US Code
§ 542d. Comprehensive management plan

(a) BoundariesThe research site shall consist of approximately thirty-one thousand acres, including a principle 11 So in original. Probably should be “principal”. research facility of approximately one thousand acres. The boundaries are depicted on a map entitled “Langmuir Research Site”, dated August 1980, which is on file and available for public inspection in the office of the Chief, Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture.
(b) Development of planAs soon as practicable, after December 19, 1980, the Secretary of Agriculture shall develop a comprehensive management plan for the research site consistent with requirements of the National Forest Management Act of 1976 (Public Law 94–588) (16 U.S.C. 1604), which shall be incorporated into the initial Cibola National Forest land and resource management plan as provided for under that Act.
(c) Adjustment in boundariesFollowing timely notice in writing to the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate of his intention to do so, the Secretary may make minor adjustments in the boundaries of the research site to provide for more effective management or to encourage further research activity. For the purposes of this subsection, minor boundary adjustments shall not increase or decrease the amount of land within the research site by more than seven thousand acres.
(d) Consultation with other public interest groupsIn developing the plan, the Secretary shall consult with the National Science Foundation, the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, the New Mexico Academy of Science and appropriate conservation, wilderness, wildlife, industry, and other public interest groups.
(e) Objectives of planThe plan shall prescribe specific research and management objectives necessary for the protection, management, and regulation of the research site as outlined in subsection (f) of this section.
(f) Management of site in accordance with the objectivesThe research site shall be managed in accordance with the following objectives:(1) The principal research facility shall be managed primarily for scientific research purposes. Dispersed recreation, grazing, and other uses which the Secretary determines to be compatible with scientific research may be permitted.
(2) The research site shall be managed to enhance scientific research objectives. Scientific research activities and associated research equipment and structures shall be permitted within the research site in accordance with the plan.
(3) Roads shall be limited to those necessary for scientific research activities and other reasonable activities as determined by the Secretary. Motor vehicle use shall be restricted to roads designated in the plan.
(4) The landing of small instrumented research rockets shall be permitted to continue in portions of the research site designated for such purposes in the plan.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 541. Cascade Head Scenic-Research Area; establishment

§ 541a. Administration, protection, development, and regulation of use

§ 541b. Boundaries of scenic-research area; adjustments to subarea boundaries; development of management plan; establishment of subareas; management objectives

§ 541c. Extension of boundaries of Siuslaw National Forest; transfer of Federal property to Secretary

§ 541d. Acquisition of property within the scenic-research area; consent of owner; substantial change in use or maintenance of property

§ 541e. Availability of funds for acquisition of lands, etc., within added area

§ 541f. Withdrawal from location, entry and patent under mining laws; withdrawal from disposition under mineral leasing laws

§ 541g. Advisory council for scenic-research area; membership; designation of chairman; compensation; consultation by Secretary

§ 541h. Cooperation with State of Oregon in administration and protection of lands; civil and criminal jurisdiction; power of taxation

§ 542. Langmuir Research Site; establishment

§ 542a. Congressional findings

§ 542b. Administration, protection, and regulation of use

§ 542c. Land use agreement

§ 542d. Comprehensive management plan

§ 543. Mono Basin National Forest Scenic Area; establishment

§ 543a. Extension of National Forest boundary

§ 543b. Acquisition of lands

§ 543c. Administration

§ 543d. Ecological studies; reports to Congressional committees and to Chief of Forest Service; progress reports

§ 543e. Scenic Area Advisory Board

§ 543f. Traditional Native American uses

§ 543g. Authorization of appropriations

§ 543h. New spending authority

§ 544. Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area; definitions

§ 544a. Purposes

§ 544b. Establishment of scenic area

§ 544c. Columbia River Gorge Commission

§ 544d. Scenic area management plan

§ 544e. Administration of scenic area

§ 544f. Administration of special management areas

§ 544g. Land acquisition

§ 544h. Interim management

§ 544i. Economic development

§ 544j. Old Columbia River Highway

§ 544k. Tributary rivers and streams

§ 544l. Implementation measures

§ 544m. Enforcement

§ 544n. Authorization of appropriations

§ 544o. Savings provisions

§ 544p. Severability

§ 545. Mount Pleasant National Scenic Area; purposes

§ 545a. Establishment of Mount Pleasant National Scenic Area

§ 545b. Opal Creek Wilderness and Scenic Recreation Area

§ 546. Establishment of Saint Helena Island National Scenic Area, Michigan

§ 546a. Boundaries

§ 546a–1. Administration and management

§ 546a–2. Fish and game

§ 546a–3. Minerals

§ 546a–4. Acquisition

§ 546a–5. Authorization of appropriations

§ 546b. Seng Mountain and Bear Creek Scenic Areas, Jefferson National Forest, Virginia

§ 546b–1. Maps and boundary descriptions