West Virginia Code
Article 2. West Virginia State Police
§15-2-9. State Police Voluntary Contribution Fund

(a) The Legislature finds that from the year 1951 to 2003, employees of the West Virginia State Police or its predecessor agencies have operated a voluntary contribution fund. Upon the death of a member or employee of the West Virginia State Police who, upon his or her death, was a member of the contribution fund, active members and employees of the West Virginia State Police who have voluntarily chosen to be members of the fund have been permitted, as an expression of respect and gratitude for the contributions and service of the deceased member in protecting the public, to donate small financial contributions to a designated beneficiary of the deceased member. The contributions were deposited into the contribution fund and the disbursements were made from the fund.
The Legislature further finds, upon the reports of the Legislative Auditor, that over the years, without statutory authority to do so, administrators of the West Virginia State Police and its predecessor agencies assumed control of the administration of the contribution fund, performing or directing the administrative functions necessary to receive contributions to and disbursements from the contribution fund.
The Legislature further finds that the State of West Virginia had not established the contribution fund or any similar benefit plan for the members and employees of the West Virginia State Police or its predecessor agencies, nor approved the same as an official state benefit program or plan in any manner whatsoever. In the absence of the establishment or approval of such a program or plan by the Legislature, the exercise of administrative powers for these purposes is inappropriate.
The Legislature further finds that the contribution fund is not a state program, but a private activity to which individual employees of the West Virginia State Police have committed state time and resources.
The Legislature further finds that the contributions and service of deceased members and employees of the West Virginia State Police merit sincere, dignified and personal voluntary expressions of respect and gratitude from fellow members and employees of the deceased. The Legislature further finds that the continuance of the contribution fund or similar benefit plan for the purposes of facilitating those personal voluntary expressions of respect and gratitude may be appropriate under certain circumstances.
It is therefore the intent of the Legislature to authorize the limited use of staff and other resources incidental to the continued administration of the private contribution fund in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(b) The limited use of State Police staff time, postage, duplicating and incidental resources is authorized in the continued administration of the contribution fund for the purpose of facilitating contributions and disbursements from the fund if the following conditions have been met:
(1) The superintendent has provided each member and employee of the West Virginia State Police a copy of this section and a statement in writing that clearly advises the member or employee that the contribution fund is a private activity established and maintained by members and employees of the West Virginia State Police in their private capacity with limited administration by the West Virginia State Police and is not in any manner a benefit or other plan provided by or on behalf of the State of West Virginia and that participation in the fund or plan is not required, but is only permitted if the member or employee elects to participate on a voluntary basis with no obligation to give nor opportunity for coerced participation and that the purpose of the fund is to facilitate participating members' expressions of admiration, appreciation and bereavement to the survivors of deceased members;
(2) All rosters, records and accounts of the contribution fund are available for public inspection and audit; and
(3) State Police administration is consistent with all applicable federal and state tax requirements.
(c) Membership in the State Police Contribution Fund is voluntary. On or before July 31, 2006, members or employees hired between January 1, 2003, and the effective date of this section may elect to participate in the fund, and within five days of employment or reemployment with the West Virginia State Police, a member or employee may elect to participate in the fund: Provided, That any member of the original contribution fund in good standing upon the effective date of this section shall be presumed to be a member of the contribution fund. A retired member may maintain membership in the fund. A member may terminate membership in the fund at any time, by written notice to the superintendent, or by ceasing to make contributions to the fund. Upon the death of a member of the fund, the superintendent is authorized to collect a contribution not to exceed the sum of $5 from all personnel participating in the fund, payable to a designated beneficiary of the deceased member. To aid administrative efficiency and ease the burden of participation, the superintendent may collect funds prospectively to cover an estimated number of deaths in a given period: Provided, That any such remaining funds credited to a deceased member shall be returned to the member's designated beneficiary.
(d) Use of coercion in an attempt to influence a West Virginia State Police officer's or employee's election to participate in the contribution fund is prohibited and grounds for dismissal from employment.
(e) The superintendent is authorized to establish and maintain a nongovernmental bank account established by agreement with a bank within the state to receive contributions to and make disbursements from the fund. These receipts are not to be deposited or held in the state Treasury.
(f) The superintendent shall verify any death of a member of the fund and authorize the dissemination of a notice of the death to members of the fund. The superintendent shall use the most cost efficient means of communication available in making these notifications.
(g) The superintendent is authorized to develop a written internal department policy for the operation of the contribution fund, which may include terms and conditions of membership and the development of any necessary forms or agreements for enrollment in the fund and the designation of a beneficiary.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 15. Public Safety

Article 2. West Virginia State Police

§15-2-1. Short Title

§15-2-2. Superintendent; Departmental Headquarters; Continuation of the State Police

§15-2-3. State Police Structure; How Established; Training; Special Revenue Account

§15-2-4. Appointment of Commissioned Officers, Noncommissioned Officers, Other Members; Temporary and Permanent Positions

§15-2-5. Career Progression System State; Salaries; Exclusion From Wage and Hour Laws, With Supplemental Payment; Bond; Leave Time for Members Called to Duty in Guard or Reserves

