Vermont Statutes
Chapter 211 - Oaths
§ 5807. Oath to be administered to officer taking charge of jury in Superior Court

§ 5807. Oath to be administered to officer taking charge of jury in Superior Court
You solemnly swear that, during the present term of this court, when you take charge of the jury impaneled for the trial of any cause, you will, after they have been charged by the court, keep them together in some suitable place; that you will suffer no person to speak to them upon the matters submitted to their charge until they are agreed, nor will you speak to them yourself about the same, but in court, or to ask them whether they are agreed; and that you will not, in any cause, disclose the verdict of the jury or any conversation they may have respecting the cause they may have in charge, until they have delivered up their verdict in court, or been released from their charge by order of court. So help you God.