Vermont Statutes
Chapter 47 - Water Pollution Control
§ 1271. Extension of municipal sewer system; filing map; approval

§ 1271. Extension of municipal sewer system; filing map; approval
No municipality shall extend its sewer system until it has filed a copy of its plan for the extension with the Secretary and has received the Secretary’s approval. (Amended 1961, No. 100, § 2; 1973, No. 103, § 9, eff. April 24, 1973; 1981, No. 222 (Adj. Sess.), § 25.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 47 - Water Pollution Control

§ 1250. State water quality policy

§ 1251. Definitions

§ 1251a. Water pollution administration

§ 1252. Classification of high quality waters; mixing zones

§ 1253. Classification of waters designated; reclassification

§ 1254. Classification of waters by Secretary; aid

§ 1258. Management of waters after classification, enforcement

§ 1259. Prohibitions

§ 1263. Discharge permits

§ 1264. Stormwater management

§ 1264b. Stormwater Fund

§ 1264d. Ecosystem Restoration and Water Quality Improvement Special Fund

§ 1265. Temporary pollution permits

§ 1266a. Discharges of phosphorus

§ 1266b. Application of phosphorus fertilizer

§ 1267. Revocation of permits

§ 1268. Emergency permits

§ 1269. Appeals

§ 1271. Extension of municipal sewer system; filing map; approval

§ 1272. Regulation of activities causing discharge or affecting significant wetlands

§ 1274. Enforcement

§ 1275. Penalty

§ 1276. Construction

§ 1277. Municipal sewage treatment plants

§ 1278. Operation, management, and emergency response plans for pollution abatement center

§ 1280. Emergency actions

§ 1281. Oil and other hazardous materials

§ 1282. Contingency plans; adoption

§ 1283. Contingency fund

§ 1283a. Contaminants of Emerging Concern Special Fund

§ 1284. Water quality data coordination

§ 1295. Notification of sewage and wastewater discharges

§ 1301. Deposit of sawmill waste in waters

§ 1310. Designation of lake in crisis

§ 1311. State response to a lake in crisis

§ 1312. Lake in crisis order

§ 1313. Assistance

§ 1314. Funding of State response to a lake in crisis

§ 1315. Lake in Crisis Response Program Fund

§ 1331. Preamble

§ 1332. Waters subject to compact—Article I

§ 1333. Creation of Commission—Article II

§ 1334. Composition of Commission—Article III

§ 1335. General powers of Commission—Article IV

§ 1336. Water standards; classification—Article V

§ 1337. Interstate inland and tidal waters—Article VI

§ 1338. Effect on local legislation; pending causes—Article VII

§ 1339. Expenses; obligation of signatories—Article VIII

§ 1340. Separability of provisions—Article IX

§ 1341. New York State; cooperation—Article X

§ 1342. Effective, when—Article XI

§ 1343. Commission membership

§ 1371. Authority for compact

§ 1372. Members; appointment; term

§ 1373. Appropriation

§ 1381. Definitions

§ 1382. Prohibitions

§ 1383. Exclusions

§ 1384. Penalty

§ 1386. Implementation plan for the Lake Champlain total maximum daily load

§ 1387. Findings; purpose; Clean Water Initiative

§ 1388. Clean Water Fund

§ 1389. Clean Water Board

§ 1389a. Clean Water Investment Report

§ 1389b. Clean Water Fund audit