West Virginia Code
Article 11. General Provisions Concerning Crimes
§61-11-17. Court to Fix Imprisonment and Fine for Misdemeanor

The term of confinement in jail of a person found guilty of a misdemeanor, where that punishment is prescribed, shall, unless otherwise provided, be ascertained by the court, and the amount of the fine, where the punishment is by fine, shall, except where it is otherwise provided, be assessed by the court, so far as the term of confinement and the amount of the fine are not fixed by law. In addition to or in lieu of any other punishment prescribed herein, the court may require the person found guilty of such misdemeanor to participate in the litter control program.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 61. Crimes and Their Punishment

Article 11. General Provisions Concerning Crimes

§61-11-1. Classification of Offenses

§61-11-1a. Sentence of Female Felons

§61-11-2. Capital Punishment Abolished

§61-11-3. Punishment for Common-Law Offenses

§61-11-4. Corruption of Blood and Forfeiture of Estate Abolished

§61-11-5. No Merger of Civil Remedy by Commission of Felony

§61-11-6. Punishment of Principals in the Second Degree and Accessories Before and After the Fact

§61-11-7. Prosecution of Accessories

§61-11-8. Attempts; Classification and Penalties Therefor

§61-11-8a. Solicitation to Commit Certain Felonies; Classification; Defenses

§61-11-9. Limitation of Prosecution; Lost Indictment

§61-11-10. Venue of Offenses

§61-11-11. Offense Committed on County Boundary

§61-11-12. Venue of Offense Committed in More Than One County

§61-11-13. Former Acquittal on Merits

§61-11-14. Acquittal for Variance or Insufficient Indictment

§61-11-15. Modes of Conviction of Felony

§61-11-16. Term of Imprisonment for Felony; Indeterminate Sentence

§61-11-17. Court to Fix Imprisonment and Fine for Misdemeanor

§61-11-18. Punishment for Second or Third Offense of Felony

§61-11-19. Procedure in Trial of Persons for Second or Third Offense

§61-11-21. Cumulative Sentences

§61-11-22. Pretrial Diversion Agreements; Conditions; Drug Court Programs

§61-11-22a. Deferred Adjudication

§61-11-23. Punishment for Juvenile Convicted as an Adult; Eligibility for Parole; Factors to Be Considered Prior to Sentencing

§61-11-24. Offender May Have Credit for Term of Confinement Before Conviction

§61-11-25. Expungement of Criminal Records for Those Found Not Guilty of Crimes or Against Whom Charges Have Been Dismissed

§61-11-26. Expungement of Certain Criminal Convictions; Procedures; Effect

§61-11-26a. Expungement of Certain Criminal Convictions With Approved Treatment or Recovery and Job Program

§61-11-26b. Limitation on Expungement for Certain Motor Vehicle Traffic Control Offenses