Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 139 - Beverage and tobacco taxes.
139.04 - Exclusions.

139.04 Exclusions. No tax is levied by ss. 139.02 and 139.03 in respect to:
(1) Wine, as defined in s. 125.02 (22), or fermented malt beverages made in compliance with the limitations specified in s. 125.06 (3) (a), (3g), (3r), or (4).
(2) Furnishing by a brewer or brewpub of fermented malt beverages to workmen employed in the brewery or brewpub for consumption on the brewery premises or brewpub premises without charge.
(3) Manufacture or sale of any beverage containing less than one-half of one percent of alcohol by volume.
(4) Sale or shipment of fermented malt beverages by a brewer to a bottler or of intoxicating liquor in bulk between manufacturers, rectifiers and wineries.
(5) Sale, possession or removal of fermented malt beverages or intoxicating liquor for shipment in interstate or foreign commerce.
(6) Sale and use of wine for sacramental purposes.
(7) Sale of alcohol to industrial permittees to be used for industrial purposes.
(7m) Sale of fermented malt beverages to industrial permittees to be used for industrial purposes.
(8) Sale of alcohol to medicinal permittees to be used for hospital or medicinal purposes.
(9) Sale of wine to industrial wine permittees to be used for industrial purposes.
History: 1973 c. 90; 1985 a. 29; 2007 a. 20; 2009 a. 177; 2011 a. 179, 200.
The term “levied" in this section does not mean that tax liability arises but collection is delayed. This section by all appearances is a list of complete, and not delayed, exclusions. Arty's, LLC v. DOR, 2018 WI App 64, 384 Wis. 2d 320, 919 N.W.2d 590, 17-0886.
The plaintiff in this case bought various distilled spirits in bulk from a distillery and mixed the distilled spirits with soda, water, and various flavorings to produce bottles of premixed cocktails that the plaintiff sold to liquor wholesalers, who sold them to retailers. In this case, the first taxable sales of intoxicating liquors under s. 139.06 (1) (b) were sales by the plaintiff of its bottled mixtures to the plaintiff's wholesaler customers. Sub. (4) excludes from consideration all transactions between the plaintiff and its distiller. Arty's, LLC v. DOR, 2018 WI App 64, 384 Wis. 2d 320, 919 N.W.2d 590, 17-0886.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 139 - Beverage and tobacco taxes.

139.01 - Definitions.

139.02 - Fermented malt beverages tax.

139.03 - Liquor tax.

139.035 - Wine shipped directly to individuals in this state.

139.04 - Exclusions.

139.05 - Payment of malt beverages tax.

139.06 - Liquor tax returns; exceptions.

139.08 - Powers and duties of the secretary of revenue.

139.09 - Registration.

139.092 - Audits; additional assessments; refunds.

139.094 - Appeals.

139.096 - Failure to file.

139.10 - Refunds by secretary of administration.

139.11 - Records and reports.

139.115 - Collection.

139.18 - Presumptions from possession.

139.20 - Compulsory testimony.

139.22 - Confiscation.

139.25 - Penalties.

139.26 - Prosecutions by attorney general.

139.30 - Cigarette tax; definitions.

139.31 - Tax imposed; exceptions.

139.315 - Cigarette inventory tax imposed; procedures.

139.32 - Payment of taxes.

139.321 - Unlawful possession of cigarettes.

139.322 - Security.

139.323 - Refunds to Indian tribes.

139.325 - Agreements with Indian tribes.

139.33 - Use tax.

139.34 - Permits required.

139.345 - Direct marketing.

139.35 - Stamps.

139.355 - Appeals.

139.36 - Refunds for unusable stamps.

139.362 - Bad debt deductions.

139.363 - Preferred claims.

139.365 - Other refunds.

139.37 - Salespersons.

139.38 - Records, returns.

139.39 - Administration and enforcement.

139.395 - Theft of tax moneys.

139.40 - Seizure and confiscation.

139.41 - Place to place delivery.

139.42 - Nuisance.

139.43 - Statewide concern.

139.44 - Interest and penalties.

139.45 - Prosecutions by attorney general.

139.46 - Lists.

139.75 - Definitions.

139.76 - Imposition; exceptions.

139.77 - Distributors, monthly returns.

139.78 - Use tax.

139.79 - Permits; distributor; subjobber.

139.80 - Refunds, credits.

139.801 - Bad debt deductions.

139.802 - Preferred claims.

139.803 - Refunds to Indian tribes.

139.805 - Agreements with Indian tribes.

139.81 - Salespersons.

139.82 - Records, returns.

139.83 - Administration and enforcement.

139.832 - Police powers.

139.835 - Timely filing.

139.84 - Bonds.

139.85 - Interest and penalties.

139.86 - Prosecutions by attorney general.