US Code
§ 1831t. Depository institutions lacking Federal deposit insurance

(a) Annual independent audit of private deposit insurers(1) Audit requiredAny private deposit insurer shall obtain an annual audit from an independent auditor using generally accepted auditing standards. The audit shall include a determination of whether the private deposit insurer follows generally accepted accounting principles and has set aside sufficient reserves for losses.
(2) Providing copies of audit report(A) Private deposit insurerThe private deposit insurer shall provide a copy of the audit report—(i) to each depository institution the deposits of which are insured by the private deposit insurer, not later than 14 days after the audit is completed;
(ii) to the appropriate supervisory agency of each State in which such an institution receives deposits, not later than 7 days after the audit is completed; and
(iii) in the case of depository institutions described in subsection (e)(2)(A) the deposits of which are insured by the private insurer which are members of a Federal home loan bank, to the Federal Housing Finance Agency, not later than 7 days after the audit is completed.
(B) Depository institutionAny depository institution the deposits of which are insured by the private deposit insurer shall provide a copy of the audit report, upon request, to any current or prospective customer of the institution.
(3) Enforcement by appropriate State supervisorAny appropriate State supervisor of a private deposit insurer, and any appropriate State supervisor of a depository institution which receives deposits that are insured by a private deposit insurer, may examine and enforce compliance with this subsection under the applicable regulatory authority of such supervisor.
(b) Disclosure requiredAny depository institution lacking Federal deposit insurance shall, within the United States, do the following:(1) Periodic statements; account recordsInclude conspicuously in all periodic statements of account, on each signature card, and on each passbook, certificate of deposit, or share certificate.11 So in original. The period probably should not appear. a notice that the institution is not federally insured, and that if the institution fails, the Federal Government does not guarantee that depositors will get back their money.
(2) Advertising; premises(A) In generalInclude clearly and conspicuously in all advertising, except as provided in subparagraph (B); and at each station or window where deposits are normally received, its principal place of business and all its branches where it accepts deposits or opens accounts (excluding automated teller machines or point of sale terminals), and on its main Internet page, a notice that the institution is not federally insured.
(B) ExceptionsThe following need not include a notice that the institution is not federally insured:(i) Any sign, document, or other item that contains the name of the depository institution, its logo, or its contact information, but only if the sign, document, or item does not include any information about the institution’s products or services or information otherwise promoting the institution.
(ii) Small utilitarian items that do not mention deposit products or insurance if inclusion of the notice would be impractical.
(3) Acknowledgment of disclosure(A) New depositors obtained other than through a conversion or mergerWith respect to any depositor who was not a depositor at the depository institution before October 13, 2006, and who is not a depositor as described in subparagraph (B), receive any deposit for the account of such depositor only if the depositor has signed a written acknowledgement that—(i) the institution is not federally insured; and
(ii) if the institution fails, the Federal Government does not guarantee that the depositor will get back the depositor’s money.
(B) New depositors obtained through a conversion or mergerWith respect to a depositor at a federally insured depository institution that converts to, or merges into, a depository institution lacking federal insurance after October 13, 2006, receive any deposit for the account of such depositor only if—(i) the depositor has signed a written acknowledgement described in subparagraph (A); or
(ii) the institution makes an attempt, as described in subparagraph (D) and sent by mail no later than 45 days after the effective date of the conversion or merger, to obtain the acknowledgment.
(C) Current depositorsReceive any deposit after October 13, 2006, for the account of any depositor who was a depositor on that date only if—(i) the depositor has signed a written acknowledgement described in subparagraph (A); or
(ii) the institution has complied with the provisions of subparagraph (E) which are applicable as of the date of the deposit.
(D) Alternative provision of notice to new depositors obtained through a conversion or merger(i) 22 So in original. No cl. (ii) has been enacted. In generalTransmit to each depositor who has not signed a written acknowledgement described in subparagraph (A)—(I) a conspicuous card containing the information described in clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A), and a line for the signature of the depositor; and
(II) accompanying materials requesting the depositor to sign the card, and return the signed card to the institution.
(E) Alternative provision of notice to current depositors(i) In generalTransmit to each depositor who was a depositor before October 13, 2006, and has not signed a written acknowledgement described in subparagraph (A)—(I) a conspicuous card containing the information described in clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A), and a line for the signature of the depositor; and
(II) accompanying materials requesting the depositor to sign the card, and return the signed card to the institution.
(ii) Manner and timing of notice(I) First noticeMake the transmission described in clause (i) via mail not later than three months after October 13, 2006.
(II) Second noticeMake a second transmission described in clause (i) via mail not less than 30 days and not more than three months after a transmission to the depositor in accordance with subclause (I), if the institution has not, by the date of such mailing, received from the depositor a card referred to in clause (i) which has been signed by the depositor.
(c) Manner and content of disclosureTo ensure that current and prospective customers understand the risks involved in foregoing Federal deposit insurance, the Bureau, by regulation or order, shall prescribe the manner and content of disclosure required under this section, which shall be presented in such format and in such type size and manner as to be simple and easy to understand.
(d) Exceptions for institutions not receiving retail depositsThe Bureau may, by regulation or order, make exceptions to subsection (b) for any depository institution that, within the United States, does not receive initial deposits of less than an amount equal to the standard maximum deposit insurance amount from individuals who are citizens or residents of the United States, other than money received in connection with any draft or similar instrument issued to transmit money.
(e) DefinitionsFor purposes of this section:(1) Appropriate supervisorThe “appropriate supervisor” of a depository institution means the agency primarily responsible for supervising the institution.
(2) Depository institutionThe term “depository institution” includes—(A) any entity described in section 461(b)(1)(A)(iv) of this title; and
(B) any entity that, as determined by the Bureau—(i) is engaged in the business of receiving deposits; and
(ii) could reasonably be mistaken for a depository institution by the entity’s current or prospective customers.
(3) Lacking Federal deposit insuranceA depository institution lacks Federal deposit insurance if the institution is not either—(A) an insured depository institution; or
(B) an insured credit union, as defined in section 101 of the Federal Credit Union Act [12 U.S.C. 1752].
(4) Private deposit insurerThe term “private deposit insurer” means any entity insuring the deposits of any depository institution lacking Federal deposit insurance.
(5) BureauThe term “Bureau” means the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.
(f) Enforcement(1) Limited enforcement authorityCompliance with the requirements of subsections (b), (c), and (e), and any regulation prescribed or order issued under such subsection, shall be enforced under the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, by the Bureau, subject to subtitle B of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 [12 U.S.C. 5511 et seq.], and under the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.) by the Federal Trade Commission.
(2) Broad State enforcement authority(A) In generalSubject to subparagraph (C), an appropriate State supervisor of a depository institution lacking Federal deposit insurance may examine and enforce compliance with the requirements of this section, and any regulation prescribed under this section.
(B) State powersFor purposes of bringing any action to enforce compliance with this section, no provision of this section shall be construed as preventing an appropriate State supervisor of a depository institution lacking Federal deposit insurance from exercising any powers conferred on such official by the laws of such State.
(C) Limitation on State action while Federal action pendingIf the Bureau or Federal Trade Commission has instituted an enforcement action for a violation of this section, no appropriate State supervisory agency may, during the pendency of such action, bring an action under this section against any defendant named in the complaint of the Bureau or Federal Trade Commission for any violation of this section that is alleged in that complaint.

