Vermont Statutes
Chapter 151 - Income Taxes
§ 5930nn. Recently deployed veteran tax credit

§ 5930nn. Recently deployed veteran tax credit
(a) A qualified employer shall be eligible for a nonrefundable credit against the income tax liability imposed under this chapter in an amount equal to $2,000.00 for each new full-time employee hired after May 24, 2011 but on or before December 31, 2012 for a position, the majority of the duties of which are at a business location within Vermont.
(b) A recently deployed veteran shall be eligible for a nonrefundable credit against the income tax liability imposed under this chapter in an amount up to a total of $2,000.00 for expenses associated with one start-up business in which the recently deployed veteran holds at least a 50-percent ownership interest. A credit under this subsection may only be taken for a business started after May 24, 2011 but on or before December 31, 2012, that is located within Vermont, and that shows a net profit of at least $3,000.00 for the year in which the credit is taken.
(c) A credit earned under this section shall be claimed in the tax year following the new full-time employee’s date of hire, or in the tax year following the date that the start-up business was created, and may be carried forward one year.
(d) In this section:
(1) “Expense associated with a start-up business” means the following expenses:
(A) expenses associated with the development of a business plan;
(B) professional services associated with the formation of the business (e.g., attorney and accounting services);
(C) an analysis or survey of potential markets, products, labor supply, or transportation facilities;
(D) advertisements for the opening of the business;
(E) salaries and wages for employees who are being trained and their instructors;
(F) travel and other necessary costs for securing prospective distributors, suppliers, or customers; and
(G) salaries and fees for executives and consultants, or for similar professional services.
(2) “New full-time employee” means a recently deployed veteran:
(A) who works at least 35 hours per week for not less than 45 of the 52 weeks following the individual’s date of hire;
(B) whose compensation equals or exceeds the prevailing compensation level, including wages and benefits, for the particular employment sector and region of the State as determined by the Commissioner of Labor;
(C) who has certification by the Department of Labor at the time of hire of:
(i) collecting or being eligible to collect unemployment benefits; or
(ii) having exhausted his or her unemployment benefits; and
(D) who has not been employed by the qualified employer for 90 days prior to the date of hire.
(3) “Qualified employer” means a person who:
(A) is in good standing with respect to applicable registration, fee, and filing requirements with the Secretary of State, the Department of Taxes, and the Department of Labor; and
(B) has in place a valid workers’ compensation policy.
(4) “Recently deployed veteran” means an individual who:
(A)(i) was a resident of Vermont at the time of entry into military service; or
(ii) was mobilized to active, federal military service while a member of the Vermont National Guard or other reserve unit located in Vermont, regardless of the resident’s home of record;
(B) received an honorable or general discharge from active, federal military service within the two-year period preceding the date of hire; and
(C) for the purposes of the credit in subsection (b) of this section, a person who at the time of starting up a new business has been certified by the Department of Labor as:
(i) collecting or being eligible to collect unemployment benefits; or
(ii) having exhausted his or her unemployment benefits.
(e) The Department of Labor, in coordination with the Department of Taxes, the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, and the Office of Veterans’ Affairs, shall:
(1) promote awareness of the recently deployed veteran tax credit authorized in this section to employers and eligible veterans;
(2) establish procedures for prequalifying an individual as a recently deployed veteran and for providing notice to the Department of Labor when a new full-time employee is hired;
(3) establish procedures for certifying a qualified employer’s compliance or, in the case of a credit under subsection (b) of this section, a recently deployed veteran’s compliance, with the eligibility and expense verification requirements to claim the credit authorized under this section;
(4) adopt measurable goals, performance measures that demonstrate results, and an audit strategy to assess the utilization and performance of the credit authorized in this section; and
(5) engage in efforts to promote the hiring of recently deployed veterans through the hiring practices of the State of Vermont.
(6) [Repealed.]
(f) An employer shall not claim the credit in subsection (a) of this section for an employee who has claimed the credit under subsection (b) of this section, and a recently deployed veteran shall not claim the credit in subsection (b) if an employer has claimed his or her hire for the credit in subsection (a). (Added 2011, No. 44, § 1, eff. May 24, 2011; amended 2015, No. 11, § 34.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 32 - Taxation and Finance

