US Code
§ 549a. Review of navigation, flood control, and water supply projects

The Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is authorized to review the operation of projects the construction of which has been completed and which were constructed by the Corps of Engineers in the interest of navigation, flood control, water supply, and related purposes, when found advisable due  the significantly changed physical or economic conditions, and to report thereon to Congress with recommendations on the advisability of modifying the structures or their operation, and for improving the quality of the environment in the overall public interest.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 540. Investigations and improvements; control by Department of the Army; wildlife conservation

§ 540a. Availability of appropriations for attendance by military personnel at meetings and for printing survey reports

§ 541. Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors; establishment; duties and powers generally

§ 542. Review by Board of Engineers of reports on examinations and surveys and special reports

§ 543. Employment of civil engineers on western and northwestern rivers

§ 544. Repealed. , ,

§ 544a. Repealed. , ,

§ 544b. Employment of physicians to examine employees; fee or employment basis; validation of prior agreements

§ 544c. Minority group participation in construction of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway project; annual report to Congress

§ 545. Preliminary examinations and reports; surveys; contents of report to Congress generally

§ 545a. Discontinuance

§ 546. Investigation of stream flow and watersheds; surveys in connection with dams

§ 546a. Information as to configuration of shore line

§ 547. Reports as to local benefits of improvement and recommendations as to local cooperation

§ 547a. Inclusion of regional economic development benefits in economic analysis for purposes of computing economic justification of project

§ 548. Omitted

§ 549. Repealed. , ,

§ 549a. Review of navigation, flood control, and water supply projects

§ 549b. Inclusion of project or facility in Corps of Engineers workplan

§ 550. Report on water terminal and transfer facilities

§ 551. Policy of Government as to terminal facilities for new projects

§ 552. Repealed. ,

§ 553. Freight statistics

§ 554. Duty of shipowners and officers to furnish information to person in local charge of improvement; penalty

§ 555. Duty of shipowners and officers to furnish information required by Secretary of the Army

§ 555a. Petroleum product information

§ 556. Printing reports generally

§ 557. Payment of costs of printing

§ 557a. Publication of pamphlets, maps, brochures, and other material

§ 557b. Sale of publications, charts, or other material; deposit of proceeds

§ 558. Proceeds from sale or transfer of property acquired

§ 558a. Repealed. ,

§ 558b. Exchange of land or property

§ 558b–1. Application to authorized works of flood control

§ 558c. Rights-of-way over United States land

§ 559. Disposition of rentals for Government plants

§ 560. Contributions from private parties; return of excess

§ 561. Repealed. , ,

§ 561a. Contributions from local interests; reduction to meet lowered cost

§ 562. Channel depths and dimensions defined

§ 562a. Project depths for national defense purposes; waterways for general commerce

§ 563. Omitted

§ 564. Repealed. ,

§ 565. River and harbor improvement by private or municipal enterprise

§ 566. Improvement by or under authority of State of New Jersey

§ 567. Navigation and flood control improvements by Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota

§ 567a. Flood and pollution control compacts between certain States

§ 567b. Pollution of Potomac drainage basin; control by State compacts

§ 567b–1. Amended compact

§ 568. Limitation on power of committee of Congress to consider projects

§ 569. Personal equipment for employees; use of funds for purpose

§ 569a. Temporary employment of experts or consultants; compensation

§ 569b. Contracts; architect and engineering services; surveying and mapping services

§ 569c. Services of volunteers

§ 569d. Safety award and promotional materials

§ 569e. Use of private sector resources in surveying and mapping

§ 569f. Debarment of persons convicted of fraudulent use of “Made in America” labels

§ 570. Default in contract; disposition of amounts collected

§ 571. Crediting reimbursements for lost, stolen, or damaged property

§ 572. Collection and removal of drift in Baltimore Harbor

§ 573. Repealed. , ,

§ 574. Omitted

§ 574a. Training funds

§ 575. Availability of appropriations for expenses incident to operation of power boats or vessels; expenses defined; certification of expenditures

§ 576. Revolving fund; establishment; availability; reimbursement; transfer of funds; limitation

§ 576a. Purchase of passenger motor vehicles by Corps of Engineers

§ 576b. Lease authority

§ 576c. Corps of Engineers operation of unmanned aircraft systems

§ 577. Small river and harbor improvement projects

§ 577a. Small-boat navigation projects; charter fishing craft

§ 577b. Cost of operation and maintenance of general navigation features of small boat harbor projects; applicable projects

§ 578. Disposal of surplus property for development of public port or industrial facilities

§ 578a. Disposition studies

§ 578b. Disposition of projects

§ 579. Repealed. , ,

§ 579a. Corps budgeting; project deauthorizations; comprehensive backlog report

§ 579b. Omitted

§ 579c. Repealed. , ,

§ 579c–1. Repealed. , ,

§ 579c–2. Repealed. , ,

§ 579d. Repealed. , ,

§ 579d–1. Repealed. , ,

§ 579d–2. Deauthorization of inactive projects

§ 579e. Access to real estate data

§ 579f. Budgetary evaluation metrics and transparency; public participation