(a) Acquisition of lands within the scenic areaThe Secretary shall acquire, by purchase from willing sellers, gift, or exchange, lands, waters, structures, or interests therein, including scenic or other easements, within the boundaries of the scenic area to further the purposes of sections 546 to 546a–5 of this title.
(b) Acquisition of other landsThe Secretary may acquire, by purchase from willing sellers, gift, or exchange, not more than 10 acres of land, including any improvements thereon, on the mainland to provide access to and administrative facilities for the scenic area.
Structure US Code
§ 541. Cascade Head Scenic-Research Area; establishment
§ 541a. Administration, protection, development, and regulation of use
§ 541e. Availability of funds for acquisition of lands, etc., within added area
§ 542. Langmuir Research Site; establishment
§ 542a. Congressional findings
§ 542b. Administration, protection, and regulation of use
§ 542d. Comprehensive management plan
§ 543. Mono Basin National Forest Scenic Area; establishment
§ 543a. Extension of National Forest boundary
§ 543e. Scenic Area Advisory Board
§ 543f. Traditional Native American uses
§ 543g. Authorization of appropriations
§ 543h. New spending authority
§ 544. Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area; definitions
§ 544b. Establishment of scenic area
§ 544c. Columbia River Gorge Commission
§ 544d. Scenic area management plan
§ 544e. Administration of scenic area
§ 544f. Administration of special management areas
§ 544j. Old Columbia River Highway
§ 544k. Tributary rivers and streams
§ 544l. Implementation measures
§ 544n. Authorization of appropriations
§ 545. Mount Pleasant National Scenic Area; purposes
§ 545a. Establishment of Mount Pleasant National Scenic Area
§ 545b. Opal Creek Wilderness and Scenic Recreation Area
§ 546. Establishment of Saint Helena Island National Scenic Area, Michigan
§ 546a–1. Administration and management
§ 546a–5. Authorization of appropriations
§ 546b. Seng Mountain and Bear Creek Scenic Areas, Jefferson National Forest, Virginia