(a) Boundaries; adjustments to boundaries of subareasThe boundaries of the Area, and the boundaries of the subareas included therein, shall be those shown on the map entitled “Proposed Cascade Head Scenic-Research Area”, dated June 1974, which is on file and available for public inspection in the office of the Chief, Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture: Provided, That, from time to time, the Secretary may, after public hearing or other appropriate means for public participation, make adjustments in the boundaries of subareas to reflect changing natural conditions or to provide for more effective management of the Area and each of the subareas in accordance with the purposes and provisions of this subchapter.
(b) Management plan; development; time; contentsAs soon as practicable after December 22, 1974, the Secretary shall, with provisions for appropriate public participation in the planning process, develop a comprehensive management plan for the Area. Said plan shall prescribe specific management objectives and management controls necessary for the protection, management, and development of the Area and each of the subareas established pursuant to subsection (c) hereof.
(c) Subareas; establishment; management objectivesWithin the Area, the following subareas shall be established and shall be managed in accord with the following primary management objectives which shall be supplemental to the general management objectives applicable to the entire Area:(1) Estuary and Associated Wetlands Sub-area: An area managed to protect and perpetuate the fish and wildlife, scenic, and research-education values, while allowing dispersed recreation use, such as sport fishing, nonmotorized pleasure boating, waterfowl hunting, and other uses which the Secretary determines are compatible with the protection and perpetuation of the unique natural values of the subarea. After appropriate study, breaching of existing dikes may be permitted within the subarea.
(2) Lower Slope-Dispersed Residential Subarea: An area managed to maintain the scenic, soil and watershed, and fish and wildlife values, while allowing dispersed residential occupancy, selective recreation use, and agricultural use.
(3) Upper Timbered Slope and Headlands Subareas: Areas managed to protect the scenic, soil and watershed, and fish and wildlife values while allowing selective recreation and extensive research-educational activities. Timber harvesting activity may occur in these subareas only when the Secretary determines that such harvesting is to be conducted in connection with research activities or that the preservation of the timber resource is imminently threatened by fire, old age, infestation, or similar natural occurrences.
(4) Coastline and Sand Dune-Spit Subareas: Areas managed to protect and maintain the scenic and wildlife values while allowing selective recreation and extensive research-educational activities.
Structure US Code
§ 541. Cascade Head Scenic-Research Area; establishment
§ 541a. Administration, protection, development, and regulation of use
§ 541e. Availability of funds for acquisition of lands, etc., within added area
§ 542. Langmuir Research Site; establishment
§ 542a. Congressional findings
§ 542b. Administration, protection, and regulation of use
§ 542d. Comprehensive management plan
§ 543. Mono Basin National Forest Scenic Area; establishment
§ 543a. Extension of National Forest boundary
§ 543e. Scenic Area Advisory Board
§ 543f. Traditional Native American uses
§ 543g. Authorization of appropriations
§ 543h. New spending authority
§ 544. Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area; definitions
§ 544b. Establishment of scenic area
§ 544c. Columbia River Gorge Commission
§ 544d. Scenic area management plan
§ 544e. Administration of scenic area
§ 544f. Administration of special management areas
§ 544j. Old Columbia River Highway
§ 544k. Tributary rivers and streams
§ 544l. Implementation measures
§ 544n. Authorization of appropriations
§ 545. Mount Pleasant National Scenic Area; purposes
§ 545a. Establishment of Mount Pleasant National Scenic Area
§ 545b. Opal Creek Wilderness and Scenic Recreation Area
§ 546. Establishment of Saint Helena Island National Scenic Area, Michigan
§ 546a–1. Administration and management
§ 546a–5. Authorization of appropriations
§ 546b. Seng Mountain and Bear Creek Scenic Areas, Jefferson National Forest, Virginia