Chapter 151 - Income Taxes

§ 5811. Definitions

§ 5812. Income taxation of parties to a civil union

§ 5813. Statutory purposes

§ 5819. Inconsistent provisions

§ 5820. Purpose

§ 5821. Name of tax

§ 5822. Tax on income of individuals, estates, and trusts

§ 5823. Vermont income of individuals, estates, and trusts

§ 5824. Adoption of federal income tax laws

§ 5825. Credit for taxes paid to other states and provinces

§ 5825a. Credit for Vermont Higher Education Investment Plan contributions

§ 5828. Mobile home park sale; capital gain credit

§ 5828b. Earned income tax credit

§ 5828c. Child and dependent care credit

§ 5830a. Interest tax

§ 5830b. Tax credits; Entrepreneurs’ Seed Capital Fund

§ 5830c. Tax credits; charitable investments in housing

§ 5830d. Deferral of income taxation; combat zone duty

§ 5830e. Retirement income; Social Security income

§ 5830f. Vermont child tax credit

§ 5831. Name of tax

§ 5832. Tax on income of corporations

§ 5832a. Digital business entity franchise tax

§ 5833. Allocation and apportionment of income

§ 5834. Computation of gains and losses

§ 5835. Construction of subchapter

§ 5836. Franchise tax on financial institutions

§ 5838. Digital business entity election

§ 5841. Requirement and rate of withholding

§ 5842. Return and payment of withheld taxes

§ 5843. Failure to account; maintenance of trust account

§ 5844. Liability; penalty; trust for the State

§ 5847. Withholding on sales or exchanges of real estate

§ 5851. Definitions

§ 5852. Payment of estimated income tax

§ 5855. Payments as tax liability

§ 5856. Declaration of estimated tax

§ 5857. Filing dates

§ 5858. Payment dates

§ 5859. Assessment date, penalties, interest

§ 5861. Returns by individuals, trusts, and estates

§ 5861a. Returns by partnerships

§ 5862. Returns by corporations

§ 5862a. Nongame Wildlife Account checkoff

§ 5862b. Vermont Children’s Trust Foundation checkoff

§ 5862d. Filing of federal form 1099

§ 5862e. Vermont Veterans’ Fund checkoff

§ 5862f. Vermont Green Up checkoff

§ 5863. Additional returns

§ 5864. Failure to file a return; petition and computation of tax

§ 5866. Supplemental information; changes in federal tax liability or taxable income

§ 5867. Form and verification of returns

§ 5868. Extension of time for filing of returns

§ 5870. Reporting use tax on individual income tax returns

§ 5871. Payments by individuals, trusts, and estates

§ 5872. Payment by corporations

§ 5873. Extension of time for payment

§ 5874. Method of payment

§ 5882. Time limitation on notices of deficiency and assessment of penalty and interest

§ 5883. Determination of deficiency, refund, or assessment

§ 5884. Refunds; petitions for refunds

§ 5885. Procedure for hearings by Commissioner; appeals

§ 5886. Payment and collection of deficiencies and assessments; jeopardy notices

§ 5887. Remedy exclusive; determination final

§ 5888. Determination of taxable income and income tax liability under the laws of the United States

§ 5891. Tax a debt to the State

§ 5892. Action to collect taxes; limitations

§ 5893. Levy for nonpayment

§ 5894. Liability for failure or delinquency

§ 5895. Tax liability as property lien

§ 5901. Consent to use or disclosure of information

§ 5902. Persons preparing returns

§ 5903. Exceptions

§ 5910. Definitions; federal conformity

§ 5911. Taxation of an S corporation and its shareholders

§ 5913. Part-year residence

§ 5914. Returns and mandatory payments

§ 5915. Minimum tax

§ 5916. Tax credits

§ 5920. Returns and mandatory payments

§ 5921. Minimum tax

§ 5922. Financial services development tax credit

§ 5930u. Tax credit for affordable housing

§ 5930aa. Definitions

§ 5930bb. Eligibility and administration

§ 5930cc. Downtown and Village Center Program tax credits

§ 5930dd. Claims; availability

§ 5930ee. Limitations

§ 5930ff. Recapture

§ 5930ii. Research and development tax credit

§ 5930nn. Recently deployed veteran tax credit

§ 5931. Short title

§ 5932. Definitions

§ 5933. Collection of debts through setoff

§ 5934. Procedure for setoff

§ 5935. Joint returns

§ 5936. Hearing procedure

§ 5937. Priorities in claims to setoff

§ 5938. Collection assistance fees

§ 5939. Confidentiality exemption; nondisclosure

§ 5940. Rules and regulations

§ 5941. Procedure for setoff of court judgments

§ 5942. Offset for taxes owed in another state; reciprocity

§ 5951. Definitions; general provisions

§ 5952. Imposition of tax

§ 5953. Exemptions

§ 5954. Filing of return and payment of tax