§ 5802. Oath to be administered to grand jury
You solemnly swear that you will diligently inquire and true presentment make of all such matters and things as shall come to your knowledge, according to your charge. The counsel of the State, your own counsel, and that of your fellows, you shall keep secret. You will present no man for envy, hatred, or malice; neither will you leave any person unpresented for love, fear, favor, affection, or hope of reward; but you will present things truly as they come to your knowledge, to the best of your understanding, according to the laws of this State. So help you God.
Structure Vermont Statutes
§ 5801. Forms of oaths prescribed
§ 5802. Oath to be administered to grand jury
§ 5803. Oath to be administered to petit jurors impaneled to try civil causes in Superior Courts
§ 5804. Oath to be administered to petit jurors in criminal causes
§ 5806. Oath to be administered to officer attending grand jury
§ 5807. Oath to be administered to officer taking charge of jury in Superior Court
§ 5810. Oath to be administered to witnesses
§ 5811. Oath to be administered to interpreter of testimony
§ 5812. Oath to be administered to attorneys
§ 5813. Oath to be administered to officials, committees, etc
§ 5852. Oaths of office; by whom administered
§ 5853. By clerks of courts, referees, etc
§ 5854. Oaths, administering by court clerks, justices, notaries, etc.; certification
§ 5855. Oaths and acknowledgments by members of the U.S. Armed Forces