Texas Statutes
Subchapter Z. Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 51.927. Energy Savings Performance Contracts

(a) In this section, "energy savings performance contract" has the meaning assigned by Section 302.001, Local Government Code.
(b) The governing board of an institution of higher education may enter into an energy savings performance contract in accordance with this section.
(c) Each energy or water conservation measure must comply with current local, state, and federal construction, plumbing, and environmental codes and regulations. Notwithstanding Subsection (a), an energy savings performance contract may not include improvements or equipment that allow or cause water from any condensing, cooling, or industrial process or any system of nonpotable usage over which the public water supply system officials do not have sanitary control, to be returned to the potable water supply.
(d) The board may enter into energy savings performance contracts only with entities that are experienced in the design, implementation, and installation of the energy or water conservation measures addressed by the contract.
(e) Before entering into an energy savings performance contract, the board shall require the provider of the energy or water conservation measures to file with the board a payment and performance bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code. The board may also require a separate bond to cover the value of the guaranteed savings on the contract.
(f) The board may enter into an energy savings performance contract for a period of more than one year only if the board finds that the amount the institution would spend on the energy or water conservation measures will not exceed the amount to be saved in energy, water, wastewater, and operating costs over 20 years from the date of installation. If the term of the contract exceeds one year, the institution's contractual obligation in any year during the term of the contract beginning after the final date of installation may not exceed the total energy, water, wastewater, and operating cost savings, including electrical, gas, water, wastewater, or other utility cost savings and operating cost savings resulting from the measures, as determined by the board in this subsection, divided by the number of years in the contract term beginning after the final date of installation. The board shall consider all costs of the energy or water conservation measures, including costs of design, engineering, installation, maintenance, repairs, and debt service.
(g) An energy savings performance contract may be financed:
(1) under a lease/purchase contract that has a term not to exceed 20 years from the final date of installation and that meets federal tax requirements for tax-free municipal leasing or long-term financing, including a lease/purchase contract under the master equipment lease purchase program administered by the Texas Public Finance Authority under Chapter 1232, Government Code;
(2) with the proceeds of bonds; or
(3) under a contract with the provider of the energy or water conservation measures that has a term not to exceed the lesser of 20 years from the final date of installation or the average useful life of the energy or water conservation or usage measures.
(g-1) Notwithstanding other law, the board may use any available money to pay the provider of the energy or water conservation measures under this section, and the board is not required to pay for such costs solely out of the savings realized by the institution of higher education under an energy savings performance contract. The board may contract with the provider to perform work that is related to, connected with, or otherwise ancillary to the measures identified in the scope of an energy savings performance contract.
(h) An energy savings performance contract shall contain provisions requiring the provider of the energy or water conservation measures to guarantee the amount of the savings to be realized by the institution of higher education under the contract.
(i) An energy savings performance contract shall be let according to the procedures established for procuring certain professional services by Section 2254.004, Government Code. Notice of the request for qualifications shall be given in the manner provided by Section 2156.002, Government Code. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, in consultation with the State Energy Conservation Office with regard to energy and water conservation measures, shall establish guidelines and an approval process for awarding energy savings performance contracts. The guidelines must require that the cost savings projected by an offeror be reviewed by a licensed professional engineer who has a minimum of three years of experience in energy calculation and review, is not an officer or employee of an offeror for the contract under review, and is not otherwise associated with the contract. In conducting the review, the engineer shall focus primarily on the proposed improvements from an engineering perspective, the methodology and calculations related to cost savings, increases in revenue, and, if applicable, efficiency or accuracy of metering equipment. An engineer who reviews a contract shall maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information the engineer acquires while reviewing the contract. A contract is not required to be reviewed or approved by the State Energy Conservation Office. Sections 1001.053 and 1001.407, Occupations Code, apply to work performed under the contract.
(j) The legislature shall base an institution's appropriation for energy, water, and wastewater costs during a fiscal year on the sum of:
(1) the institution's estimated energy, water, and wastewater costs for that fiscal year; and
(2) if an energy savings performance contract is in effect, the institution's estimated net savings resulting from the contract during the contract term, divided by the number of years in the contract term.
(k) Chapter 2269, Government Code, does not apply to this section.
(l) The guidelines established under Subsection (i) must require the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to:
(1) review any reports submitted to the board that measure and verify cost savings to an institution of higher education under an energy savings performance contract; and
(2) based on the reports, provide an analysis, on a periodic basis, of the cost savings under the energy savings performance contract to the governing board of the institution of higher education and the Legislative Budget Board until the governing board of the institution of higher education determines that the analysis is no longer required to accurately measure cost savings.
Added by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., 2nd C.S., ch. 8, Sec. 3.07, eff. Sept. 1, 1991. Amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 76, Sec. 5.95(92), eff. Sept. 1, 1995; Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 773, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 165, Sec. 17.19, eff. Sept. 1, 1997; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 1142, Sec. 2, eff. June 19, 1997; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 627, Sec. 1, eff. June 11, 1997; Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 62, Sec. 4.03, eff. Sept. 1, 1999; Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 361, Sec. 2, eff. Sept; 1, 1999; Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 1450, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1999; ; Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 573, Sec. 3, 4, eff. Sept. 1, 2001; Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 1319, Sec. 2, eff. Sept. 1, 2001; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 1310, Sec. 6, 121(2), eff. June 20, 2003.
Amended by:
Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 527 (S.B. 831), Sec. 2, eff. June 16, 2007.
Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. 982 (H.B. 1728), Sec. 3, eff. September 1, 2011.
Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. 1129 (H.B. 628), Sec. 3.02, eff. September 1, 2011.
Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. 161 (S.B. 1093), Sec. 22.002(7), eff. September 1, 2013.
Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. 537 (S.B. 533), Sec. 1, eff. June 14, 2013.
Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 258 (H.B. 1571), Sec. 2, eff. May 29, 2017.

