Vermont Statutes
Chapter 47 - Water Pollution Control
§ 1335. General powers of Commission—Article IV

§ 1335. General powers of Commission—Article IV
The Commission shall annually elect from its members a chair and vice chair and shall appoint and at its pleasure remove or discharge such officers. It may appoint and employ a secretary who shall be a professional engineer versed in water pollution and may employ such stenographic or clerical employees as shall be necessary, and at its pleasure remove or discharge such employees. It shall adopt a seal and suitable bylaws and shall promulgate rules and regulations for its management and control. It may maintain an office for the transaction of its business and may meet at any time or place within the signatory states. Meetings shall be held at least twice each year. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but no action of the Commission imposing any obligation on any signatory state or on any municipal agency or subdivision thereof or on any person, firm or corporation therein shall be binding unless a majority of the members from such signatory state shall have voted in favor thereof. Where meetings are planned to discuss matters relevant to problems of water pollution control affecting only certain of the signatory states, the Commission may vote to authorize special meetings of the commissioners of the states especially concerned. The Commission shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and shall make an annual report to the governor and the legislature of each signatory state setting forth in detail the operations and transactions conducted by it pursuant to this compact, and shall make recommendations for any legislative action deemed by it advisable, including amendments to the statutes of the signatory states which may be necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of this compact. The Commission shall not incur any obligations for salaries, office, administrative, traveling or other expenses prior to the allotment of funds by the signatory states adequate to meet the same; nor shall the Commission pledge the credit of any of the signatory states. Each signatory state reserves the right to provide hereafter by law for the examination and audit of the accounts of the Commission. The Commission shall appoint a treasurer who may be a member of the Commission, and disbursements by the Commission shall be valid only when authorized by the Commission and when vouchers therefor have been signed by the secretary and countersigned by the treasurer. The secretary shall be custodian of the records of the Commission with authority to attest to and certify such records or copies thereof.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 47 - Water Pollution Control

§ 1250. State water quality policy

§ 1251. Definitions

§ 1251a. Water pollution administration

§ 1252. Classification of high quality waters; mixing zones

§ 1253. Classification of waters designated; reclassification

§ 1254. Classification of waters by Secretary; aid

§ 1258. Management of waters after classification, enforcement

§ 1259. Prohibitions

§ 1263. Discharge permits

§ 1264. Stormwater management

§ 1264b. Stormwater Fund

§ 1264d. Ecosystem Restoration and Water Quality Improvement Special Fund

§ 1265. Temporary pollution permits

§ 1266a. Discharges of phosphorus

§ 1266b. Application of phosphorus fertilizer

§ 1267. Revocation of permits

§ 1268. Emergency permits

§ 1269. Appeals

§ 1271. Extension of municipal sewer system; filing map; approval

§ 1272. Regulation of activities causing discharge or affecting significant wetlands

§ 1274. Enforcement

§ 1275. Penalty

§ 1276. Construction

§ 1277. Municipal sewage treatment plants

§ 1278. Operation, management, and emergency response plans for pollution abatement center

§ 1280. Emergency actions

§ 1281. Oil and other hazardous materials

§ 1282. Contingency plans; adoption

§ 1283. Contingency fund

§ 1283a. Contaminants of Emerging Concern Special Fund

§ 1284. Water quality data coordination

§ 1295. Notification of sewage and wastewater discharges

§ 1301. Deposit of sawmill waste in waters

§ 1310. Designation of lake in crisis

§ 1311. State response to a lake in crisis

§ 1312. Lake in crisis order

§ 1313. Assistance

§ 1314. Funding of State response to a lake in crisis

§ 1315. Lake in Crisis Response Program Fund

§ 1331. Preamble

§ 1332. Waters subject to compact—Article I

§ 1333. Creation of Commission—Article II

§ 1334. Composition of Commission—Article III

§ 1335. General powers of Commission—Article IV

§ 1336. Water standards; classification—Article V

§ 1337. Interstate inland and tidal waters—Article VI

§ 1338. Effect on local legislation; pending causes—Article VII

§ 1339. Expenses; obligation of signatories—Article VIII

§ 1340. Separability of provisions—Article IX

§ 1341. New York State; cooperation—Article X

§ 1342. Effective, when—Article XI

§ 1343. Commission membership

§ 1371. Authority for compact

§ 1372. Members; appointment; term

§ 1373. Appropriation

§ 1381. Definitions

§ 1382. Prohibitions

§ 1383. Exclusions

§ 1384. Penalty

§ 1386. Implementation plan for the Lake Champlain total maximum daily load

§ 1387. Findings; purpose; Clean Water Initiative

§ 1388. Clean Water Fund

§ 1389. Clean Water Board

§ 1389a. Clean Water Investment Report

§ 1389b. Clean Water Fund audit