US Code
§ 544a. Purposes

(1) to establish a national scenic area to protect and provide for the enhancement of the scenic, cultural, recreational, and natural resources of the Columbia River Gorge; and
(2) to protect and support the economy of the Columbia River Gorge area by encouraging growth to occur in existing urban areas and by allowing future economic development in a manner that is consistent with paragraph (1).

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 541. Cascade Head Scenic-Research Area; establishment

§ 541a. Administration, protection, development, and regulation of use

§ 541b. Boundaries of scenic-research area; adjustments to subarea boundaries; development of management plan; establishment of subareas; management objectives

§ 541c. Extension of boundaries of Siuslaw National Forest; transfer of Federal property to Secretary

§ 541d. Acquisition of property within the scenic-research area; consent of owner; substantial change in use or maintenance of property

§ 541e. Availability of funds for acquisition of lands, etc., within added area

§ 541f. Withdrawal from location, entry and patent under mining laws; withdrawal from disposition under mineral leasing laws

§ 541g. Advisory council for scenic-research area; membership; designation of chairman; compensation; consultation by Secretary

§ 541h. Cooperation with State of Oregon in administration and protection of lands; civil and criminal jurisdiction; power of taxation

§ 542. Langmuir Research Site; establishment

§ 542a. Congressional findings

§ 542b. Administration, protection, and regulation of use

§ 542c. Land use agreement

§ 542d. Comprehensive management plan

§ 543. Mono Basin National Forest Scenic Area; establishment

§ 543a. Extension of National Forest boundary

§ 543b. Acquisition of lands

§ 543c. Administration

§ 543d. Ecological studies; reports to Congressional committees and to Chief of Forest Service; progress reports

§ 543e. Scenic Area Advisory Board

§ 543f. Traditional Native American uses

§ 543g. Authorization of appropriations

§ 543h. New spending authority

§ 544. Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area; definitions

§ 544a. Purposes

§ 544b. Establishment of scenic area

§ 544c. Columbia River Gorge Commission

§ 544d. Scenic area management plan

§ 544e. Administration of scenic area

§ 544f. Administration of special management areas

§ 544g. Land acquisition

§ 544h. Interim management

§ 544i. Economic development

§ 544j. Old Columbia River Highway

§ 544k. Tributary rivers and streams

§ 544l. Implementation measures

§ 544m. Enforcement

§ 544n. Authorization of appropriations

§ 544o. Savings provisions

§ 544p. Severability

§ 545. Mount Pleasant National Scenic Area; purposes

§ 545a. Establishment of Mount Pleasant National Scenic Area

§ 545b. Opal Creek Wilderness and Scenic Recreation Area

§ 546. Establishment of Saint Helena Island National Scenic Area, Michigan

§ 546a. Boundaries

§ 546a–1. Administration and management

§ 546a–2. Fish and game

§ 546a–3. Minerals

§ 546a–4. Acquisition

§ 546a–5. Authorization of appropriations

§ 546b. Seng Mountain and Bear Creek Scenic Areas, Jefferson National Forest, Virginia

§ 546b–1. Maps and boundary descriptions