The Board shall make a thorough investigation as to the present value of Dam Numbered 2, and the steam plants at nitrate plant numbered 1, and nitrate plant numbered 2, and as to the cost of Cove Creek Dam, for the purpose of ascertaining how much of the value or the cost of said properties shall be allocated and charged up to (1) flood control, (2) navigation, (3) fertilizer, (4) national defense, and (5) the development of power. The findings thus made by the Board, when approved by the President of the United States, shall be final, and such findings shall thereafter be used in all allocation of value for the purpose of keeping the book value of said properties. In like manner, the cost and book value of any dams, steam plants, or other similar improvements hereafter constructed and turned over to said Board for the purpose of control and management shall be ascertained and allocated. The Board shall, on or before , file with Congress a statement of its allocation of the value of all such properties turned over to said Board, and which have been completed prior to the end of the preceding fiscal year, and shall thereafter in its annual report to Congress file a statement of its allocation of the value of such properties as have been completed during the preceding fiscal year.For the purpose of accumulating data useful to the Congress in the formulation of legislative policy in matters relating to the generation, transmission, and distribution of electric energy and the production of chemicals necessary to national defense and useful in agriculture, and to the Federal Power Commission and other Federal and State agencies, and to the public, the Board shall keep complete accounts of its costs of generation, transmission, and distribution of electric energy and shall keep a complete account of the total cost of generating and transmission facilities constructed or otherwise acquired by the Corporation, and of producing such chemicals, and a description of the major components of such costs according to such uniform systems of accounting for public utilities as the Federal Power Commission has, and if it have none, then it is empowered and directed to prescribe such uniform system of accounting, together with records of such other physical data and operating statistics of the Authority as may be helpful in determining the actual cost and value of services, and the practices, methods, facilities, equipment, appliances, and standards and sizes, types, location, and geographical and economic integration of plants and systems best suited to promote the public interest, efficiency, and the wider and more economical use of electric energy. Such data shall be reported to the Congress by the Board from time to time, with appropriate analyses and recommendations, and, so far as practicable, shall be made available to the Federal Power Commission and other Federal and State agencies which may be concerned with the administration of legislation relating to the generation, transmission, or distribution of electric energy and chemicals useful to agriculture. It is declared to be the policy of this chapter that, in order, as soon as practicable, to make the power projects self-supporting and self-liquidating, the surplus power shall be sold at rates which, in the opinion of the Board, when applied to the normal capacity of the Authority’s power facilities, will produce gross revenues in excess of the cost of production of said power and in addition to the statement of the cost of power at each power station as required by , the Board shall file with each annual report, a statement of the total cost of all power generated by it at all power stations during each year, the average cost of such power per kilowatt hour, the rates at which sold, and to whom sold, and copies of all contracts for the sale of power.
Structure US Code
§ 831a. Membership, operation, and duties of the Board of Directors
§ 831b–1. Acceptance of services of volunteers
§ 831c. Corporate powers generally; eminent domain; construction of dams, transmission lines, etc.
§ 831c–2. Civil actions for injury or loss of property or personal injury or death
§ 831e. Officers and employees; nonpolitical appointment; removal for violation
§ 831g. Principal office of Corporation; books; directors’ oath
§ 831h. Annual financial statement; purchases and contracts; audit by Comptroller General
§ 831m–1. Tennessee Valley Authority least-cost planning program
§ 831n. Bonds for future construction; amount, terms, and conditions
§ 831n–1. Bonds to carry out provisions of section 831k–1; amount, terms, and conditions
§ 831n–2. Bonds; limitation of issuance under sections 831n and 831n–1
§ 831n–3. Use of funds; limitation of issuance
§ 831n–4. Bonds for financing power program
§ 831o. Completion of unfinished plants authorized
§ 831q. Eminent domain; contracts for relocation of railroads, highways, industrial plants, etc.
§ 831s. Possession by Government in time of war; damages to contract holders
§ 831t. Offenses; fines and punishment
§ 831u. Surveys; cooperation with States or other agencies
§ 831v. Legislation to carry out purposes of chapter; recommendation by President
§ 831x. Condemnation proceedings; institution by Corporation; venue
§ 831y. Net proceeds over expense payable into Treasury
§ 831z. Authorization of appropriations
§ 831bb. Reservation of right to amend or repeal
§ 831dd. Liberal construction of chapter; sale of surplus lands