US Code
§ 1831c. Assuring consistent oversight of subsidiaries of holding companies

(a) DefinitionsFor purposes of this section:(1) BoardThe term “Board” means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
(2) Functionally regulated subsidiaryThe term “functionally regulated subsidiary” has the same meaning as in section 1844(c)(5) 11 See References in Text note below. of this title.
(3) Lead insured depository institutionThe term “lead insured depository institution” has the same meaning as in section 1841(o)(8) 1 of this title.
(b) Examination requirementsSubject to subtitle B of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 [12 U.S.C. 5511 et seq.], the Board shall examine the activities of a nondepository institution subsidiary (other than a functionally regulated subsidiary or a subsidiary of a depository institution) of a depository institution holding company that are permissible for the insured depository institution subsidiaries of the depository institution holding company in the same manner, subject to the same standards, and with the same frequency as would be required if such activities were conducted in the lead insured depository institution of the depository institution holding company.
(c) State coordination(1) Consultation and coordinationIf a nondepository institution subsidiary is supervised by a State bank supervisor or other State regulatory authority, the Board, in conducting the examinations required in subsection (b), shall consult and coordinate with such State regulator.
(2) Alternating examinations permittedThe examinations required under subsection (b) may be conducted in joint or alternating manner with a State regulator, if the Board determines that an examination of a nondepository institution subsidiary conducted by the State carries out the purposes of this section.
(d) Appropriate Federal banking agency backup examination authority(1) In generalIn the event that the Board does not conduct examinations required under subsection (b) in the same manner, subject to the same standards, and with the same frequency as would be required if such activities were conducted by the lead insured depository institution subsidiary of the depository institution holding company, the appropriate Federal banking agency for the lead insured depository institution may recommend in writing (which shall include a written explanation of the concerns giving rise to the recommendation) that the Board perform the examination required under subsection (b).
(2) Examination by an appropriate Federal banking agencyIf the Board does not, before the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date on which the Board receives a recommendation under paragraph (1), begin an examination as required under subsection (b) or provide a written explanation or plan to the appropriate Federal banking agency making such recommendation responding to the concerns raised by the appropriate Federal banking agency for the lead insured depository institution, the appropriate Federal banking agency for the lead insured depository institution may, subject to the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, examine the activities that are permissible for a depository institution subsidiary conducted by such nondepository institution subsidiary (other than a functionally regulated subsidiary or a subsidiary of a depository institution) of the depository institution holding company as if the nondepository institution subsidiary were an insured depository institution for which the appropriate Federal banking agency of the lead insured depository institution was the appropriate Federal banking agency, to determine whether the activities—(A) pose a material threat to the safety and soundness of any insured depository institution subsidiary of the depository institution holding company;
(B) are conducted in accordance with applicable Federal law; and
(C) are subject to appropriate systems for monitoring and controlling the financial, operating, and other material risks of the activities that may pose a material threat to the safety and soundness of the insured depository institution subsidiaries of the holding company.
(3) Agency coordination with the BoardAn appropriate Federal banking agency that conducts an examination pursuant to paragraph (2) shall coordinate examination of the activities of nondepository institution subsidiaries described in subsection (b) with the Board in a manner that—(A) avoids duplication;
(B) shares information relevant to the supervision of the depository institution holding company;
(C) achieves the objectives of subsection (b); and
(D) ensures that the depository institution holding company and the subsidiaries of the depository institution holding company are not subject to conflicting supervisory demands by such agency and the Board.
(4) Fee permitted for examination costsAn appropriate Federal banking agency that conducts an examination or enforcement action pursuant to this section may collect an assessment, fee, or such other charge from the subsidiary as the appropriate Federal banking agency determines necessary or appropriate to carry out the responsibilities of the appropriate Federal banking agency in connection with such examination.
(e) Referrals for enforcement by appropriate Federal banking agency(1) Recommendation of enforcement actionThe appropriate Federal banking agency for the lead insured depository institution, based upon its examination of a nondepository institution subsidiary conducted pursuant to subsection (d), or other relevant information, may submit to the Board, in writing, a recommendation that the Board take enforcement action against such nondepository institution subsidiary, together with an explanation of the concerns giving rise to the recommendation, if the appropriate Federal banking agency determines (by a vote of its members, if applicable) that the activities of the nondepository institution subsidiary pose a material threat to the safety and soundness of any insured depository institution subsidiary of the depository institution holding company.
(2) Back-up authority of the appropriate Federal banking agencyIf, within the 60-day period beginning on the date on which the Board receives a recommendation under paragraph (1), the Board does not take enforcement action against the nondepository institution subsidiary or provide a plan for supervisory or enforcement action that is acceptable to the appropriate Federal banking agency that made the recommendation pursuant to paragraph (1), such agency may take the recommended enforcement action against the nondepository institution subsidiary, in the same manner as if the nondepository institution subsidiary were an insured depository institution for which the agency was the appropriate Federal banking agency.
(f) Coordination among appropriate Federal banking agenciesEach Federal banking agency, prior to or when exercising authority under subsection (d) or (e) shall—(1) provide reasonable notice to, and consult with, the appropriate Federal banking agency or State bank supervisor (or other State regulatory agency) of the nondepository institution subsidiary of a depository institution holding company that is described in subsection (d) before commencing any examination of the subsidiary;
(2) to the fullest extent possible—(A) rely on the examinations, inspections, and reports of the appropriate Federal banking agency or the State bank supervisor (or other State regulatory agency) of the subsidiary;
(B) avoid duplication of examination activities, reporting requirements, and requests for information; and
(C) ensure that the depository institution holding company and the subsidiaries of the depository institution holding company are not subject to conflicting supervisory demands by the appropriate Federal banking agencies.
(g) Rule of constructionNo provision of this section shall be construed as limiting any authority of the Board, the Corporation, or the Comptroller of the Currency under any other provision of law.

