West Virginia Code
Article 2. State Board of Education
§18-2-7e. Business and Community Partnerships for Improving Student Engagement and Preparation; Roles of School District Leadership and Local School Improvement Councils; Future-Ready Graduate Profile

(a) The purpose of this section is to complement the delivery of programs in workforce preparation set forth in 18-2-7d of this code by providing a framework for schools, school systems, and communities to:
(1) Engage their local stakeholders in developing a shared vision of the knowledge, college, and career skills, and life characteristics that a future-ready graduate of their school system will need for success in occupations and entrepreneurship in the changing world of work;
(2) Build strategic partnerships that instill within students an awareness of the changing world of work, build an appreciation of the relevancy of academic subject matter for future success, nurture the whole child, and promote student acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and characteristics needed for success; and
(3) Provide an opportunity for students to gain valuable experience and skills in a workplace environment while still exploring their interests and abilities.
(b) A county board may establish a diverse stakeholder working group which may include, but is not limited, to educators from both public and higher education, businesses and business organizations, associations and authorities, families, students, community leaders, and any other stakeholders they may choose. Working with the school system leadership, the purpose of the stakeholder working group is to assist in the development of a succinct profile of a future-ready graduate of the school system containing the knowledge, college and career skills, and life characteristics that they agree are needed for success in occupations and entrepreneurship in the changing world of work. The school system leadership may include the stakeholders in creating visibility and support for their unique, shared vision of a future-ready graduate and in setting the stage for planning and action steps that may be necessary to prepare future-ready graduates. The school system leadership may engage external champions who are committed to the shared vision of a future-ready graduate to help generate community awareness and support for the project and to build strategic partnerships for program implementation. The action steps should include clearly articulating the profile of the future-ready graduate to participating schools, parents and the community, nurturing the whole child, and beginning the development of foundational knowledge, skills, and characteristics beginning in the early years of school, and establishing multiple paths toward college and career readiness for students that include internships, externships, and credentialing.
(c) Local school improvement councils can play a key role in the implementation of programs at the age appropriate grade levels by engaging the schools business and community partners, including two-year and four-year institutions of higher education, to help develop within students an awareness of the changing world of work and an appreciation of the relevancy of academic subject matter for success in various occupations and entrepreneurship. This may include, but is not limited to, presentations by guest speakers, demonstrations, hands-on creative projects, virtual or on-site visits to work places, and internships, externships, and credentialing appropriate for the grade levels of the school to reinforce the competencies students will need for success. Local school improvement councils may exercise their authority pursuant to 18-5A-3 of this code to seek waivers from rules, policies, interpretations, and statutes for plan implementation.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 18. Education

Article 2. State Board of Education

§18-2-1. Creation; Composition; Appointment, Qualifications, Terms and Removal of Members; Offices

§18-2-3. Meetings; Compensation and Expenses of Members

§18-2-4. Organization; Appointment, Compensation and Duties of Secretary

§18-2-5. Powers and Duties Generally; Specific Powers and Duties for Alternatives That Improve Student Learning

§18-2-5a. Board Rules to Be Filed With Legislature

§18-2-5b. Medicaid-Eligible Children; School Health Services Advisory Committee

§18-2-5c. Birth Certificate Required Upon Admission to Public School; Required Notice to Local Law-Enforcement Agency of Missing Children

§18-2-5d. Duty of Board to Report Guidelines for Productive and Safe Schools

§18-2-5e. Higher Education Participation in Development and Use of Public Education Assessments

§18-2-5f. Use of Student Social Security Numbers

§18-2-5h. Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act

§18-2-6. Classification and Standardization of Schools; Standards for Degrees and Diplomas; Certificates of Proficiency; Establishment of Alternative Education Programs

§18-2-6a. Sale of Healthy Beverages and Soft Drinks in Schools

§18-2-6b. General Educational Development (Ged) Diploma; Legislative Findings and Intent; Examination Costs; Testing Materials and Procedures; Report Required

§18-2-7. Courses of Study; Language of Instruction

§18-2-7a. Legislative Findings; Required Physical Education; Program in Physical Fitness

