South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 06 - Legislative Committees And Investigations
Section 2-6-4.1 - Report may be required where audit finding reoccurs--Contents of report.

2-6-4.1. Report may be required where audit finding reoccurs--Contents of report.
If an audit report of any department, institution, board, or agency of the state includes an audit finding that also occurred in an immediately preceding year, the Government Operations and Audit Committee may require the department, institution, board, or agency to present a report, as part of its budget hearing, during the succeeding legislative session. The report to the Appropriations Committees shall include the reasons for not implementing the audit recommendations and a corrective action plan.

Source: SL 2000, ch 21, ยง1.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 2 - Legislature and Statutes

Chapter 06 - Legislative Committees And Investigations

Section 2-6-1 - Administration of oaths by committee member.

Section 2-6-2 - Composition and appointment of Government Operations and Audit Committee--Duties and reports--Assistance.

Section 2-6-4 - Investigative authority of Government Operations and Audit Committee--Subpoenas.

Section 2-6-4.1 - Report may be required where audit finding reoccurs--Contents of report.

Section 2-6-4.2 - Criteria for issuing subpoena.

Section 2-6-5 - Disobedience of legislative summons as misdemeanor.

Section 2-6-6 - Refusal to testify or produce evidence before Legislature as misdemeanor.

Section 2-6-7 - Forfeiture of office by legislator in violation--Disqualification from public office.

Section 2-6-8 - Retirement laws study committee created--Purpose.

Section 2-6-9 - Appointment and terms of Retirement Laws Committee members--Political affiliations.

Section 2-6-10 - Officers of Retirement Laws Committee--Staff assistance.

Section 2-6-11 - Study of retirement laws by committee--Emphasis.

Section 2-6-12 - Legislative drafts and recommendations by Retirement Laws Committee--Reports--Review of proposals.

Section 2-6-14 - Joint Bonding Review Committee established--Agencies subject to review by joint committee.

Section 2-6-15 - Reports by bonding entities to joint committee--Contents--Other assistance.

Section 2-6-16 - Reports to joint committee on particular issues of bonds or notes--Contents.

Section 2-6-17 - Detailed accounting to committee on underlying security and investments.

Section 2-6-18 - Agency explanation to committee of programs and operations.

Section 2-6-19 - Water Development Oversight Committee created--Purpose.

Section 2-6-20 - State-Tribal Relations Committee created.

Section 2-6-21 - Membership of State-Tribal Relations Committee.

Section 2-6-22 - Committee heads--Staff assistance.

Section 2-6-23 - Responsibilities of State-Tribal Relations Committee.

Section 2-6-35 - Government Operations and Audit Committee to implement performance management review process.

Section 2-6-36 - Performance management and state agency defined.

Section 2-6-37 - Performance management review--Schedule--Content--Uniform template.

Section 2-6-38 - Agency report highlighting performance measures showing progress toward desired outcomes.

Section 2-6-39 - Annual compiled report presented to legislators--Website.