§ 5812. Oath to be administered to attorneys
You solemnly swear (affirm) that you will do no falsehood, nor consent that any be done in court, and if you know of any, you will give knowledge thereof to the judges of the court or some of them, that it may be reformed; that you will not wittingly, willingly, or knowingly promote, sue, or procure to be sued, any false or unlawful suit, or give aid or consent to the same; that you will delay no person for lucre or malice, but will act in the office of attorney within the court, according to your best learning and discretion, with all good fidelity as well to the court as to your client. So help you God (or, “under the pains and penalties of perjury”). (Amended 2019, No. 167 (Adj. Sess.), § 11, eff. October 7, 2020.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
§ 5801. Forms of oaths prescribed
§ 5802. Oath to be administered to grand jury
§ 5803. Oath to be administered to petit jurors impaneled to try civil causes in Superior Courts
§ 5804. Oath to be administered to petit jurors in criminal causes
§ 5806. Oath to be administered to officer attending grand jury
§ 5807. Oath to be administered to officer taking charge of jury in Superior Court
§ 5810. Oath to be administered to witnesses
§ 5811. Oath to be administered to interpreter of testimony
§ 5812. Oath to be administered to attorneys
§ 5813. Oath to be administered to officials, committees, etc
§ 5852. Oaths of office; by whom administered
§ 5853. By clerks of courts, referees, etc
§ 5854. Oaths, administering by court clerks, justices, notaries, etc.; certification
§ 5855. Oaths and acknowledgments by members of the U.S. Armed Forces