West Virginia Code
Article 5A. Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
§19-5A-6. Ca Warehouse Numbers; Issuance and Use

The commissioner when issuing a license shall assign a warehouse number which shall be preceded by the letters WV- CA.
No person in this state shall place, stamp, mark or cause to be placed, stamped or marked the letters "CA" or a similar designation in conjunction with a number or numbers upon any container or subcontainer of any fruits or vegetables, or imply that such fruits and vegetables have been subjected to controlled atmosphere conditions unless the commissioner has inspected such fruits and vegetables and issued a state lot number in conjunction with a certificate stating their quality and condition, that they were stored in a warehouse licensed under the provisions of this article and met the requirements of the article and regulations promulgated thereunder: Provided, That if such fruits and vegetables are not allowed to enter the channels of commerce within two weeks of such inspection or subsequent similar inspection by the commissioner the letters "CA" and the state lot number shall be eradicated by the licensee.