Texas Statutes
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Section 38.011. Dietary Supplements

Sec. 38.011. DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS. (a) A school district employee may not:
(1) knowingly sell, market, or distribute a dietary supplement that contains performance enhancing compounds to a primary or secondary education student with whom the employee has contact as part of the employee's school district duties; or
(2) knowingly endorse or suggest the ingestion, intranasal application, or inhalation of a dietary supplement that contains performance enhancing compounds by a primary or secondary education student with whom the employee has contact as part of the employee's school district duties.
(b) This section does not prohibit a school district employee from:
(1) providing or endorsing a dietary supplement that contains performance enhancing compounds to, or suggesting the ingestion, intranasal application, or inhalation of a dietary supplement that contains performance enhancing compounds by, the employee's child; or
(2) selling, marketing, or distributing a dietary supplement that contains performance enhancing compounds to, or endorsing or suggesting the ingestion, intranasal application, or inhalation of a dietary supplement that contains performance enhancing compounds by, a primary or secondary education student as part of activities that:
(A) do not occur on school property or at a school-related function;
(B) are entirely separate from any aspect of the employee's employment with the school district; and
(C) do not in any way involve information about or contacts with students that the employee has had access to, directly or indirectly, through any aspect of the employee's employment with the school district.
(c) A person who violates this section commits an offense. An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor.
(d) In this section:
(1) "Dietary supplement" has the meaning assigned by 21 U.S.C. Section 321 and its subsequent amendments.
(2) "Performance enhancing compound" means a manufactured product for oral ingestion, intranasal application, or inhalation that:
(A) contains a stimulant, amino acid, hormone precursor, herb or other botanical, or any other substance other than an essential vitamin or mineral; and
(B) is intended to increase athletic or intellectual performance, promote muscle growth, or increase an individual's endurance or capacity for exercise.
Added by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 1086, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1999.

Structure Texas Statutes

Texas Statutes

Education Code

Title 2 - Public Education

Subtitle G - Safe Schools

Chapter 38 - Health and Safety

Subchapter A. General Provisions

Section 38.001. Immunization; Requirements; Exceptions

Section 38.002. Immunization Records; Reporting

Section 38.0025. Dissemination of Bacterial Meningitis Information

Section 38.003. Screening and Treatment for Dyslexia and Related Disorders

Section 38.0031. Classroom Technology Plan for Students With Dyslexia

Section 38.0032. Dyslexia Training Opportunities

Section 38.004. Child Abuse Reporting and Programs

Section 38.0041. Policies Addressing Sexual Abuse and Other Maltreatment of Children

Section 38.0042. Posting Child Abuse Hotline Telephone Number

Section 38.005. Protective Eye Devices in Public Schools

Section 38.006. E-Cigarettes and Tobacco Products on School Property

Section 38.007. Alcohol-Free School Zones

Section 38.008. Posting of Steroid Law Notice

Section 38.009. Access to Medical Records

Section 38.0095. Parental Access to Medical Records

Section 38.010. Outside Counselors

Section 38.0101. Authority to Employ or Contract With Nonphysician Mental Health Professional

Section 38.011. Dietary Supplements

Section 38.012. Notice Concerning Health Care Services

Section 38.013. Coordinated Health Program for Elementary, Middle, and Junior High School Students

Section 38.014. Implementation of Coordinated Health Program for Elementary, Middle, and Junior High School Students

Section 38.0141. Reporting of Certain Health and Safety Information Required

Section 38.015. Self-Administration of Prescription Asthma or Anaphylaxis Medicine by Students

Section 38.0151. Policies for Care of Certain Students at Risk for Anaphylaxis

Section 38.0152. Committee to Assist in Updating Guidelines for Care of Students at Risk for Anaphylaxis

Section 38.016. Psychotropic Drugs and Psychiatric Evaluations or Examinations

Section 38.017. Availability of Automated External Defibrillator

Section 38.018. Procedures Regarding Response to Cardiac Arrest

Section 38.0181. Cardiovascular Screening Pilot Program

Section 38.019. Immunization Awareness Program

Section 38.021. Use of Sunscreen Products

Section 38.022. School Visitors

Section 38.023. List of Resources Concerning Internet Safety

Section 38.0231. Guidelines for Use of Digital Devices

Section 38.024. Insurance Against Student Injuries

Section 38.026. Grant Program for Best Practices in Nutrition Education

Section 38.027. Electronic Communication Policy

Section 38.030. Traumatic Injury Response Protocol

Section 38.031. Notice of Lice

Section 38.032. Seizure Management and Treatment Plan

Section 38.033. Seizure Recognition and Related First Aid Training

Section 38.034. School Health and Related Services Program; Eligibility for Audiology Services

Section 38.036. Trauma-Informed Care Policy