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Section 1. Definitions - Sec. 1. DEFINITIONS. In this article: (1) "Communication service provider"...
Section 2. Purpose - Sec. 2. PURPOSE. The purpose of this article is to...
Section 3. Privilege - Sec. 3. PRIVILEGE. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this...
Section 4. Privilege Concerning Confidential Sources - Sec. 4. PRIVILEGE CONCERNING CONFIDENTIAL SOURCES. (a) A journalist may...
Section 5. Privilege Concerning Unpublished Information, Document, or Item and Nonconfidential Sources - Sec. 5. PRIVILEGE CONCERNING UNPUBLISHED INFORMATION, DOCUMENT, OR ITEM AND...
Section 6. Notice - Sec. 6. NOTICE. An order to compel testimony, production, or...
Section 7. Publication of Privileged Information - Sec. 7. PUBLICATION OF PRIVILEGED INFORMATION. Publication or dissemination by...
Section 8. Published Information - Sec. 8. PUBLISHED INFORMATION. This article does not apply to...
Section 9. Reimbursement of Costs - Sec. 9. REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS. The subpoenaing party shall pay...