Structure Texas Statutes

Texas Statutes

Education Code

Title 3 - Higher Education

Subtitle A - Higher Education in General

Chapter 51 - Provisions Generally Applicable to Higher Education

Subchapter Z. Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 51.901. Liability Insurance for Operators of Atomic Energy Reactors

Section 51.902. Contracts for Teacher Training

Section 51.903. Archives; Certified Copies

Section 51.904. Street Closing

Section 51.904. Street Closing

Section 51.9045. Limitation on Use of Eminent Domain

Section 51.905. State-Owned Museum Buildings

Section 51.906. Sequential Education Planning for Nursing Education

Section 51.907. Limitations on Number of Courses That May Be Dropped Under Certain Circumstances

Section 51.908. Faculty Compensation Policies

Section 51.909. Expulsion of Certain Foreign Students

Section 51.9091. Required Notification of Federal Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (Sevis) Regarding Withdrawal or Nonattendance of Certain Foreign Students

Section 51.9095. Student Compliance With Selective Service Registration

Section 51.910. Interviews for Historical Purposes and Collections of Rare Books, Original Manuscripts, Personal Papers, Unpublished Letters, and Audio and Video Tapes

Section 51.911. Religious Holy Days

Section 51.9111. Excused Absence for Required Military Service

Section 51.9112. Reserve Officers' Training Corps (Rotc) Program: Fees and Course Credit

Section 51.912. Equity Ownership; Business Participation

Section 51.913. Executive Search Committees

Section 51.914. Protection of Certain Information

Section 51.915. Academies of Mathematics and Science

Section 51.917. Faculty Members; Use of English

Section 51.918. Rural Health; Family Practice Residency Program

Section 51.919. HIV and AIDS Policy; Information Dissemination

Section 51.9191. Bacterial Meningitis Information for New Students

Section 51.9192. Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Required for Certain Students; Exceptions

Section 51.9193. Required Posting of Mental Health Resources

Section 51.9194. Required Information for Entering Students Regarding Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Services

Section 51.91941. Suicide Prevention Information Required on Student Identification Card

Section 51.9195. Information for Undergraduate Students Regarding Benefits of Timely Graduation

Section 51.920. Technology Transfer

Section 51.9201. Alternative Technology for Colonias

Section 51.921. Posting of Steroid Law Notice

Section 51.922. Mandatory Retirement Prohibited

Section 51.923. Qualifications of Certain Business Entities to Enter Into Contracts With an Institution of Higher Education

Section 51.924. Assessment Instruments Used for Admission Standards

Section 51.9241. Admission of Student With Nontraditional Secondary Education

Section 51.9242. Readmission of Student Who Withdraws to Perform Active Military Service

Section 51.9245. Admission of Person Receiving Athletic Scholarship

Section 51.9246. Compensation and Professional Representation of Student Athletes Participating in Intercollegiate Athletic Programs

Section 51.925. Religious Holy Days

Section 51.926. Payroll Deductions for Qualified Retirement Plans

Section 51.927. Energy Savings Performance Contracts

Section 51.9271. Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs in Educational and Housing Facilities

Section 51.928. Written Contracts or Agreements Between Certain Institutions

Section 51.929. Prohibition Against Certain Extensions of Credit by Certain Retail Stores