§15-2-6. Authority to Make Rules for Grievance Procedure

§15-2-7. Cadet Selection Board; Qualifications for and Appointment to Membership in State Police; Civilian Employees; Forensic Laboratory Employees; Salaries

§15-2-8. Chaplains

§15-2-9. State Police Voluntary Contribution Fund

§15-2-10. Uniforms; Authorized Equipment, Weapons and Supplies; Local Headquarters; Quarters for Members; Life Insurance; Medical and Hospital Fees for Injuries and Illnesses of Members Incurred in Line of Duty

§15-2-10a. Duty to Return Assigned Items; Superintendent's Right of Setoff

§15-2-11. Territorial Jurisdiction

§15-2-12. Mission of the State Police; Powers of Superintendent, Officers and Members; Patrol of Turnpike

§15-2-13. Limitations Upon Members; Exceptions

§15-2-14. Oath of Superintendent and Members

§15-2-15. State Police Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations Unit

§15-2-16. Interference With Officers or Members; False Information; Penalty

§15-2-17. Unauthorized Use of Uniform, Badge or Other Insignia; Impersonation of Member; Penalty

§15-2-18. Officers or Members Failure to Perform Duties; General Penalty; Providing Extraordinary Police or Security Services by Contract

§15-2-19. Bribing, etc., Officers or Members; Penalty

§15-2-20. Transfer Authorized; Use for Disciplinary Purposes Prohibited; Notice Required Under Certain Circumstances; Relocation Expense; Regulation of Member's Residence

§15-2-21. Suspension, Demotion or Discharge of Members; Right of Appeal

§15-2-22. Assignment of Assistant Attorney General; Employment of Legal Counsel

§15-2-23. Duties of Superintendent as to Statistics, Aliens and Labor Conditions

§15-2-24. Criminal Identification Bureau; Establishment; Supervision; Purpose; Fingerprints, Photographs, Records and Other Information; Reports by Courts and Prosecuting Attorneys; Offenses and Penalties

§15-2-24a. National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact

§15-2-24b. Fees for Certain Fingerprinting Services; Dedication of Fees

§15-2-24c. Relationship With Marshall University Forensic Science Center

§15-2-24d. State Police Forensic Laboratory Fund

§15-2-25. Rules Generally; Carrying of Weapons Upon Retirement or Medical Discharge

§15-2-25a. Meaning of Terms

§15-2-25b. Definitions

§15-2-26. Continuation of Death, Disability and Retirement Fund; Designating the Consolidated Public Retirement Board as Administrator of Fund

§15-2-27. Retirement; Awards and Benefits; Leased Employees

§15-2-27a. Retirement Annual Annuity Adjustments

§15-2-28. Credit Toward Retirement for Member's Prior Military Service; Credit Toward Retirement When Employee Has Joined Armed Forces in Time of Armed Conflict; Qualified Military Service

§15-2-29. Awards and Benefits for Disability Incurred in Performance of Duty

§15-2-30. Awards and Benefits for Disability Due to Other Causes

§15-2-31. Disability Physical Examinations; Termination

§15-2-31a. Application for Disability Benefit; Determinations

§15-2-31b. Annual Report on Disability Retirement Experience

§15-2-32. Retirant Not to Exercise Police Authority; Retention of Group Insurance

§15-2-33. Awards and Benefits to Dependents of Member When the Member Dies in Performance of Duty; to Dependents of a Duty Disability Retirant; Dependent Child Scholarship and Amount

§15-2-33a. Awards and Benefits to Dependents of Member -- Termination

§15-2-34. Awards and Benefits to Dependents of Employee When the Employee Dies From Nonservice-Connected Causes

§15-2-35. Awards and Benefits to Dependents of Retirant or After an Employee Serves Twenty Years

§15-2-35a. Authority to Continue Payments to Certain Dependents

§15-2-36. Awards and Benefits to Dependents of Member -- Termination

§15-2-37. Refunds to Certain Employees Upon Discharge or Resignation; Deferred Retirement

§15-2-38. Refund to Dependents Upon Death of Member Not Eligible for Benefits

§15-2-39. Dependent Child or Children

§15-2-39a. Limitations on Benefit Increases

§15-2-40. Commission on Drunk Driving Prevention Created; Members; Quorum; Meetings

§15-2-41. Powers and Duties of Commission; Rule-Making Authority; Monitoring and Reporting

§15-2-42. Drunk Driving Enforcement Program Established; Purpose

§15-2-43. Awarding Service Revolver Upon Retirement and Disposal of Service Weapon When Replaced Due to Routine Wear

§15-2-44. Federal Law Maximum Benefit Limitations

§15-2-45. Federal Law Minimum Required Distributions

§15-2-46. Direct Rollovers

§15-2-47. Federal Qualification Requirements

§15-2-48. Specification of Actuarial Assumptions

§15-2-49. Benefits Not Forfeited if System Terminates

§15-2-51. State Police Reemployment

§15-2-52. Termination of Benefits; Procedures

§15-2-53. State Law-Enforcement Association Members Annual Leave Program

§15-2-54. Correction of Errors; Underpayments; Overpayments

§15-2-55. Referral Program for Substance Abuse Treatment

§15-2-56. Handle With Care Program