US Code
§ 569f. Debarment of persons convicted of fraudulent use of “Made in America” labels

If the Secretary determines that a person has been convicted of intentionally affixing a label bearing a “Made in America” inscription to any product sold in or shipped to the United States which is not made in the United States and which is used in a civil works project of the Secretary, the Secretary shall debar the person from contracting with the Federal Government for a period of not less than 3 years and not more than 5 years. For purposes of this section, the term “debar” has the meaning that term has under .

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 540. Investigations and improvements; control by Department of the Army; wildlife conservation

§ 540a. Availability of appropriations for attendance by military personnel at meetings and for printing survey reports

§ 541. Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors; establishment; duties and powers generally

§ 542. Review by Board of Engineers of reports on examinations and surveys and special reports

§ 543. Employment of civil engineers on western and northwestern rivers

§ 544. Repealed. , ,

§ 544a. Repealed. , ,

§ 544b. Employment of physicians to examine employees; fee or employment basis; validation of prior agreements

§ 544c. Minority group participation in construction of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway project; annual report to Congress

§ 545. Preliminary examinations and reports; surveys; contents of report to Congress generally

§ 545a. Discontinuance

§ 546. Investigation of stream flow and watersheds; surveys in connection with dams

§ 546a. Information as to configuration of shore line

§ 547. Reports as to local benefits of improvement and recommendations as to local cooperation

§ 547a. Inclusion of regional economic development benefits in economic analysis for purposes of computing economic justification of project

§ 548. Omitted

§ 549. Repealed. , ,

§ 549a. Review of navigation, flood control, and water supply projects

§ 549b. Inclusion of project or facility in Corps of Engineers workplan

§ 550. Report on water terminal and transfer facilities

§ 551. Policy of Government as to terminal facilities for new projects

§ 552. Repealed. ,

§ 553. Freight statistics

§ 554. Duty of shipowners and officers to furnish information to person in local charge of improvement; penalty

§ 555. Duty of shipowners and officers to furnish information required by Secretary of the Army

§ 555a. Petroleum product information

§ 556. Printing reports generally

§ 557. Payment of costs of printing

§ 557a. Publication of pamphlets, maps, brochures, and other material

§ 557b. Sale of publications, charts, or other material; deposit of proceeds

§ 558. Proceeds from sale or transfer of property acquired

§ 558a. Repealed. ,

§ 558b. Exchange of land or property

§ 558b–1. Application to authorized works of flood control

§ 558c. Rights-of-way over United States land

§ 559. Disposition of rentals for Government plants

§ 560. Contributions from private parties; return of excess

§ 561. Repealed. , ,

§ 561a. Contributions from local interests; reduction to meet lowered cost

§ 562. Channel depths and dimensions defined

§ 562a. Project depths for national defense purposes; waterways for general commerce

§ 563. Omitted

§ 564. Repealed. ,

§ 565. River and harbor improvement by private or municipal enterprise

§ 566. Improvement by or under authority of State of New Jersey

§ 567. Navigation and flood control improvements by Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota

§ 567a. Flood and pollution control compacts between certain States

§ 567b. Pollution of Potomac drainage basin; control by State compacts

§ 567b–1. Amended compact

§ 568. Limitation on power of committee of Congress to consider projects

§ 569. Personal equipment for employees; use of funds for purpose

§ 569a. Temporary employment of experts or consultants; compensation

§ 569b. Contracts; architect and engineering services; surveying and mapping services

§ 569c. Services of volunteers

§ 569d. Safety award and promotional materials

§ 569e. Use of private sector resources in surveying and mapping

§ 569f. Debarment of persons convicted of fraudulent use of “Made in America” labels

§ 570. Default in contract; disposition of amounts collected

§ 571. Crediting reimbursements for lost, stolen, or damaged property

§ 572. Collection and removal of drift in Baltimore Harbor

§ 573. Repealed. , ,

§ 574. Omitted

§ 574a. Training funds

§ 575. Availability of appropriations for expenses incident to operation of power boats or vessels; expenses defined; certification of expenditures

§ 576. Revolving fund; establishment; availability; reimbursement; transfer of funds; limitation

§ 576a. Purchase of passenger motor vehicles by Corps of Engineers

§ 576b. Lease authority

§ 576c. Corps of Engineers operation of unmanned aircraft systems

§ 577. Small river and harbor improvement projects

§ 577a. Small-boat navigation projects; charter fishing craft

§ 577b. Cost of operation and maintenance of general navigation features of small boat harbor projects; applicable projects

§ 578. Disposal of surplus property for development of public port or industrial facilities

§ 578a. Disposition studies

§ 578b. Disposition of projects

§ 579. Repealed. , ,

§ 579a. Corps budgeting; project deauthorizations; comprehensive backlog report

§ 579b. Omitted

§ 579c. Repealed. , ,

§ 579c–1. Repealed. , ,

§ 579c–2. Repealed. , ,

§ 579d. Repealed. , ,

§ 579d–1. Repealed. , ,

§ 579d–2. Deauthorization of inactive projects

§ 579e. Access to real estate data

§ 579f. Budgetary evaluation metrics and transparency; public participation