§18-2-7b. Programs in Drug Prevention and Violence Reduction

§18-2-7c. Program in Personal Finance

§18-2-7d. Program in Workforce Preparedness

§18-2-7e. Business and Community Partnerships for Improving Student Engagement and Preparation; Roles of School District Leadership and Local School Improvement Councils; Future-Ready Graduate Profile

§18-2-7f. Alternative Educational Opportunities for Elective Course Credit

§18-2-8. Course of Study in Fire Prevention

§18-2-8a. Hunter Safety Orientation Program

§18-2-8b. West Virginia Remembers Program; Rulemaking

§18-2-9. Required Courses of Instruction

§18-2-9a. Elective Courses of Instruction on the Bible

§18-2-10. Certificates and Awards

§18-2-11. Sabbatical Leaves for Teachers and Certain Aides

§18-2-12. Computer Science Courses of Instruction; Learning Standards; State Board Plan Development

§18-2-13. Character Education Integration

§18-2-13a. Control of Property and Business Affairs of State Educational Institutions

§18-2-13b. Additional Authority of State Board of Education Concerning Revenue Bonds for Dormitories, Homes or Refectories

§18-2-13c. Payroll Deductions for Employees' Participation in Group Insurance Plans

§18-2-13d. Marshall University

§18-2-13e. Transfer of Property for the Use of Marshall University

§18-2-13f. Responsibility for Administration and Provision of Educational Services in State Correctional Institutions

§18-2-13g. Procedure for Contracting With Insurers; Licensing of Insurer; Exemption of Certain Insurers From Premium and Annuity Taxes

§18-2-13h. Provision of Educational Services for School-Age Juveniles Placed in Residential Facilities for Custody and Treatment

§18-2-14. Reports by State Board of Education, State Commissioner of Public Institutions, and Chief Officers of State Educational Institutions to Auditor

§18-2-16. Establishment and Operation of State Camp and Conference Center; Rental Thereof; Expenditures; Gifts and Donations; County Court May Erect and Equip Buildings

§18-2-16a. Construction of Buildings and Recreational Facilities at State Camp and Conference Center; Charges for Use; Financing by Revenue Bonds or Notes Permissible; Trustee for Holders of Bonds or Notes; Contents of Trust Agreement

§18-2-16b. State Camp and Conference Center; Property Transferred; Powers and Duties of Commissioner of Agriculture

§18-2-24. Collaboration of State Institutions of Higher Education Having a Teacher Preparation Program With the Center for Professional Development, State Board and the Regional Education Service Agencies

§18-2-25. Authority of County Boards to Regulate Athletic and Other Extracurricular Activities of Secondary Schools; Delegation of Authority to West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission; Authority of Commission; Approval of Rules by State...

§18-2-25a. Management of Concussions and Head Injuries in Athletics at West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission Member High School or Middle School

§18-2-25b. Emergency Action Plans for Athletics

§18-2-25c. Defibrillator Required at Certain Events

§18-2-25d. Clarifying Participation for Sports Events to Be Based on Biological Sex of the Athlete at Birth

§18-2-26. Abolishment and Transition of Regional Education Service Agencies

§18-2-27. Authority to Contract for Programs, Services and Facilities

§18-2-29. Competitive Grant Program for Selected Schools and School Districts

§18-2-32. Posthumous High School Diplomas

§18-2-33. Rules for Antihazing

§18-2-34. High School Diplomas for Surviving Veterans of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam Conflict

§18-2-35. Dress Codes Requiring School Uniforms for Students

§18-2-36. Framework for Initiating Comprehensive Transformation of School Leadership

§18-2-39. College and Career Readiness Initiative

§18-2-40. Suicide Prevention Awareness Training; Dissemination of Information

§18-2-40a. Education on and Prevention of Self-Harm Behavior and Eating Disorders

§18-2-41. Education and Prevention of the Sexual Abuse of Children

§18-2-42. Providing Career and Technical Education Program Information to Students and Parents; Transcript of Post-Secondary Credit; Career Technical Education Student Participation in Graduation Ceremony

§18-2-43. Addressing Disciplinary Action in West Virginia Schools