Section 51.930. National Student Exchange Program

Section 51.931. Right to an Academic Fresh Start

Section 51.9315. Protected Expression on Campus

Section 51.932. Motor Vehicles Owned and Used by State-Supported Institutions

Section 51.9325. Retirement Incentives

Section 51.933. Immunization Requirements; Exception

Section 51.9335. Acquisition of Goods and Services

Section 51.9336. Electronic and Digital Signatures

Section 51.9337. Purchasing Authority Conditional; Required Standards

Section 51.934. Assignment, Transfer, or Pledge of Compensation

Section 51.935. Disruptive Activities

Section 51.9355. Assistance Relating to Undergraduate Admissions, Financial Aid, and Testing

Section 51.9356. Designation of Liaison Officer to Assist Students Who Are or Were in Foster Care

Section 51.9358. Designation of Support Services Liaison Officer to Assist Students

Section 51.936. Hazing

Section 51.9361. Risk Management Programs for Members and Advisors of Student Organizations

Section 51.9362. Overdose Awareness Training for Residential Advisors and Student Organization Officers

Section 51.9364. Certain Notations Required on Student Transcripts

Section 51.937. Immunity From Liability for Volunteers

Section 51.940. Student Debit Cards

Section 51.941. Purchase of Agricultural Products

Section 51.942. Performance Evaluation of Tenured Faculty

Section 51.943. Renewal of Faculty Employment Contracts

Section 51.945. Student Participation in Selection of Food Service Contracts

Section 51.946. Student Debit Cards at Private or Independent Institutions of Higher Education

Section 51.9461. Charges and Fees for Certain Payments at Private or Independent Institutions of Higher Education

Section 51.947. Payroll Deductions for Certain Organizations

Section 51.948. Restrictions on Contracts With Administrators

Section 51.950. Policy Regulating Student Travel

Section 51.951. Confidentiality of Certain Information Related to Purchase or Sale of Real Estate

Section 51.952. Student Health Insurance

Section 51.953. Certain Revenue Received From Student Health Center Services

Section 51.954. Disclosure of Sponsors of Contracted Research in Public Communications

Section 51.954. Disclosure of Sponsors of Research in Public Communications

Section 51.955. Prohibited State Agency Actions Related to Disclosure of Publicly Funded Research

Section 51.960. Grievance Rights on Certain Personnel Issues

Section 51.961. Leave Provisions for Employees of University System or Component Institution of System

Section 51.9611. Payroll Deductions for Employees of University System or Institution of Higher Education

Section 51.962. Merit Salary Increases

Section 51.963. Employee With Multiple Appointments

Section 51.964. Hiring of Certain Retirees

Section 51.9645. Prohibition Against Certain Activities by Financial Aid Employees

Section 51.965. Employee Notification

Section 51.966. Insurance Coverage

Section 51.967. Limitation on Educational Debt

Section 51.968. Undergraduate Course Credit for High School Students Completing Postsecondary-Level Program

Section 51.9685. Required Filing of Degree Plan

Section 51.96851. Learning Outcomes for Undergraduate Courses

Section 51.96852. Recommended Course Sequences

Section 51.96853. Transfer of Credit From Lower-Division Institutions of Higher Education; Articulation Agreements

Section 51.969. Eligibility for Scholarship; Statement Required

Section 51.970. Instructional Material for Blind and Visually Impaired Students and Students With Dyslexia

Section 51.9701. Assessment for Dyslexia

Section 51.9705. Notice Regarding Availability of Textbooks Through Multiple Retailers

Section 51.971. Compliance Program

Section 51.9715. Release of Student Academic Information

Section 51.972. On-Site Reclaimed System Technologies Curriculum

Section 51.973. Information Regarding Gang-Free Zones

Section 51.974. Internet Access to Course Information

Section 51.9741. Internet Access to Financial Transactions

Section 51.9745. Internet Access to Faculty Information

Section 51.9746. Internet Access to Employment Data

Section 51.975. Sharing of Underused Classrooms

Section 51.976. Training and Examination Program for Employees of Campus Programs for Minors on Warning Signs of Sexual Abuse and Child Molestation

Section 51.9761. Child Abuse Reporting Policy and Training

Section 51.977. Employment Policies for Certain Persons Employed by Medical and Dental Units

Section 51.978. Temporary Housing Between Academic Terms for Certain Students Formerly Under Conservatorship of Department of Family and Protective Services

Section 51.981. Off-Campus Workforce Education or Lower-Division Programs Requested by Employers