US Code
§ 831d. Directors; maintenance and operation of plant for production, sale, and distribution of fertilizer and power

(a) To contract with commercial producers for the production of such fertilizers or fertilizer materials as may be needed in the Government’s program of development and introduction in excess of that produced by Government plants. Such contracts may provide either for outright purchase of materials by the Board or only for the payment of carrying charges on special materials manufactured at the board’s 11 So in original. Probably should be “Board’s”. request for its program.
(b) To arrange with farmers and farm organizations for large-scale practical use of the new forms of fertilizers under conditions permitting an accurate measure of the economic return they produce.
(c) To cooperate with National, State, district, or county experimental stations or demonstration farms, with farmers, landowners, and associations of farmers or landowners, for the use of new forms of fertilizer or fertilizer practices during the initial or experimental period of their introduction, and for promoting the prevention of soil erosion by the use of fertilizers and otherwise.
(d) The Board, in order to improve and cheapen the production of fertilizer, is authorized to manufacture and sell fixed nitrogen, fertilizer, and fertilizer ingredients at Muscle Shoals by the employment of existing facilities, by modernizing existing plants, or by any other process or processes that in its judgment shall appear wise and profitable for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen or the cheapening of the production of fertilizer.
(e) Under the authority of this chapter the Board may make donations or sales of the product of the plant or plants operated by it to be fairly and equitably distributed through the agency of county demonstration agents, agricultural colleges, or otherwise as the Board may direct, for experimentation, education, and introduction of the use of such products in cooperation with practical farmers so as to obtain information as to the value, effect, and best methods of their use.
(f) The Board is authorized to make alterations, modifications, or improvements in existing plants and facilities, and to construct new plants.
(g) In the event it is not used for the fixation of nitrogen for agricultural purposes or leased, then the Board shall maintain in stand-by condition nitrate plant numbered 2, or its equivalent, for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, for the production of explosives in the event of war or a national emergency, until the Congress shall by joint resolution release the Board from this obligation, and if any part thereof be used by the Board for the manufacture of phosphoric acid or potash, the balance of nitrate plant numbered 2 shall be kept in stand-by condition.
(h) To establish, maintain, and operate laboratories and experimental plants, and to undertake experiments for the purpose of enabling the Corporation to furnish nitrogen products for military purposes, and nitrogen and other fertilizer products for agricultural purposes in the most economical manner and at the highest standard of efficiency.
(i) To request the assistance and advice of any officer, agent, or employee of any executive department or of any independent office of the United States, to enable the Corporation the better to carry out its powers successfully, and as far as practicable shall utilize the services of such officers, agents, and employees, and the President shall, if in his opinion the public interest, service, or economy so require, direct that such assistance, advice, and service be rendered to the Corporation, and any individual that may be by the President directed to render such assistance, advice, and service shall be thereafter subject to the orders, rules, and regulations of the Board: Provided, That any invention or discovery made by virtue of and incidental to such service by an employee of the Government of the United States serving under this section, or by any employee of the Corporation, together with any patents which may be granted thereon, shall be the sole and exclusive property of the Corporation, which is authorized to grant such licenses thereunder as shall be authorized by the Board: Provided further, That the Board may pay to such inventor such sum from the income from sale of licenses as it may deem proper.
(j) Upon the requisition of the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Navy to manufacture for and sell at cost to the United States explosives or their nitrogenous content.
(k) Upon the requisition of the Secretary of the Army, the Corporation shall allot and deliver without charge to the Department of the Army so much power as shall be necessary in the judgment of said Department for use in operation of all locks, lifts, or other facilities in aid of navigation.
(l) To produce, distribute, and sell electric power, as herein particularly specified.

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US Code



§ 831. Creation; short title

§ 831a. Membership, operation, and duties of the Board of Directors

§ 831b. Officers and employees; wages of laborers and mechanics; application of employees’ compensation provisions

§ 831b–1. Acceptance of services of volunteers

§ 831c. Corporate powers generally; eminent domain; construction of dams, transmission lines, etc.

§ 831c–1. Bridges endangered or damaged by dams, etc.; compensation of and contracts with owner for protection, replacement, etc.

§ 831c–2. Civil actions for injury or loss of property or personal injury or death

§ 831c–3. Law enforcement

§ 831d. Directors; maintenance and operation of plant for production, sale, and distribution of fertilizer and power

§ 831e. Officers and employees; nonpolitical appointment; removal for violation

§ 831f. Control of plants and property vested in Corporation; transfer of other property to Corporation

§ 831g. Principal office of Corporation; books; directors’ oath

§ 831h. Annual financial statement; purchases and contracts; audit by Comptroller General

§ 831h–1. Operation of dams primarily for promotion of navigation and controlling floods; generation and sale of electricity

§ 831h–2. Repealed. , ,

§ 831h–3. Recreational access

§ 831i. Sale of surplus power; preferences; experimental work; acquisition of existing electric facilities

§ 831j. Equitable distribution of surplus power among States and municipalities; improvement in production of fertilizer

§ 831k. Transmission lines; construction or lease; sale of power over other than Government lines; rates when sold for resale at profit

§ 831k–1. Extension of credit to States, municipalities and nonprofit organizations to assist in operation of existing facilities

§ 831l. Financial assistance to States and local governments in lieu of taxation; apportionment; limitation on contracts for sale of power to municipalities; report to Congress

§ 831m. Allocation and charge of value and cost of plants to particular objects; cost accounting; reports of costs of operation; sale of surplus power at profit

§ 831m–1. Tennessee Valley Authority least-cost planning program

§ 831n. Bonds for future construction; amount, terms, and conditions

§ 831n–1. Bonds to carry out provisions of section 831k–1; amount, terms, and conditions

§ 831n–2. Bonds; limitation of issuance under sections 831n and 831n–1

§ 831n–3. Use of funds; limitation of issuance

§ 831n–4. Bonds for financing power program

§ 831o. Completion of unfinished plants authorized

§ 831p. Repealed. , ,

§ 831q. Eminent domain; contracts for relocation of railroads, highways, industrial plants, etc.

§ 831r. Patents; access to Patent and Trademark Office and right to copy patents; compensation to patentees

§ 831s. Possession by Government in time of war; damages to contract holders

§ 831t. Offenses; fines and punishment

§ 831u. Surveys; cooperation with States or other agencies

§ 831v. Legislation to carry out purposes of chapter; recommendation by President

§ 831w. Acquisition of real or personal property; payment by delivery of power; sale or lease of vacant land for industrial purposes

§ 831x. Condemnation proceedings; institution by Corporation; venue

§ 831y. Net proceeds over expense payable into Treasury

§ 831y–1. Approval of plans by Board as condition precedent to construction and operation; restraining action without approval; other laws unaffected

§ 831z. Authorization of appropriations

§ 831aa. Laws repealed

§ 831bb. Reservation of right to amend or repeal

§ 831cc. Separability

§ 831dd. Liberal construction of chapter; sale of surplus lands

§ 831ee. Essential stewardship activities