(a) Financial statement and reportThe Board shall file with the President and with the Congress, in March of each year, a financial statement and a complete report as to the business of the Corporation covering the preceding governmental fiscal year. This report shall include an itemized statement of the cost of power at each power station, the total number of employees and the names, salaries, and duties of those receiving compensation at the rate of more than $1,500 a year.
(b) BidsAll purchases and contracts for supplies or services, except for personal services, made by the Corporation, shall be made after advertising, in such manner and at such times sufficiently in advance of opening bids, as the Board shall determine to be adequate to insure notice and opportunity for competition: Provided, That advertisement shall not be required when, (1) an emergency requires immediate delivery of the supplies or performance of the services; or (2) repair parts, accessories, supplemental equipment, or services are required for supplies or services previously furnished or contracted for; or (3) the aggregate amount involved in any purchase of supplies or procurement of services does not exceed $25,000; in which cases such purchases of supplies or procurement of services may be made in the open market in the manner common among businessmen: Provided further, That in comparing bids and in making awards the Board may consider such factors as relative quality and adaptability of supplies or services, the bidder’s financial responsibility, skill, experience, record of integrity in dealing, ability to furnish repairs and maintenance services, the time of delivery or performance offered, and whether the bidder has complied with the specifications.
(c) AuditsThe Comptroller General of the United States shall audit the transactions of the Corporation at such times as he shall determine, but not less frequently than once each governmental fiscal year, with personnel of his selection. In such connection he and his representatives shall have free and open access to all papers, books, records, files, accounts, plants, warehouses, offices, and all other things, property, and places belonging to or under the control of or used or employed by the Corporation, and shall be afforded full facilities for counting all cash and verifying transactions with and balances in depositaries. He shall make report of each such audit in quadruplicate, one copy for the President of the United States, one for the chairman of the Board, one for public inspection at the principal office of the Corporation, and the other to be retained by him for the uses of the Congress: Provided, That such report shall not be made until the Corporation shall have had reasonable opportunity to examine the exceptions and criticisms of the Comptroller General or the Government Accountability Office, to point out errors therein, explain or answer the same, and to file a statement which shall be submitted by the Comptroller General with his report. The expenses for each such audit shall be paid from any appropriation or appropriations for the Government Accountability Office, and such part of such expenses as may be allocated to the cost of generating, transmitting, and distributing electric energy shall be reimbursed promptly by the Corporation as billed by the Comptroller General. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to relieve the Treasurer or other accountable officers or employees of the Corporation from compliance with the provisions of existing law requiring the rendition of accounts for adjustment and settlement pursuant to sections 3526(a) and 3702(a) of title 31, and accounts for all receipts and disbursements by or for the Corporation shall be rendered accordingly: Provided, That, subject only to the provisions of this chapter, the Corporation is authorized to make such expenditures and to enter into such contracts, agreements, and arrangements, upon such terms and conditions and in such manner as it may deem necessary, including the final settlement of all claims and litigation by or against the Corporation; and, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law governing the expenditure of public funds, the Government Accountability Office, in the settlement of the accounts of the Treasurer or other accountable officer or employee of the Corporation, shall not disallow credit for, nor withhold funds because of, any expenditure which the Board shall determine to have been necessary to carry out the provisions of said chapter.
(d) Administrative accounts and business documentsThe Corporation shall determine its own system of administrative accounts and the forms and contents of its contracts and other business documents except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
Structure US Code
§ 831a. Membership, operation, and duties of the Board of Directors
§ 831b–1. Acceptance of services of volunteers
§ 831c. Corporate powers generally; eminent domain; construction of dams, transmission lines, etc.
§ 831c–2. Civil actions for injury or loss of property or personal injury or death
§ 831e. Officers and employees; nonpolitical appointment; removal for violation
§ 831g. Principal office of Corporation; books; directors’ oath
§ 831h. Annual financial statement; purchases and contracts; audit by Comptroller General
§ 831m–1. Tennessee Valley Authority least-cost planning program
§ 831n. Bonds for future construction; amount, terms, and conditions
§ 831n–1. Bonds to carry out provisions of section 831k–1; amount, terms, and conditions
§ 831n–2. Bonds; limitation of issuance under sections 831n and 831n–1
§ 831n–3. Use of funds; limitation of issuance
§ 831n–4. Bonds for financing power program
§ 831o. Completion of unfinished plants authorized
§ 831q. Eminent domain; contracts for relocation of railroads, highways, industrial plants, etc.
§ 831s. Possession by Government in time of war; damages to contract holders
§ 831t. Offenses; fines and punishment
§ 831u. Surveys; cooperation with States or other agencies
§ 831v. Legislation to carry out purposes of chapter; recommendation by President
§ 831x. Condemnation proceedings; institution by Corporation; venue
§ 831y. Net proceeds over expense payable into Treasury
§ 831z. Authorization of appropriations
§ 831bb. Reservation of right to amend or repeal
§ 831dd. Liberal construction of chapter; sale of surplus lands