§ 5851. Affirmation
In the administration of an oath, the word “swear” may be omitted, and the word “affirm” substituted, when the person to whom the obligation is administered is religiously scrupulous of swearing, or taking an oath in the prescribed form; and, in such case, the words “so help you God” may be omitted, and the words “under the pains and penalties of perjury” substituted; and a person so affirming shall be considered, for every legal purpose of privilege, qualification, or liability, as having been duly sworn.
Structure Vermont Statutes
§ 5801. Forms of oaths prescribed
§ 5802. Oath to be administered to grand jury
§ 5803. Oath to be administered to petit jurors impaneled to try civil causes in Superior Courts
§ 5804. Oath to be administered to petit jurors in criminal causes
§ 5806. Oath to be administered to officer attending grand jury
§ 5807. Oath to be administered to officer taking charge of jury in Superior Court
§ 5810. Oath to be administered to witnesses
§ 5811. Oath to be administered to interpreter of testimony
§ 5812. Oath to be administered to attorneys
§ 5813. Oath to be administered to officials, committees, etc
§ 5852. Oaths of office; by whom administered
§ 5853. By clerks of courts, referees, etc
§ 5854. Oaths, administering by court clerks, justices, notaries, etc.; certification
§ 5855. Oaths and acknowledgments by members of the U.S. Armed Forces