water quality protection; nonpoint sources.

281.165 - Compliance with water quality standards for wetlands.

281.17 - Water quality and quantity; specific regulations.

281.19 - Orders.

281.20 - Orders; nonpoint source pollution.

281.31 - Navigable waters protection law.

281.33 - Construction site erosion control and storm water management.

281.34 - Groundwater withdrawals.

281.343 - Great Lakes — St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact.

281.344 - Water conservation, reporting, and supply regulation; when compact is not in effect.

281.346 - Water conservation, reporting, and supply regulation; after the compact takes effect.

281.348 - Water supply service area plans for public water supply systems.

281.35 - Water resources conservation and management.

281.36 - Permits for discharges into wetlands; mitigation.

281.37 - Wetland mitigation grant program.

281.41 - Approval of plans.

281.43 - Joint sewerage systems.

281.45 - House connections.

281.47 - Sewage drains; sewage discharge into certain lakes.

281.48 - Servicing septic tanks, soil absorption fields, holding tanks, grease interceptors and privies.

281.49 - Disposal of septage in municipal sewage systems.

281.51 - Financial assistance program; local water quality planning.

281.53 - Municipal clean drinking water grants.

281.55 - Financial assistance program.

281.56 - Financial assistance program; sewerage systems.

281.57 - Financial assistance program; point source pollution abatement.

281.58 - Clean water fund program; financial assistance.

281.59 - Environmental improvement fund; financial management.

281.60 - Land recycling loan program.

281.61 - Safe drinking water loan program.

281.62 - Other drinking water quality activities.

281.625 - Drinking water loan guarantee program.

281.63 - Financial assistance program; combined sewer overflow abatement.

281.65 - Financial assistance; nonpoint source water pollution abatement.

281.66 - Urban nonpoint source water pollution abatement and storm water management program.

281.665 - Municipal flood control and riparian restoration program.

281.67 - Watershed projects.

281.68 - Lake management planning grants and lake monitoring and protection contracts.

281.69 - Lake management and classification grants and contracts.

281.695 - Aids to municipalities for prevention and abatement of water pollution.

281.70 - River protection grants.

281.71 - Lake management project grants; river protection grants; purchases.

281.72 - River protection; contracts with nonprofit organizations.

281.75 - Compensation for well contamination and abandonment.

281.77 - Damage to water supplies.

281.81 - Definitions.

281.83 - Remedial action in the Great Lakes and their tributaries.

281.85 - Great Lakes protection fund share.

281.87 - Great Lakes contaminated sediment removal.

281.91 - State agency personnel to report water pollution.

281.92 - Limitation.

281.93 - Hearings on certain water use actions.

281.94 - Investigation of alleged water withdrawal violations.

281.95 - Remedies; water withdrawal violations.

281.96 - Visitorial powers of department.

281.97 - Records; inspection.

281.98 - Penalties.

281.99 - Administrative forfeitures for safe drinking water violations.