West Virginia Code
Article 2. State Board of Education
§18-2-29. Competitive Grant Program for Selected Schools and School Districts


Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 18. Education

Article 2. State Board of Education

§18-2-1. Creation; Composition; Appointment, Qualifications, Terms and Removal of Members; Offices

§18-2-3. Meetings; Compensation and Expenses of Members

§18-2-4. Organization; Appointment, Compensation and Duties of Secretary

§18-2-5. Powers and Duties Generally; Specific Powers and Duties for Alternatives That Improve Student Learning

§18-2-5a. Board Rules to Be Filed With Legislature

§18-2-5b. Medicaid-Eligible Children; School Health Services Advisory Committee

§18-2-5c. Birth Certificate Required Upon Admission to Public School; Required Notice to Local Law-Enforcement Agency of Missing Children

§18-2-5d. Duty of Board to Report Guidelines for Productive and Safe Schools

§18-2-5e. Higher Education Participation in Development and Use of Public Education Assessments

§18-2-5f. Use of Student Social Security Numbers

§18-2-5h. Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act

§18-2-6. Classification and Standardization of Schools; Standards for Degrees and Diplomas; Certificates of Proficiency; Establishment of Alternative Education Programs

§18-2-6a. Sale of Healthy Beverages and Soft Drinks in Schools

§18-2-6b. General Educational Development (Ged) Diploma; Legislative Findings and Intent; Examination Costs; Testing Materials and Procedures; Report Required

§18-2-7. Courses of Study; Language of Instruction

§18-2-7a. Legislative Findings; Required Physical Education; Program in Physical Fitness

§18-2-7b. Programs in Drug Prevention and Violence Reduction

§18-2-7c. Program in Personal Finance

§18-2-7d. Program in Workforce Preparedness

§18-2-7e. Business and Community Partnerships for Improving Student Engagement and Preparation; Roles of School District Leadership and Local School Improvement Councils; Future-Ready Graduate Profile

§18-2-7f. Alternative Educational Opportunities for Elective Course Credit

§18-2-8. Course of Study in Fire Prevention

§18-2-8a. Hunter Safety Orientation Program

§18-2-8b. West Virginia Remembers Program; Rulemaking

§18-2-9. Required Courses of Instruction

§18-2-9a. Elective Courses of Instruction on the Bible

§18-2-10. Certificates and Awards

§18-2-11. Sabbatical Leaves for Teachers and Certain Aides

§18-2-12. Computer Science Courses of Instruction; Learning Standards; State Board Plan Development

§18-2-13. Character Education Integration

§18-2-13a. Control of Property and Business Affairs of State Educational Institutions

§18-2-13b. Additional Authority of State Board of Education Concerning Revenue Bonds for Dormitories, Homes or Refectories

§18-2-13c. Payroll Deductions for Employees' Participation in Group Insurance Plans

§18-2-13d. Marshall University

§18-2-13e. Transfer of Property for the Use of Marshall University

§18-2-13f. Responsibility for Administration and Provision of Educational Services in State Correctional Institutions

§18-2-13g. Procedure for Contracting With Insurers; Licensing of Insurer; Exemption of Certain Insurers From Premium and Annuity Taxes

§18-2-13h. Provision of Educational Services for School-Age Juveniles Placed in Residential Facilities for Custody and Treatment

§18-2-14. Reports by State Board of Education, State Commissioner of Public Institutions, and Chief Officers of State Educational Institutions to Auditor

§18-2-16. Establishment and Operation of State Camp and Conference Center; Rental Thereof; Expenditures; Gifts and Donations; County Court May Erect and Equip Buildings

§18-2-16a. Construction of Buildings and Recreational Facilities at State Camp and Conference Center; Charges for Use; Financing by Revenue Bonds or Notes Permissible; Trustee for Holders of Bonds or Notes; Contents of Trust Agreement

§18-2-16b. State Camp and Conference Center; Property Transferred; Powers and Duties of Commissioner of Agriculture

§18-2-24. Collaboration of State Institutions of Higher Education Having a Teacher Preparation Program With the Center for Professional Development, State Board and the Regional Education Service Agencies

§18-2-25. Authority of County Boards to Regulate Athletic and Other Extracurricular Activities of Secondary Schools; Delegation of Authority to West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission; Authority of Commission; Approval of Rules by State...

§18-2-25a. Management of Concussions and Head Injuries in Athletics at West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission Member High School or Middle School

§18-2-25b. Emergency Action Plans for Athletics

§18-2-25c. Defibrillator Required at Certain Events

§18-2-25d. Clarifying Participation for Sports Events to Be Based on Biological Sex of the Athlete at Birth

§18-2-26. Abolishment and Transition of Regional Education Service Agencies

§18-2-27. Authority to Contract for Programs, Services and Facilities

§18-2-29. Competitive Grant Program for Selected Schools and School Districts

§18-2-32. Posthumous High School Diplomas

§18-2-33. Rules for Antihazing

§18-2-34. High School Diplomas for Surviving Veterans of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam Conflict

§18-2-35. Dress Codes Requiring School Uniforms for Students

§18-2-36. Framework for Initiating Comprehensive Transformation of School Leadership

§18-2-39. College and Career Readiness Initiative

§18-2-40. Suicide Prevention Awareness Training; Dissemination of Information

§18-2-40a. Education on and Prevention of Self-Harm Behavior and Eating Disorders

§18-2-41. Education and Prevention of the Sexual Abuse of Children

§18-2-42. Providing Career and Technical Education Program Information to Students and Parents; Transcript of Post-Secondary Credit; Career Technical Education Student Participation in Graduation Ceremony

§18-2-43. Addressing Disciplinary Action in West Virginia Schools