Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 139 - Beverage and tobacco taxes.
139.05 - Payment of malt beverages tax.

139.05 Payment of malt beverages tax.
(1) The tax imposed in s. 139.02 shall be paid on or before the 15th day of the month following the month in which such malt beverages are first sold in this state or shipped into this state.
(2) Each brewer, brewpub, and bottler in this state and each wholesaler of malt beverages within this state to whom malt beverages are shipped from outside this state shall on or before the fifteenth day of each month file with the secretary on forms prescribed by the secretary a verified return containing such information as may be required to compute and show the amount of occupational tax payable by the brewer, brewpub, bottler, or wholesaler or by the shipper for the next preceding calendar month on malt beverages.
(2a) The payments and returns under subs. (1) and (2) that are mailed are furnished, filed or made on time, and payments therein referred to are timely, if mailed in a properly addressed envelope, with postage duly prepaid, which envelope is officially postmarked, or marked or recorded electronically as provided under section 7502 (f) (2) (c) of the Internal Revenue Code, before midnight on the date prescribed for such furnishing, filing or making of such payment, provided such statement, return or payment is actually received by the secretary of revenue or at the destination that the department prescribes within 5 days of the prescribed date. Payments and returns that are not mailed are timely if they are received on or before the due date by the department or at the destination that the department prescribes. For purposes of this subsection, “mailed" includes delivery by a delivery service designated under section 7502 (f) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(3) The amount of the occupational tax disclosed by the return shall accompany the return and shall be paid to the department.
(4) In order to ensure the payment of the tax under s. 139.02 together with all interest and penalties thereon, all persons required to make returns and payment of such tax shall first either deposit with the secretary security in the amount, and of a type, determined by the secretary or enter into a surety bond with corporate surety, both bond and surety to be approved by the secretary. The secretary shall require a bond in total amount equal to twice the taxpayer's estimated maximum monthly tax, ascertained in such manner as the secretary deems proper, and the secretary may increase or reduce the amount of the bond, except that the amount of such bond required of any one taxpayer shall not be less than $1,000 nor more than $100,000. These bonds shall be filed. The state shall not pay interest on security placed with the secretary.
(a) If any present or future law or regulation effective in any state prohibits a person from shipping into such state a fermented malt beverage produced outside thereof except upon condition that the person shipping such fermented malt beverage into such state first obtain a license therefor from such state and if such license or a renewal thereof may be refused for violation of any law of such state relating to fermented malt beverages, it is unlawful to ship into this state or to purchase or sell within this state any fermented malt beverage produced in such state, unless and until the brewer or brewpub thereof is the holder of a valid subsisting license as provided in this subsection.
(b) Such license shall be issued by the secretary to persons who hold a valid certificate issued under s. 73.03 (50). The application for such license shall be verified and shall contain an agreement on the part of the brewer or brewpub that the brewer or brewpub shall observe all laws of this state relating to fermented malt beverages, and such other information and statements as the secretary may require. Any such brewer or brewpub who has, directly or indirectly, violated any law of this state relating to fermented malt beverages shall not be entitled to such a license. The secretary may require the applicant to furnish a bond payable to the state in an amount not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000 conditioned upon the faithful compliance by the applicant with the undertakings set forth in the application for the license.
(c) The secretary may suspend or revoke any such license for any false statement made in the application therefor and for any prior or subsequent violation by the licensee, directly or indirectly, or by any person affiliated with or in any way subject to the direction or control of the licensee, of any of the laws of this state relating to fermented malt beverages.
(d) Any such brewer and any other person who ships or causes or permits to be shipped into this state any such fermented malt beverage, and any person who knowingly receives within this state from outside this state any such fermented malt beverage, at a time when the brewer thereof is not the holder of a valid and subsisting license as herein provided, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(e) The conditions and requirements of this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, the conditions and requirements of subs. (1) to (4).
(f) If any law or regulation of any state specifies uniform or substantially uniform requirements with respect to any ingredient of fermented malt beverages produced in such state and fermented malt beverages produced outside thereof but sold within such state and if such state or its officials or agencies enforce or give effect to such provisions as against any malt beverage produced outside of such state without concurrently and to the same extent enforcing and giving effect to such provisions as against all malt beverages produced and sold within such state, and if the foregoing is found and determined by the secretary after a public hearing, it shall thereafter be a misdemeanor for any person with knowledge of such finding and determination to ship into or receive or sell within this state any malt beverage produced in such state unless and until the secretary finds and determines, after a public hearing, that such discriminatory treatment has been discontinued.
History: 1977 c. 29; 1981 c. 79; 1985 a. 120; 1987 a. 399; 1991 a. 39; 1993 a. 482; 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 27; 2005 a. 49; 2007 a. 20.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 139 - Beverage and tobacco taxes.

139.01 - Definitions.

139.02 - Fermented malt beverages tax.

139.03 - Liquor tax.

139.035 - Wine shipped directly to individuals in this state.

139.04 - Exclusions.

139.05 - Payment of malt beverages tax.

139.06 - Liquor tax returns; exceptions.

139.08 - Powers and duties of the secretary of revenue.

139.09 - Registration.

139.092 - Audits; additional assessments; refunds.

139.094 - Appeals.

139.096 - Failure to file.

139.10 - Refunds by secretary of administration.

139.11 - Records and reports.

139.115 - Collection.

139.18 - Presumptions from possession.

139.20 - Compulsory testimony.

139.22 - Confiscation.

139.25 - Penalties.

139.26 - Prosecutions by attorney general.

139.30 - Cigarette tax; definitions.

139.31 - Tax imposed; exceptions.

139.315 - Cigarette inventory tax imposed; procedures.

139.32 - Payment of taxes.

139.321 - Unlawful possession of cigarettes.

139.322 - Security.

139.323 - Refunds to Indian tribes.

139.325 - Agreements with Indian tribes.

139.33 - Use tax.

139.34 - Permits required.

139.345 - Direct marketing.

139.35 - Stamps.

139.355 - Appeals.

139.36 - Refunds for unusable stamps.

139.362 - Bad debt deductions.

139.363 - Preferred claims.

139.365 - Other refunds.

139.37 - Salespersons.

139.38 - Records, returns.

139.39 - Administration and enforcement.

139.395 - Theft of tax moneys.

139.40 - Seizure and confiscation.

139.41 - Place to place delivery.

139.42 - Nuisance.

139.43 - Statewide concern.

139.44 - Interest and penalties.

139.45 - Prosecutions by attorney general.

139.46 - Lists.

139.75 - Definitions.

139.76 - Imposition; exceptions.

139.77 - Distributors, monthly returns.

139.78 - Use tax.

139.79 - Permits; distributor; subjobber.

139.80 - Refunds, credits.

139.801 - Bad debt deductions.

139.802 - Preferred claims.

139.803 - Refunds to Indian tribes.

139.805 - Agreements with Indian tribes.

139.81 - Salespersons.

139.82 - Records, returns.

139.83 - Administration and enforcement.

139.832 - Police powers.

139.835 - Timely filing.

139.84 - Bonds.

139.85 - Interest and penalties.

139.86 - Prosecutions by attorney general.