Vermont Statutes
Chapter 84 - Possession and Control of Regulated Drugs
§ 4202. Powers and duties of the Board of Health

§ 4202. Powers and duties of the Board of Health
(a) The Board of Health is authorized and empowered to adopt such rules that in its judgment may be necessary or proper to supplement the provisions of this chapter to effectuate the purposes and intent thereof or to clarify its provisions so as to provide the procedure or details to secure effective and proper enforcement of its provisions.
(b) These rules and determinations, when adopted, shall, until modified or rescinded, have the force and effect of law.
(c) The Board of Health and any representative specifically authorized by it shall have the power to administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, and records, and to take proof and testimony concerning all matters with which this chapter is concerned.
(d) The rules adopted by the Board of Health under section 4201 of this title for the purpose of determining those drugs defined under that section may be adopted only after prior written notice to the Board of Pharmacy and the Board of Medical Practice and after the Board of Pharmacy and the Board of Medical Practice have had an opportunity to advise the Board of Health with respect to the form and substance of those rules or amendments and to recommend revisions thereof, except with respect to emergency rules adopted pursuant to 3 V.S.A. § 844, which may be adopted without notice by the Commissioner of Health. (Added 1967, No. 343 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. March 23, 1968; amended 1971, No. 14, § 24, eff. March 11, 1971; 2013, No. 75, § 2a, eff. June 5, 2013; 2017, No. 113 (Adj. Sess.), § 76.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 18 - Health

Chapter 84 - Possession and Control of Regulated Drugs

§ 4201. Definitions

§ 4202. Powers and duties of the Board of Health

§ 4203. Persons exempted

§ 4204. Preparations excepted

§ 4205. Acts prohibited

§ 4206. Licenses

§ 4207. Certificates of approval

§ 4208. Qualifications for issuance of licenses and certificates

§ 4209. Supervision, revocation, and reinstatement of licenses and certificates

§ 4210. Authorized sales on written orders, records

§ 4211. Records confidential

§ 4212. Labels

§ 4213. Authorized sales of regulated drugs

§ 4214. Authorized professional use of regulated drugs

§ 4215. Authorized sales by pharmacists

§ 4215a. Sale of schedule V drugs

§ 4215b. Identification

§ 4216. Authorized possession by individuals

§ 4217. Reports by physicians and hospitals

§ 4218. Enforcement

§ 4220. Violations; proceedings

§ 4221. Violations; presumptions

§ 4222. Common nuisances

§ 4223. Fraud or deceit

§ 4224. Unused Prescription Drug Disposal Program

§ 4226. Minors; treatment; consent

§ 4228. Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, or sale of a noncontrolled drug or substance

§ 4229. Maintenance of records

§ 4230. Cannabis

§ 4230a. Cannabis possession by a person 21 years of age or older

§ 4230b. Cannabis possession by a person 16 years of age or older and under 21 years of age; civil violation

§ 4230e. Cultivation of cannabis by a person 21 years of age or older

§ 4230f. Dispensing cannabis to a person under 21 years of age; criminal offense

§ 4230g. Dispensing cannabis to a person under 21 years of age; civil action for damages

§ 4230h. Chemical extraction via butane or hexane prohibited

§ 4230i. Exceptions

§ 4230j. Cannabis possession by a person under 16 years of age; delinquency

§ 4231. Cocaine

§ 4232. LSD

§ 4233. Heroin

§ 4233a. Fentanyl

§ 4234. Depressant, stimulant, and narcotic drugs

§ 4234a. Methamphetamine

§ 4234b. Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine

§ 4235. Hallucinogenic drugs

§ 4235a. Ecstasy

§ 4236. Manufacture or cultivation

§ 4237. Selling or dispensing to minors; selling on school grounds

§ 4238. Second and subsequent offenses

§ 4239. Collection of fines

§ 4240. Prevention and treatment of opioid-related overdoses

§ 4241. Scope

§ 4242. Seizure

§ 4243. Judicial forfeiture procedure

§ 4244. Forfeiture hearing

§ 4245. Remission or mitigation of forfeiture

§ 4246. Maintenance

§ 4247. Disposition of property

§ 4248. Records

§ 4249. Transportation of alcohol, tobacco, or regulated drugs into places of detention

§ 4250. Selling or dispensing a regulated drug with death resulting

§ 4252. Penalties for dispensing or selling regulated drugs in a dwelling

§ 4253. Use of a firearm while selling or dispensing a drug

§ 4254. Immunity from liability

§ 4255. Vermont Prescription Drug Advisory Council