West Virginia Code
Article 3A. Optional Procedure for Proof and Allowance of Claims Against Estates of Decedents; County Option
§44-3A-19. Summary Settlement Before Fiduciary Supervisor

(a) At any time after the expiration of the period for filing claims, the fiduciary supervisor may proceed with summary settlement under this section if the estate has not been referred to a fiduciary commissioner or if the estate, having been referred to a fiduciary commissioner generally or for a specific reason, has been withdrawn and placed before the fiduciary supervisor for settlement.
The fiduciary supervisor shall require that the personal representative, or the personal representative may on his own motion, timely file a proposed settlement which shall include:
(1) Proof of payment of all claims filed against the estate or proof of such payment has been provided for;
(2) Verification under oath that the personal representative, after exercise of due diligence, knows of no other claims against the estate;
(3) Verification and accounting of any income received by the personal representative from the benefit of the estate;
(4) Provisions for the payment of all taxes due from the estate or proof that all such taxes have been paid;
(5) A proposed plan of distribution; and
(6) Any and all other information deemed appropriate by the fiduciary supervisor.
(b) The provisions of this section to the contrary notwithstanding, any claim paid by the personal representative to any creditor or beneficiary within such one hundred twenty days, shall not abrogate in any way, the liability of the personal representative under the provisions of section twenty-six, twenty-seven or twenty-eight of this article.
(c) At the time such proposed settlement is filed, or prior thereto, the personal representative shall prepare and furnish to the fiduciary supervisor, and such supervisor shall review, a return of all inheritance taxes due the state, pursuant to article eleven, chapter eleven of this code, by reason of the death of the decedent, who shall approve any proper return filed with him
Such supervisor shall compare the proposed settlement with any proper inheritance tax return and with the appraisement and any and all other documents deemed appropriate by the supervisor in order to investigate the propriety of such proposed settlement.
(d) The supervisor may, if he deems it appropriate, reject such settlement and give notice in writing to the personal representative of the matters disapproved and the reasons therefor and fix a time, no later than forty-five days after the date of such notice, for the personal representative to amend the proposed settlement. The personal representative may, within the time specified by the supervisor, amend the settlement, otherwise satisfy the supervisor of the propriety of all or part of such proposed settlement, or insist on the propriety thereof, with or without amendment thereof.
(e) The supervisor shall, after he is satisfied as to the propriety of the settlement or, after the period set by him for amendment thereof has expired, prepare a report of his recommendations to the county commission with respect thereto and his findings and determinations, which shall include his findings with respect to:
(1) A proper appraisement has been filed which conforms to the requirements of section fourteen, article one of this chapter;
(2) The claims of creditors have been paid or have been properly provided for in proper order of preference and proportions;
(3) A proper inheritance tax return has been made and the taxes due thereon paid or that payment has been provided for;
(4) Any real property in this state owned by the decedent at the time of his death has been properly transferred upon the books of the assessor or that the assessor has been notified of the facts and circumstances sufficient to cause the transfer to be noted upon the books of the assessor;
(5) A proper distribution to the parties entitled thereto has been proposed by the personal representative of the estate;
(6) Minors and other persons under disability who own or are entitled to an interest in the estate are or have been protected; and
(7) Any other matter or matters deemed pertinent by the fiduciary supervisor.
(f) The fiduciary supervisor shall give notice of such proposed settlement and findings to the State Tax Commissioner, all creditors whose claims have not been fully paid or otherwise satisfied and all beneficiaries which notice shall include a copy of the proposed settlement and shall advise that the subject estate shall be settled according thereto thirty days following the date of such notice. In addition, on the first Monday of the next month, the supervisor shall publish as a Class I-0 legal advertisement, a notice that the accounts of the personal representative are before him for approval.
Such notice shall be divided into two sections: Settlements approved and settlements not approved and notice of the date and time that the names shall be presented to the county commission, which date shall not be more than fifteen days after such publication. Such advertisement shall be sufficient if substantially as follows:
To the Creditors and Beneficiaries of the within named deceased persons:
I have before me the proposed final settlements of the estates of the following deceased persons, which shall be presented to the county commission of ..................... County, at the Courthouse thereof, in the City of ................, on the ......... day of ................., 19..., at ..... o'clock, ....M., which settlements have been presented to me by the fiduciary of such estates and which proposed settlements I have either approved or have not approved as indicated below:
Name(s) of Decedent: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Name(s) of Decedent:…………………………………………………
Any person having any interest in the estate of any such deceased person, may appear before the county commission at the time and place hereinabove specified and thereupon protect his interests as they may appear or else may be forever thereafter barred from asserting such interests.
Given under my hand this ...... day of ............., 19...,
Fiduciary Supervisor
…………………………………………………………………………County, W. Va.
(g) Any person may examine such proposed settlement in the office of the fiduciary supervisor and file objection thereto at or prior to the time set by such notice for presentation thereof to the county commission. The commission shall proceed to hear the presentation of such proposed settlement and findings and hear interested parties, if any appear, and approve, modify and approve, or refuse to approve such proposed settlement and the findings of the fiduciary supervisor. Alternatively, the commission may refer the cause to a fiduciary commissioner generally for supervision or for the purpose of the resolution of any disputed matter.
(h) If no dispute or objection to the proposed settlement has arisen, the fiduciary supervisor shall direct the personal representative to conclude the affairs of the estate as outlined in the proposed settlement or amended proposed settlement. Upon receipt by such supervisor of evidence to his satisfaction that all claims including claims of beneficiaries have been satisfied and that all taxes have been paid, he shall submit his report of the proposed or amended proposed settlement to the county commission for ratification, confirmation and approval as otherwise provided by law.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 44. Administration of Estates and Trusts