Structure US Code

US Code



§ 1811. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

§ 1812. Management

§ 1813. Definitions

§ 1814. Insured depository institutions

§ 1815. Deposit insurance

§ 1816. Factors to be considered

§ 1817. Assessments

§ 1818. Termination of status as insured depository institution

§ 1819. Corporate powers

§ 1820. Administration of Corporation

§ 1820a. Examination of investment companies

§ 1821. Insurance Funds

§ 1821a. FSLIC Resolution Fund

§ 1822. Corporation as receiver

§ 1823. Corporation monies

§ 1824. Borrowing authority

§ 1825. Issuance of notes, debentures, bonds, and other obligations; exemptions

§ 1826. Forms of obligations; preparation by Secretary of the Treasury

§ 1827. Reports by Corporation; audit of financial transactions; report on audits; employment of certified public accountants for audits

§ 1828. Regulations governing insured depository institutions

§ 1828a. Prudential safeguards

§ 1828b. Interagency data sharing

§ 1829. Penalty for unauthorized participation by convicted individual

§ 1829a. Participation by State nonmember insured banks in lotteries and related activities

§ 1829b. Retention of records by insured depository institutions

§ 1829c. Making online banking initiation legal and easy

§ 1830. Nondiscrimination

§ 1831. Separability of certain provisions of this chapter

§ 1831a. Activities of insured State banks

§ 1831b. Disclosures with respect to certain federally related mortgage loans

§ 1831c. Assuring consistent oversight of subsidiaries of holding companies

§ 1831d. State-chartered insured depository institutions and insured branches of foreign banks

§ 1831e. Activities of savings associations

§ 1831f. Brokered deposits

§ 1831f–1. Repealed. , ,

§ 1831g. Contracts between depository institutions and persons providing goods, products, or services

§ 1831h. Repealed. , ,

§ 1831i. Agency disapproval of directors and senior executive officers of insured depository institutions or depository institution holding companies

§ 1831j. Depository institution employee protection remedy

§ 1831k. Reward for information leading to recoveries or civil penalties

§ 1831l. Coordination of risk analysis between SEC and Federal banking agencies

§ 1831m. Early identification of needed improvements in financial management

§ 1831m–1. Reports of information regarding safety and soundness of depository institutions

§ 1831n. Accounting objectives, standards, and requirements

§ 1831o. Prompt corrective action

§ 1831o–1. Source of strength

§ 1831p. Transferred

§ 1831p–1. Standards for safety and soundness

§ 1831q. FDIC affordable housing program

§ 1831r. Payments on foreign deposits prohibited

§ 1831r–1. Notice of branch closure

§ 1831s. Transferred

§ 1831t. Depository institutions lacking Federal deposit insurance

§ 1831u. Interstate bank mergers

§ 1831v. Authority of State insurance regulator and Securities and Exchange Commission

§ 1831w. Safety and soundness firewalls applicable to financial subsidiaries of banks

§ 1831x. Insurance customer protections

§ 1831y. CRA sunshine requirements

§ 1831z. Bi-annual FDIC survey and report on encouraging use of depository institutions by the unbanked

§ 1831aa. Enforcement of agreements

§ 1831bb. Capital requirements for certain acquisition, development, or construction loans

§ 1831cc. Data standards

§ 1831dd. Open data publication

§ 1832. Withdrawals by negotiable or transferable instruments for transfers to third parties

§ 1833. Repealed. , ,

§ 1833a. Civil penalties

§ 1833b. Comparability in compensation schedules

§ 1833c. Comptroller General audit and access to records

§ 1833d. Repealed. , ,

§ 1833e. Equal opportunity

§ 1834. Reduced assessment rate for deposits attributable to lifeline accounts

§ 1834a. Assessment credits for qualifying activities relating to distressed communities

§ 1834b. Community development organizations

§ 1835. Insured depository institution capital requirements for transfers of small business obligations

§ 1835a. Prohibition against deposit production offices