All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this chapter are repealed, so far as they affect the operations contemplated by this chapter.
Structure US Code
§ 831a. Membership, operation, and duties of the Board of Directors
§ 831b–1. Acceptance of services of volunteers
§ 831c. Corporate powers generally; eminent domain; construction of dams, transmission lines, etc.
§ 831c–2. Civil actions for injury or loss of property or personal injury or death
§ 831e. Officers and employees; nonpolitical appointment; removal for violation
§ 831g. Principal office of Corporation; books; directors’ oath
§ 831h. Annual financial statement; purchases and contracts; audit by Comptroller General
§ 831m–1. Tennessee Valley Authority least-cost planning program
§ 831n. Bonds for future construction; amount, terms, and conditions
§ 831n–1. Bonds to carry out provisions of section 831k–1; amount, terms, and conditions
§ 831n–2. Bonds; limitation of issuance under sections 831n and 831n–1
§ 831n–3. Use of funds; limitation of issuance
§ 831n–4. Bonds for financing power program
§ 831o. Completion of unfinished plants authorized
§ 831q. Eminent domain; contracts for relocation of railroads, highways, industrial plants, etc.
§ 831s. Possession by Government in time of war; damages to contract holders
§ 831t. Offenses; fines and punishment
§ 831u. Surveys; cooperation with States or other agencies
§ 831v. Legislation to carry out purposes of chapter; recommendation by President
§ 831x. Condemnation proceedings; institution by Corporation; venue
§ 831y. Net proceeds over expense payable into Treasury
§ 831z. Authorization of appropriations
§ 831bb. Reservation of right to amend or repeal
§ 831dd. Liberal construction of chapter; sale of surplus lands