Article 3A. Optional Procedure for Proof and Allowance of Claims Against Estates of Decedents; County Option

§44-3A-1. Election to Make Article Applicable

§44-3A-2. Nature of Office of Fiduciary Supervisor and Fiduciary Commissioner; Duties of County Commission With Respect to Orders and Findings of Such Supervisor or Commissioner

§44-3A-3. Office of Fiduciary Supervisor Created; General Powers; Qualifications; Tests for Qualification; Training Program; Salary

§44-3A-4. Notice of Claim; Settlement in Certain Cases

§44-3A-4a. Short Form Settlement

§44-3A-5. Reference to Fiduciary Commissioner; Exceptions and Limitations

§44-3A-6. Claims to Be Proved by Vouchers and Affidavits in First Instance

§44-3A-7. Claims to Be Proved; Objections to Claims; Hearings; Funeral Expenses

§44-3A-8. Claims May Be Presented Before Publication of Notice

§44-3A-9. Proof of Contingent or Unliquidated Claims

§44-3A-10. Continuances Until All Claims and Objections Passed On

§44-3A-11. Personal Representative to Exhibit Offsets to Claims

§44-3A-12. How Heir or Devisee May Protect Himself Against Lien on Property

§44-3A-13. No Claim Barred by Statute of Limitations to Be Allowed

§44-3A-14. Effect of Presenting Claim as to Statute of Limitations

§44-3A-15. Advance Payment of Certain Claims

§44-3A-16. Personal Representative Not Precluded From Commencing Action or Suit; Setoff in Such Actions or Suits

§44-3A-17. Fiduciary Commissioner to Report on Claims of Creditors; Report by Fiduciary Supervisor; Assets and Shares of Distributees and Legatees

§44-3A-18. Apportionment of Federal and State Estate Taxes; Fiduciary to Deduct Taxes From Shares of Beneficiaries

§44-3A-19. Summary Settlement Before Fiduciary Supervisor

§44-3A-20. How Contingent and Unliquidated Claims and Claims Not Matured May Be Provided For

§44-3A-21. Exceptions to Fiduciary Supervisor’s or Fiduciary Commissioner’s Report; Return of Report

§44-3A-22. Hearing on Report and Exceptions; Appeal; Effect of Confirmation

§44-3A-23. Exceptions to Report of Fiduciary Supervisor or Fiduciary Commissioner Where No Previous Hearing Was Had; Reference

§44-3A-24. Reports of Delinquent Filings

§44-3A-25. Report of Claims to Be Recorded

§44-3A-26. Order in Which Debts of Decedent Are to Be Paid

§44-3A-27. Creditors to Be Paid in Order of Classification; When Classes Paid Ratably

§44-3A-28. When Personal Representative Not Liable for Funds Distributed

§44-3A-29. When Claims and Legacies May Be Paid and Estate Distributed

§44-3A-30. Accounting for Money Not Disposable at Time of Settlement; Subsequent Distribution of Such Money

§44-3A-31. When Personal Representative Not Compelled to Make Distribution

§44-3A-32. When Claims Not Presented and Proved Barred of Recovery From Personal Representative

§44-3A-33. When Distributees and Legatees May Be Sued on Claims; Extent of Liability; Costs

§44-3A-34. When Enforcement of Lien to Secure Claim Barred

§44-3A-35. Fiduciary Commissioners

§44-3A-36. Fiduciary Commissioners; Powers and Duties Generally

§44-3A-37. Special Fiduciary Commissioners; Continuance of Present References; Compensation

§44-3A-38. Matters That Will Disqualify Fiduciary Commissioners

§44-3A-39. Disposition by Fiduciary Commissioner of Inventories and Accounts of Sales

§44-3A-40. Fiduciary Commissioners to Inspect Bonds of Fiduciaries

§44-3A-41. When County Commission to Refer Controversies to Fiduciary Commissioner; Rules of Procedure

§44-3A-42. Fees to Be Charged by Fiduciary Supervisor or Fiduciary Commissioner; Disposition of Fees

§44-3A-43. County Fiduciary Fund

§44-3A-44. Rules Applicable to Fiduciary Supervisors and Fiduciary Commissioners; Exceptions as to Certain Counties