Texas Statutes
Chapter 38 - Evidence in Criminal Actions
Article 38.31. Interpreters for Deaf Persons

(b) Following the filing of an indictment, information, or complaint against a deaf defendant, the court on the motion of the defendant shall appoint a qualified interpreter to interpret in a language that the defendant can understand, including but not limited to sign language, communications concerning the case between the defendant and defense counsel. The interpreter may not disclose a communication between the defendant and defense counsel or a fact that came to the attention of the interpreter while interpreting those communications if defense counsel may not disclose that communication or fact.
(c) In all cases where the mental condition of a person is being considered and where such person may be committed to a mental institution, and where such person is deaf, all of the court proceedings pertaining to him shall be interpreted by a qualified interpreter appointed by the court.
(d) A proceeding for which an interpreter is required to be appointed under this Article may not commence until the appointed interpreter is in a position not exceeding ten feet from and in full view of the deaf person.
(e) The interpreter appointed under the terms of this Article shall be required to take an oath that he will make a true interpretation to the person accused or being examined, which person is deaf, of all the proceedings of his case in a language that he understands; and that he will repeat said deaf person's answer to questions to counsel, court, or jury, in the English language, in his best skill and judgment.
(f) Interpreters appointed under this Article are entitled to a reasonable fee determined by the court after considering the recommendations of the Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. When travel of the interpreter is involved all the actual expenses of travel, lodging, and meals incurred by the interpreter pertaining to the case he is appointed to serve shall be paid at the same rate applicable to state employees.
(g) In this Code:
(1) "Deaf person" means a person who has a hearing impairment, regardless of whether the person also has a speech impairment, that inhibits the person's comprehension of the proceedings or communication with others.
(2) "Qualified interpreter" means an interpreter for the deaf who holds a current legal certificate issued by the National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf or a current court interpreter certificate issued by the Board for Evaluation of Interpreters at the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services.
Acts 1965, 59th Leg., vol. 2, p. 317, ch. 722. Amended by Acts 1967, 60th Leg., p. 195, ch. 105, Sec. 2, eff. Aug. 28, 1967.
Amended by Acts 1979, 66th Leg., p. 396, ch. 186, Sec. 1, eff. May 15, 1979; Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 434, Sec. 1, eff. June 17, 1987; Subsec. (f) amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 835, Sec. 14, eff. Sept. 1, 1995.
Amended by:
Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. 614 (H.B. 2200), Sec. 11, eff. September 1, 2006.
Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. 161 (S.B. 1093), Sec. 3.006, eff. September 1, 2013.

Structure Texas Statutes

Texas Statutes

Code of Criminal Procedure

Title 1 - Code of Criminal Procedure

Chapter 38 - Evidence in Criminal Actions

Article 38.01. Texas Forensic Science Commission

Article 38.02. Effect Under Public Information Law of Release of Certain Information

Article 38.03. Presumption of Innocence

Article 38.04. Jury Are Judges of Facts

Article 38.05. Judge Shall Not Discuss Evidence

Article 38.07. Testimony in Corroboration of Victim of Sexual Offense

Article 38.071. Testimony of Child Who Is Victim of Offense

Article 38.072. Hearsay Statement of Certain Abuse Victims

Article 38.073. Testimony of Inmate Witnesses

Article 38.074. Testimony of Child in Prosecution of Offense

Article 38.075. Corroboration of Certain Testimony Required

Article 38.076. Testimony of Forensic Analyst by Video Teleconference

Article 38.08. Defendant May Testify

Article 38.10. Exceptions to the Spousal Adverse Testimony Privilege

Article 38.101. Communications by Drug Abusers

Article 38.11. Journalist's Qualified Testimonial Privilege in Criminal Proceedings

Article 38.111. News Media Recordings

Article 38.12. Religious Opinion

Article 38.14. Testimony of Accomplice

Article 38.141. Testimony of Undercover Peace Officer or Special Investigator

Article 38.15. Two Witnesses in Treason

Article 38.16. Evidence in Treason

Article 38.17. Two Witnesses Required

Article 38.18. Perjury and Aggravated Perjury

Article 38.19. Intent to Defraud: Certain Offenses

Article 38.20. Photograph and Live Lineup Identification Procedures

Article 38.21. Statement

Article 38.22. When Statements May Be Used

Article 38.23. Evidence Not to Be Used

Article 38.25. Written Part of Instrument Controls

Article 38.27. Evidence of Handwriting

Article 38.30. Interpreter

Article 38.31. Interpreters for Deaf Persons

Article 38.32. Presumption of Death

Article 38.33. Preservation and Use of Evidence of Certain Misdemeanor Convictions

Article 38.34. Photographic Evidence in Theft Cases

Article 38.35. Forensic Analysis of Evidence; Admissibility

Article 38.36. Evidence in Prosecutions for Murder

Article 38.37. Evidence of Extraneous Offenses or Acts

Article 38.371. Evidence in Prosecution of Offense Committed Against Member of Defendant's Family or Household or Person in Dating Relationship With Defendant

Article 38.38. Evidence Relating to Retaining Attorney

Article 38.39. Evidence in an Aggregation Prosecution With Numerous Victims

Article 38.40. Evidence of Pregnancy

Article 38.41. Certificate of Analysis

Article 38.42. Chain of Custody Affidavit

Article 38.43. Evidence Containing Biological Material

Article 38.435. Prohibited Use of Evidence From Forensic Medical Examination Performed on Victim of Sexual Assault

Article 38.44. Admissibility of Electronically Preserved Document

Article 38.45. Evidence Depicting or Describing Abuse of or Sexual Conduct by Child or Minor

Article 38.451. Evidence Depicting Invasive Visual Recording of Child

Article 38.46. Evidence in Prosecutions for Stalking

Article 38.47. Evidence in Aggregation Prosecution for Fraud or Theft Committed With Respect to Numerous Medicaid or Medicare Recipients

Article 38.471. Evidence in Prosecution for Exploitation of Child, Elderly Individual, or Disabled Individual

Article 38.48. Evidence in Prosecution for Tampering With Witness or Prospective Witness Involving Family Violence

Article 38.49. Forfeiture by Wrongdoing

Article 38.50. Retention and Preservation of Toxicological Evidence of Certain Intoxication Offenses