Vermont Statutes
Chapter 84 - Possession and Control of Regulated Drugs
§ 4237. Selling or dispensing to minors; selling on school grounds

§ 4237. Selling or dispensing to minors; selling on school grounds
(a) Dispensing regulated drugs to minors. A person knowingly and unlawfully dispensing any regulated drug to a minor who is at least three years that person’s junior shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than five years.
(b) Sale of regulated drugs. A person knowingly and unlawfully selling any regulated drug to a minor shall, in addition to any other penalty, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than 10 years.
(c) Selling on school grounds. No person shall knowingly and unlawfully:
(1) dispense or sell a regulated drug to any person on a school bus or on real property owned by a public or private elementary, secondary, or vocational school;
(2) sell a regulated drug to any person on real property abutting real property owned by a public or private elementary, secondary, or vocational school; or
(3) dispense a regulated drug to any person in public view on real property abutting real property owned by a school.
(d) Abutting school property. The selling or dispensing of a regulated drug to a person on property abutting school property is a violation under this section only if it occurs within 500 feet of the school property. Property shall be considered abutting school property if:
(1) it shares a boundary with school property; or
(2) it is adjacent to school property and is separated only by a river, stream, or public highway.
(e) Penalty. A person who violates subsection (c) of this section shall, in addition to any other penalty, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than 10 years.
(f) Definitions. As used in this section:
(1) “Minor” means a person under the age of 18.
(2) “Owned by a school” means owned, leased, controlled, or subcontracted by a school and used frequently by students for educational or recreational activities. (Added 1989, No. 100, § 8; amended 2001, No. 52, § 10; 2003, No. 54, § 8; 2017, No. 113 (Adj. Sess.), § 83.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 18 - Health

Chapter 84 - Possession and Control of Regulated Drugs

§ 4201. Definitions

§ 4202. Powers and duties of the Board of Health

§ 4203. Persons exempted

§ 4204. Preparations excepted

§ 4205. Acts prohibited

§ 4206. Licenses

§ 4207. Certificates of approval

§ 4208. Qualifications for issuance of licenses and certificates

§ 4209. Supervision, revocation, and reinstatement of licenses and certificates

§ 4210. Authorized sales on written orders, records

§ 4211. Records confidential

§ 4212. Labels

§ 4213. Authorized sales of regulated drugs

§ 4214. Authorized professional use of regulated drugs

§ 4215. Authorized sales by pharmacists

§ 4215a. Sale of schedule V drugs

§ 4215b. Identification

§ 4216. Authorized possession by individuals

§ 4217. Reports by physicians and hospitals

§ 4218. Enforcement

§ 4220. Violations; proceedings

§ 4221. Violations; presumptions

§ 4222. Common nuisances

§ 4223. Fraud or deceit

§ 4224. Unused Prescription Drug Disposal Program

§ 4226. Minors; treatment; consent

§ 4228. Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, or sale of a noncontrolled drug or substance

§ 4229. Maintenance of records

§ 4230. Cannabis

§ 4230a. Cannabis possession by a person 21 years of age or older

§ 4230b. Cannabis possession by a person 16 years of age or older and under 21 years of age; civil violation

§ 4230e. Cultivation of cannabis by a person 21 years of age or older

§ 4230f. Dispensing cannabis to a person under 21 years of age; criminal offense

§ 4230g. Dispensing cannabis to a person under 21 years of age; civil action for damages

§ 4230h. Chemical extraction via butane or hexane prohibited

§ 4230i. Exceptions

§ 4230j. Cannabis possession by a person under 16 years of age; delinquency

§ 4231. Cocaine

§ 4232. LSD

§ 4233. Heroin

§ 4233a. Fentanyl

§ 4234. Depressant, stimulant, and narcotic drugs

§ 4234a. Methamphetamine

§ 4234b. Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine

§ 4235. Hallucinogenic drugs

§ 4235a. Ecstasy

§ 4236. Manufacture or cultivation

§ 4237. Selling or dispensing to minors; selling on school grounds

§ 4238. Second and subsequent offenses

§ 4239. Collection of fines

§ 4240. Prevention and treatment of opioid-related overdoses

§ 4241. Scope

§ 4242. Seizure

§ 4243. Judicial forfeiture procedure

§ 4244. Forfeiture hearing

§ 4245. Remission or mitigation of forfeiture

§ 4246. Maintenance

§ 4247. Disposition of property

§ 4248. Records

§ 4249. Transportation of alcohol, tobacco, or regulated drugs into places of detention

§ 4250. Selling or dispensing a regulated drug with death resulting

§ 4252. Penalties for dispensing or selling regulated drugs in a dwelling

§ 4253. Use of a firearm while selling or dispensing a drug

§ 4254. Immunity from liability

§ 4255. Vermont Prescription Drug Advisory Council