Structure US Code

US Code



§ 1811. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

§ 1812. Management

§ 1813. Definitions

§ 1814. Insured depository institutions

§ 1815. Deposit insurance

§ 1816. Factors to be considered

§ 1817. Assessments

§ 1818. Termination of status as insured depository institution

§ 1819. Corporate powers

§ 1820. Administration of Corporation

§ 1820a. Examination of investment companies

§ 1821. Insurance Funds

§ 1821a. FSLIC Resolution Fund

§ 1822. Corporation as receiver

§ 1823. Corporation monies

§ 1824. Borrowing authority

§ 1825. Issuance of notes, debentures, bonds, and other obligations; exemptions

§ 1826. Forms of obligations; preparation by Secretary of the Treasury

§ 1827. Reports by Corporation; audit of financial transactions; report on audits; employment of certified public accountants for audits

§ 1828. Regulations governing insured depository institutions

§ 1828a. Prudential safeguards

§ 1828b. Interagency data sharing

§ 1829. Penalty for unauthorized participation by convicted individual

§ 1829a. Participation by State nonmember insured banks in lotteries and related activities

§ 1829b. Retention of records by insured depository institutions

§ 1829c. Making online banking initiation legal and easy

§ 1830. Nondiscrimination

§ 1831. Separability of certain provisions of this chapter

§ 1831a. Activities of insured State banks

§ 1831b. Disclosures with respect to certain federally related mortgage loans

§ 1831c. Assuring consistent oversight of subsidiaries of holding companies

§ 1831d. State-chartered insured depository institutions and insured branches of foreign banks

§ 1831e. Activities of savings associations

§ 1831f. Brokered deposits

§ 1831f–1. Repealed. , ,

§ 1831g. Contracts between depository institutions and persons providing goods, products, or services

§ 1831h. Repealed. , ,

§ 1831i. Agency disapproval of directors and senior executive officers of insured depository institutions or depository institution holding companies

§ 1831j. Depository institution employee protection remedy

§ 1831k. Reward for information leading to recoveries or civil penalties

§ 1831l. Coordination of risk analysis between SEC and Federal banking agencies

§ 1831m. Early identification of needed improvements in financial management

§ 1831m–1. Reports of information regarding safety and soundness of depository institutions

§ 1831n. Accounting objectives, standards, and requirements

§ 1831o. Prompt corrective action

§ 1831o–1. Source of strength

§ 1831p. Transferred

§ 1831p–1. Standards for safety and soundness

§ 1831q. FDIC affordable housing program

§ 1831r. Payments on foreign deposits prohibited

§ 1831r–1. Notice of branch closure

§ 1831s. Transferred

§ 1831t. Depository institutions lacking Federal deposit insurance

§ 1831u. Interstate bank mergers

§ 1831v. Authority of State insurance regulator and Securities and Exchange Commission

§ 1831w. Safety and soundness firewalls applicable to financial subsidiaries of banks

§ 1831x. Insurance customer protections

§ 1831y. CRA sunshine requirements

§ 1831z. Bi-annual FDIC survey and report on encouraging use of depository institutions by the unbanked

§ 1831aa. Enforcement of agreements

§ 1831bb. Capital requirements for certain acquisition, development, or construction loans

§ 1831cc. Data standards

§ 1831dd. Open data publication

§ 1832. Withdrawals by negotiable or transferable instruments for transfers to third parties

§ 1833. Repealed. , ,

§ 1833a. Civil penalties

§ 1833b. Comparability in compensation schedules

§ 1833c. Comptroller General audit and access to records

§ 1833d. Repealed. , ,

§ 1833e. Equal opportunity

§ 1834. Reduced assessment rate for deposits attributable to lifeline accounts

§ 1834a. Assessment credits for qualifying activities relating to distressed communities

§ 1834b. Community development organizations

§ 1835. Insured depository institution capital requirements for transfers of small business obligations

§ 1835a. Prohibition against deposit production offices