West Virginia Code
Article 3A. Optional Procedure for Proof and Allowance of Claims Against Estates of Decedents; County Option
§44-3A-4a. Short Form Settlement

(a) In all estates of decedents administered under the provisions of this article where more than sixty days has elapsed since the filing of any notice required by section four, an estate may be closed by a short form settlement filed in compliance with this section: Provided, That any lien for payment of estate taxes under article eleven, chapter eleven of this code is released and that the release is filed with the clerk.
(b) The fiduciary may file with the fiduciary supervisor a proposed short form settlement which shall contain an affidavit made by the fiduciary that the time for filing claims has expired, that no known and unpaid claims exist against the estate and showing the allocation to which each distributee and beneficiary is entitled in the distribution of the estate and contain a representation that the property to which each distributee or beneficiary is entitled has been or upon approval of the settlement will be delivered thereto, or that each distributee and beneficiary has agreed to a different allocation. The application shall contain a waiver signed by each distributee and beneficiary: Provided, That a beneficiary receiving a bequest of tangible personal property or a bequest of cash may not be required to sign the waiver.
(c) Such waiver may be signed in the case of a distributee or beneficiary under a disability by the duly qualified personal representative of such distributee or beneficiary. A personal representative signing such waiver shall be responsible to his or her cestui que trust for any loss resulting from such waiver.
(d) The fiduciary supervisor shall examine the affidavit and waiver and determine that the allocation to the distributees and beneficiaries set forth in the affidavit is correct and all proper parties signed the waiver, both shall be recorded as in the case of and in lieu of settlement. If the fiduciary supervisor identifies any error the fiduciary supervisor shall within five days of the filing of such settlement give the fiduciary notice as in the case of any other incorrect settlement.
(e) If the short form settlement is proper the fiduciary supervisor shall proceed as in the case of any other settlement.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 44. Administration of Estates and Trusts

Article 3A. Optional Procedure for Proof and Allowance of Claims Against Estates of Decedents; County Option

§44-3A-1. Election to Make Article Applicable

§44-3A-2. Nature of Office of Fiduciary Supervisor and Fiduciary Commissioner; Duties of County Commission With Respect to Orders and Findings of Such Supervisor or Commissioner

§44-3A-3. Office of Fiduciary Supervisor Created; General Powers; Qualifications; Tests for Qualification; Training Program; Salary

§44-3A-4. Notice of Claim; Settlement in Certain Cases

§44-3A-4a. Short Form Settlement

§44-3A-5. Reference to Fiduciary Commissioner; Exceptions and Limitations

§44-3A-6. Claims to Be Proved by Vouchers and Affidavits in First Instance

§44-3A-7. Claims to Be Proved; Objections to Claims; Hearings; Funeral Expenses

§44-3A-8. Claims May Be Presented Before Publication of Notice

§44-3A-9. Proof of Contingent or Unliquidated Claims

§44-3A-10. Continuances Until All Claims and Objections Passed On

§44-3A-11. Personal Representative to Exhibit Offsets to Claims

§44-3A-12. How Heir or Devisee May Protect Himself Against Lien on Property

§44-3A-13. No Claim Barred by Statute of Limitations to Be Allowed

§44-3A-14. Effect of Presenting Claim as to Statute of Limitations

§44-3A-15. Advance Payment of Certain Claims

§44-3A-16. Personal Representative Not Precluded From Commencing Action or Suit; Setoff in Such Actions or Suits

§44-3A-17. Fiduciary Commissioner to Report on Claims of Creditors; Report by Fiduciary Supervisor; Assets and Shares of Distributees and Legatees

§44-3A-18. Apportionment of Federal and State Estate Taxes; Fiduciary to Deduct Taxes From Shares of Beneficiaries

§44-3A-19. Summary Settlement Before Fiduciary Supervisor

§44-3A-20. How Contingent and Unliquidated Claims and Claims Not Matured May Be Provided For

§44-3A-21. Exceptions to Fiduciary Supervisor’s or Fiduciary Commissioner’s Report; Return of Report

§44-3A-22. Hearing on Report and Exceptions; Appeal; Effect of Confirmation

§44-3A-23. Exceptions to Report of Fiduciary Supervisor or Fiduciary Commissioner Where No Previous Hearing Was Had; Reference

§44-3A-24. Reports of Delinquent Filings

§44-3A-25. Report of Claims to Be Recorded

§44-3A-26. Order in Which Debts of Decedent Are to Be Paid

§44-3A-27. Creditors to Be Paid in Order of Classification; When Classes Paid Ratably

§44-3A-28. When Personal Representative Not Liable for Funds Distributed

§44-3A-29. When Claims and Legacies May Be Paid and Estate Distributed

§44-3A-30. Accounting for Money Not Disposable at Time of Settlement; Subsequent Distribution of Such Money

§44-3A-31. When Personal Representative Not Compelled to Make Distribution

§44-3A-32. When Claims Not Presented and Proved Barred of Recovery From Personal Representative

§44-3A-33. When Distributees and Legatees May Be Sued on Claims; Extent of Liability; Costs

§44-3A-34. When Enforcement of Lien to Secure Claim Barred

§44-3A-35. Fiduciary Commissioners

§44-3A-36. Fiduciary Commissioners; Powers and Duties Generally

§44-3A-37. Special Fiduciary Commissioners; Continuance of Present References; Compensation

§44-3A-38. Matters That Will Disqualify Fiduciary Commissioners

§44-3A-39. Disposition by Fiduciary Commissioner of Inventories and Accounts of Sales

§44-3A-40. Fiduciary Commissioners to Inspect Bonds of Fiduciaries

§44-3A-41. When County Commission to Refer Controversies to Fiduciary Commissioner; Rules of Procedure

§44-3A-42. Fees to Be Charged by Fiduciary Supervisor or Fiduciary Commissioner; Disposition of Fees

§44-3A-43. County Fiduciary Fund

§44-3A-44. Rules Applicable to Fiduciary Supervisors and Fiduciary Commissioners; Exceptions as to Certain Counties